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Pope Invites his Flock to Join Facebook: Is the Digital Reformation Here?

…young. While it’s true that more than 90 percent of teens use the internet, usage by adults has climbed some 30 percent over the past decade, with nearly 80 percent using the internet. According to the Pew Internet & American Life Project, three-quarters of American adults had a Facebook profile in 2009. Which is to say that the internet—and social media in particular—is not entirely wasted on the young. Likewise, Ritchie was right to note that B…

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Looking For Answers at the Oscars: A Guide to This Year’s Contenders

…hreatened with apocalyptic extinction (The Road, Terminator Salvation, 2012, 9), and/or with becoming something other than human: Na’vi (Avatar), “prawns” (District 9), fish (Ponyo), frogs (The Princess and the Frog), or zombies (Zombieland). The humans we praised needed to be somehow super-human (Watchmen), or fulfillers of fantasy (Inglorious Basterds). Theologically these extra-human cinematic speculations challenged the idea of what it means t…

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Mitt, the Marriotts, and Porn

…vation before the advent of the smart phone.   And if we want to start a serious conversation about where presidential candidates get their money and how ethical that money is, let’s do it. I have a laundry list of labor, environmental, feminist, and human rights issues with multinational corporations I’d love to start working through. But don’t give me a thin, opportunistic connect-the-Mormon-dots story and pretend it’s actually about morality. T…

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Lila Rose Targets Planned Parenthood with Lies

…can’t commit a sin to bring about a greater good. That point was made in oh, say, the 1968 papal encyclical reaffirming the Catholic Church’s ban on artificial birth control. “Neither is it valid to argue,” the encyclical states, “that a lesser evil is to be preferred to a greater one… [I]t is never lawful, even for the gravest reasons, to do evil that good may come of it[.]” (Humanae Vitae II.14) Awkward. Now, that’s not to say that all of Live A…

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“God Created You”: Bishop Supports Gay Ugandans, Defies Death Threats

…is skeptical of the suspect’s all-too-convenient confession. “What was said, to me, is very suspicious.” While he admits he isn’t exactly sure what happened to his friend, Senyonjo still believes that Kato was targeted as the result of the hate stirred up by the Rolling Stone. “I think he has been among the people hunted down.” “The Threats are There, But the Struggle Will Go On” Senyonjo’s work on behalf of Uganda’s gays and lesbians has never be…

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Pro-Gay Marriage Mormon Keeps Faith Despite Church Pressure

…l leaders she had sacrificed something essential to her Mormonism—something, in fact, essential to faith itself: individual conscience and the courage to act on it. She decided to put the video back up for Valentine’s Day. (See it here.) Melanie’s story reveals the uncomfortable reality that the LDS Church has a track record of monitoring the political activities of members who write and speak in public. Mormon liberals who go public on sensitive…

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To: Discovery Institute;
Re: Creationist Tactics Pre-Dating the Exposure of ID as a Fraud

…he testified during the Dover trial, the evidence only takes one so far and, in the end, one really does need faith.) Still, West is correct. Discovery Institute folks had long been promoting critical analysis – when they weren’t busy also promoting intelligent design. As is their modus operandi, they switch between intelligent design and coded phrases like “teach the controversy” when it serves their purposes. For an example of their promotion of…

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Joe Bageant, author of Deer Hunting with Jesus: 1946-2011

…ered. As a boy who grew up poor in the Shenandoah Mountains near Winchester, Va., Bageant always wrote with great affection, but also with brutal honesty, of his people. Even though I never got to meet him, I feel as if I have lost a friend today. After reading Deer Hunting, I was moved to e-mail Bageant. As I now realize he did with many of his readers, Bageant wrote back a thoughtful note and we struck up a correspondence. We spoke on the phone

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Damned if You Do, Damned if You Don’t: The Problem of the Rape Exception

…you pass a law which says that only rape victims can procure abortions; and, also, you’re inclined to impart bad motives to women facing unintended pregnancies; then you might be able to imagine a scenario in which a woman gets an abortion by untruthfully claiming that she was raped. Ah, gotcha! But since this Lying Lady Sex-Haver is thus far hypothetical, surely we can overlay other variables onto her life, right? Flesh out her character a bit mo…

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“You’ve Never Met a Muslim”

…soul. The next morning, the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were struck, thousands were murdered, New York City went into lockdown, and our community was sent reeling. Every generation has its shaping event and, for ours, that was an impossibly beautiful Tuesday morning. September 11 put an end to the long 1990s when, as it is nearly inconceivable to imagine today, the biggest problem in our post-Communist, unipolar world seemed to be Monica L…

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