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Mississippi’s Personhood Bill Makes God Look Bad

…ent implantation of the FEP. Also unthinkable under such a law is medical experimentation on embryos. Hey, those are people you’re experimenting on! Even microscopic persons have rights. Fertility clinics? Shut your doors. You can’t kill FEP’s just because you want to make a baby. Also, how do the poor IRS people handle those who add FEPs as dependents on their tax returns? The Census Bureau will also be hobbled in estimating the actual population…

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Romney not Precisely Familiar with Questioning Obama’s Faith, but Stands By It

…ould be a nation of religious tolerance. Also, without question, the legal code in this country is based upon Judeo-Christian values and teachings, Biblical teachings, and for the president not to understand that a wide array of religions and a conviction that Judeo-Christian philosophy is an integral part of our foundation is really an extraordinary thing. I think again that the president takes his philosophical leanings in this regard, not from…

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How Many Ways to be Mormon and Gay?

…ame-gender attracted. LDS. Mormon. Active. Less active. Unorthodox. Open. Ex. Mixed-orientation married. Same-sex married. Partnered. Single. Divorced. Pick any two or three of these adjectives. Link them with a conjunction like “but” or “and.” As many combinations as you can imagine: that’s how many ways there are to negotiate being gay in the Mormon tradition. And this weekend in Salt Lake City, Mormons from across the sexuality and orthodoxy sp…

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How (Not) to Understand Romney’s Time as an LDS Bishop

…adhering to the LDS Church’s conservative positions on gender is nothing exceptional for a Mormon bishop. Like most clergy, bishops typically uphold the policies of the institution they serve. This, of course, does not excuse Romney’s egregious incidences of coldness and disrespect towards women as reported in Salon and elsewhere. But it’s wrong to depict Mitt Romney as some kind of hardliner, because as far as Mormon men of his generation go, on…

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Trump as GOP’s New Televangelist

…, who wants a Christian president, particularly one who would revise the tax code “so we can rejoice together because it would stimulate economic growth.” (Huckabee’s hosted debate, though, this past weekend, was more of a snooze than a circus.) In 2008 Huckabee got a fundraising boost from Kenneth Copeland, Word of Faith megastar. Copeland, at the time under investigation by the Senate Finance Committee for misuse of tax-deductible donor funds, c…

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Gingrich on “Teh Gay”

…to defend “traditional” marriage and defend “religious liberty,” which is code for defending the religious right’s ability to bully gay and lesbian people at will using God as their shield. But, wait, there’s more. Gingrich has hit the conservative Christian trifecta by sitting down with the Des Moines Register’s editorial board to affirm that opposition to marriage equality stating that there is a “big difference between saying that you’re to ha…

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The “Majority Victimhood”

…l. “No councilmember should vote for this bill if it excludes former homosexuals. Ex-gays like me deserve the same equal rights that gays enjoy. We urge Quark to include all minorities in his bill, and not just favored groups,” said Grace Harley from PFOX. Actually, Grace, if someone is a “former homosexual” that would make them a heterosexual with way more rights than any LGBT person right now. Back in 1992, there were no “gay marriages” or pendi…

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Is Mitt’s Mormonism Responsible for South Carolina Loss?

…ynamic Sarah Posner wrote about here. I’ve often noted that Romney doesn’t code traditional “tough-guy” masculine, which I believe is attributable to Mormon culture. 5. Religiosity subsumes ethics. Despite last-minute revelations of marital infidelity that could have impacted religiously-identified voters, Gingrich soared. That too is a curious South Carolina outcome that begs for clarification. I’ll be talking about “God and Politics” Tuesday at…

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Contraception Isn’t Meat

…on that he is the one who casts it is because of the God-given differences between men and women. Men are designed to take more initiative and to be more active in the public sphere, and women’s bodies make it easier for them to stay closer to home, especially when they have young children. But both sexes are equal, and if a man is disregarding his wife’s input into elections, then he isn’t following what we teach.” Of course, this does nothing to…

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Santorum Spokesperson Confuses “Radical Environmentalism” with “Radical Islamic” Policies with “Theological Secularism”

…Christianity, vying for domination in the world. And you’ve probably been exposed to the false claim that global warming is a hoax, that environmentalism “and its ramifications must be clearly understood by Christians so that we can protect ourselves and especially our children from the unbiblical brainwash that permeates our schools, media, popular culture, and yes, our churches,” according to Christian Worldview radio host David Wheaton. Unpacki…

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