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Progressive Christian: Wallis “No Longer Speaks for Us”

…gue on difficult issues within our editorial pages and we typically do not sell display advertising relating to issues amongst people of faith that have unfortunately and too often been reduced to political wedge issues. I’m pretty sure that characterizing inclusion of LGBT people at church as a “political wedge issue” will do little to assuage Wallis’ critics. UPDATE #2: Wallis has issued his own statement, which includes the same note I quoted f…

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Remembering Gil Scott-Heron

…televised But in this land of milk and honey there’s a date you’ve got to sell it by Otherwise it just expires and spoils And these folks jump out the pot when the water’s too hot, because the fire boils. Nevertheless, Scott-Heron remained a significant creative force, and in 2010 his record I’m New Here was well received (for example earning a 8.5 rating on There would be no Talib Kweli or other exemplary conscious rappers like L…

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Can’t “Truss” a White Conservative’s Pledge

…t on African-American families. White slave owners broke apart families to sell, raped black women, and often confiscated the babies from these forced unions. Somehow, conservatives like Bob Vander Plaats forget to mention that. They are too busy buying into the fake history of the forefathers from WallBuilders. The statement that a child born into slavery in 1860 was more likely to be raised by his mother and father in a two-parent household is a…

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Pastafarian Rights, Israeli Rosa Parks, Orthodox
Jewish P.I.

…as the religious headgear of his Pastafarianism. The Church of England may sell its $6 million share in the scandalized News Corp. Controversy continues to surround a south Indian temple and its billions in hidden treasure. In the U.S., second-generation Indian Americans are working to Americanize Hinduism. The Hill Cumorah Pageant wraps up this weekend in New York. The festival takes place on the site where Mormon founder Joseph Smith discovered…

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So You’ve Decided to Run for Senate Against a Pro Wrestling Mogul

…restling matches, are designed primarily to rile up partisan audiences and sell advertising time.  Perhaps the reason this election cycle lunacy appeals to me so much is because I’m also an unabashed aficionado of professional wrestling; the two genres look so similar to me.  For example, the evening news might introduce candidate Perry as the Governor of Texas, but when I look at him, I see a campaign-trail version of WWE superstar J.B.L., with h…

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Christian Conservatives Turn Off A Generation Of Voters (Or Maybe Not)

…rcent of Americans indicated “none” as religious affiliation. By 2008 that number had grown to 17 percent. But among young adults, in their twenties, the percent of “nones” is reaching nearly 30%. The new “nones” are heavily concentrated among those who have come of age since 1990. Why is this so ground-shaking? Because religiously unaffiliated voters, along with seculars, atheists and members of “small” religious sects, are some of the Democratic…

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Pricking the Conscience of Churches: From AIDS Activism to Ending World Hunger

…and HIV as twinned issues in, for example, your 2010 book Names, Not Just Numbers: Facing Global Aids and World Hunger. I have to admit I love the title and its humane thrust. What do you see as the core reasons these issues are related? I already touched on this in response to an earlier question, when I sought to demonstrate the link between hunger and HIV. Let me expand my comments a bit. People who are HIV positive and who lack appropriate tr…

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I Would Also Like a Splinter Scouting Organization, Please

…appen to like, while reserving the privilege not to pay membership dues or sell cookies or attend meetings and, oh, incidentally, they shall be forced by conviction to replace the word “Scouts” with “Hideous Disappointments.” (Oh sweet Duncan Hines, I really hope I’m not giving anyone any ideas here.) They’re just… leaving Girl Scouts, and making the case for why. Presumably people who agree with them that God hates certain widespread behaviors wi…

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Gay and Christian and About to Lose Their Jobs

…festyle statement.” The statement asks employees to affirm that they won’t sell or possess illegal drugs or drink alcohol within six hours of school functions. That all sounds innocuous enough, but, as the GA Voice reports, one vow stands out: “I reject as acceptable all sexual activity not in agreement with the Bible, including, but not limited to, premarital sex, adultery and homosexuality.” It’s not shocking that a Southern Baptist school would…

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The Revolujah! Will Be Performed: Reverend Billy’s Reality Joke

…freedom from history, and emptied those words of meaning by using them to sell products, from breath mints to war.” Billy wants to put meaning back into those words, back into ideas of freedom and community. His strategies for exposing their current bankruptcy are an amalgamation of signs from many institutional, theatrical, and cultural realms. But the most dominant are, absolutely, post-Reformation images of the preacher. Does that sound about…

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