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Retribution v. Reform in American Justice

…od title I would ever come up with. I have joked with friends that I would sell more books if I had used “The Furnace of Affection” instead. How do you feel about the cover? Love it. For a while, I wondered if UNC Press would dig up an old image of a flaming industrial furnace. That might have been exciting, but it actually would not have been true to the reformers’ ideas about what the “furnace of affliction” should be. The image on the cover com…

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Julian Assange Nativity, Castro’s Hanukkah, & a Burger Blessing

…majority of Muslims. Some Israeli rabbis have told local residents not to sell or rent property to non-Jews. Tension is mounting between the FBI and California Muslim communities. A former FBI informant alleges the FBI is sending informants to infiltrate mosques and entrap worshipers. The FBI is also worried about why so many Latinos are converting to Islam and being “radicalized” in the United States. More states are considering bans on sharia l…

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GOP Hopeful Herman Cain: Jesus was “The Perfect Conservative”

…match for fiscal conservatives, either. Cain supported the Wall Street bailout plan and called the purchase of bank stocks by the U.S. Treasury a “win-win.” So that’s two blemishes on his record for Tea Party free marketers. Herman Cain knows how to sell a product, whether it’s a pizza or himself. As primary season grows closer we can expect him to continue to fashion himself into someone that appeals to the fiscally minded Tea Party and conservat…

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Arcade Fire and the Suburban Soul

…this was just the year to give some recognition to indie rock outfits who sell their music through their own initiative and through the street cred of small music publishers like Arcade Fire’s label, Merge Records. But beyond the usual high school politics of these shows, the upset award for this indie band provides an opportunity for assessing some religious explorations of the contemporary soul. The Dark Night of the Suburbs Has there been a ma…

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Is Wisconsin Union-Busting Religiously Sanctioned?

…oyees the freedom to make contracts. They do not allow non-union people to sell their labor at lower wages; thus they create institutional unemployment for they are also strong advocates of minimum wage laws. There is nothing wrong with workers bargaining with employers about wages. What is wrong is when unions are able to get the government behind them. This means that bargaining is done at gunpoint. The fact that government backs them also means…

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Tea Party’s Cosmic Conflict in Wisconsin

…since the 2010 election. What does distinguish them is this sacred enemy that holds them together and drives them forward. The left does not have a sacred enemy to guide them and unite them. Who do progressives fear? Fascists? Theocrats? Won’t sell for most of America. The rich? The religious right? They’re still idolized by too many to be demonized. Until a more threatening and powerful enemy appears on the scene, American politics will continue…

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The Vampire Who Beat Wells Fargo

…mericans consider statements from banks to be “not at all believable.” The number is even higher for mortgage companies. Last month, Patrick Rodgers of Philadelphia “foreclosed” on a local Wells Fargo branch. In an act of legal jiujitsu, Rodgers was able to prove that Wells Fargo exhibited a pattern of failing to communicate with its clients and was awarded $1000. When the bank didn’t pay, he arranged for a sheriff’s levy to sell the bank’s assets…

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The Jersey Shores of Tripoli: MTV and Arab Revolution

…s, colors, or religions. But this is often how history is told, and how we sell ourselves to the world. So it’s not hard to see how people in the Arab world might lose hope that their regimes, and their societies, facing myriad problems, could ever change. They would believe that white folks were somehow just superior. And then they watch some guy punch Snooki in the face, and they know in their heart: Yes, we can, too. The magic power of white cu…

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Is Terry Jones the Death Rattle of the White Male Protestant?

…ublic Religion Research Institute based on post-2010 election surveys, the number of white Protestants in America is projected to decline dramatically in the next fifty years. This is one of the most significant demographic shifts in American history. One can easily see how this might lead to more individuals like Jones entering the culture wars to battle against the perceived moral and mortal threats destroying their peculiar vision of Christian…

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Marxism, the Opium of the Professoriate?

…there is a spiritual, or ‘otherworldly’ side to Marxism: But it is not the otherworldly as the parsons conceive of it. It is the other world which socialists hope to build in the future, in place of one which is clearly past its sell-by date. The old-fashioned word ‘parsons’ conceals an awkwardness: Eagleton is more aware than he lets on that Marxism and religion are not so easily separated. One hopes that he will reflect on this more openly in a…

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