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Unbuckling the Bible Belt: “Nashville” and the Nones

…industry. Season 2 reaffirms the Bluebird’s church-like status: it is the site for Scarlett’s album debut after she nobly refused to let record executives craft a false, PR glamorous image for her. True to her rootsy musical persona, Scarlett appears triumphantly at the Bluebird after having managed to hold tight to her artistic virtue, in a white dress and scarce makeup, and sounding an awful lot like Iris DeMent. Gunnar, too, engages in authent…

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Does Multiverse Theory Bring Theology Into Science?

…theories. Rubenstein also demonstrates how multiverse cosmologies can be a site for “reconfiguring” the traditional boundaries between science and religion. RD spoke with Rubenstein recently about her new book. What initially inspired you to write Worlds Without End? Five or six years ago, I was clamoring to find something to write for a conference on energy, a topic about which I knew nothing at all. One morning, I came across a feature in the Ne…

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When Satire is Redundant

Eleven or twelve years ago, I wrote for a website of Mormon satire called the Sugar Beet, modeled on the Onion. Every writer there but me was active and had a temple recommend, so both personal conviction and editorial policy meant that there were a few topics that absolutely couldn’t be mocked, but any other aspect of Mormon culture was fair game.  Some of the pieces I wrote had titles like “Vegas Win Attributed to Obedience to Law of Tithing” (…

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What 19th-Century Marriage Controversies Can Tell Us About The Fight Over Gay Marriage

…Americans were experimenting with public identity, and marriage became one site of experimentation. During this time, for example, Oneida Perfectionists practiced free love (or communal marriage) and Mormons began practicing polygamy. They were certainly controversial during their time (both groups were run out of various communities), but there seemed to be cultural space for experiments in marriage, religion, and public identity. On the other ha…

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Conservative Christians Disgusted With Palin’s Religious Talk

…ism rather than means of God’s grace. In fact, that’s exactly what the web site of Wasilla Bible Church says. But I would hope that even these traditions wouldn’t take it so lightly as to joke about it in the context of waterboarding. Or even if it is considered OK to joke about waterboarding being baptism by these folks, I’d hope they recognize how blasphemous it sounds to the ears of Christians who retain the historic and high view of the sacram…

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Sneak Preview

…We’re working hard to create a better, faster, more nimble site. If there’s a feature you’d really like to see, or a glitch that needs attention, drop us a line at and we’ll put it on the list. –The Eds  …

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Experimental Theater Meets Experimental Faith: The Wooster Group’s “Early Shaker Spirituals”

…ny made their ownpilgrimage to Sabbathday Lake and other East Coast Shaker sites; it was longtime company member Kate Valk’s first trip. The Wooster Group has a unique way of working with source material, beginning with a meticulous recreation of that source. The performers wear visible earpieces and microphones over their plain cotton dresses so as to stay in sync with the recording. The Shakers too, we find out, though famous for their “shape-no…

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Jewish? Ready for Hillary?

…es that matter most to Jewish Americans,” reads the new section of the web site of the Super PAC Ready for Hillary, Jewish Americans Ready for Hillary! (Don’t forget the exclamation point to indicate your ultimate readiness). “In every corner of this country, members of the Jewish American community are signing up to say that they are Ready for Hillary!” (Again.) According to a press release from Clinton’s effusive Jewish supporters, Rachel Schnei…

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The Sacred Objects of 9/11

…to the space as “sacred,” and suggest people will make “pilgrimage” to the site. The language is more than mere museum visitor attending a public institution. The space is hallowed ground. We secular people may not believe we are fetishists, bowing to divine sculptures for help in fertility and war, but our responses at memorials and museums show that we at least continue to be functional animists. There is an animating force at work within the ma…

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Taking (Public School) Teachers to Church, and the Mosque, and the Temple…

…ople into the classroom to speak about their faiths, and by visiting local sites that are important to faith communities—all the while focused on keeping to an academic, “outsider” (and not devotional, “insider”) perspective. To those of who report on religion and its role in society and culture, it seems clear that a solid education should include the study of religion(s). And yet there’s some confusion about what it means to teach religion as a…

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