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This Narrative of Death that is So Powerful Among Us

…would resist that idea of withdrawing from society very much. He’d say, “No, no, we’re not withdrawing, we’re engaging in a different way.” Walter: But insofar as he appeals to the Mennonite tradition of Yoder, it is to some extent a withdrawal: we don’t participate in the political process. I understand, you maintain another kind of presence, but yeah. Dan: On a certain level Yoder, of course, would not have been very interested in that question…

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Gay Marriage Bill Totalitarian Says Head Bishop

…se countries, government presumes daily to ‘redefine’ rights, relationships, values, and natural law. There, communiqués from the government can dictate the size of families, who lives and who dies, and what the very definition of ‘family’ and ‘marriage’ means.” Is Dolan really suggesting that if the elected legislature and elected governor of New York pass a law to end discrimination against same-sex couples, that would be equivalent to a totalit…

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The Abandoned Orphanage: Hillary Clinton’s Mother Teresa Moment

…trong address against abortion. And then she asked to see me. And I thought, “Oh, dear.” (Laughter.) And after the breakfast, we went behind that curtain and we sat on folding chairs, and I remember being struck by how small she was and how powerful her hands were, despite her size, and that she was wearing sandals in February in Washington. (Laughter.) We began to talk, and she told me that she knew that we had a shared conviction about adoption…

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Pentecostal Prayer Gangs: New Film Documents Religion in a Brazilian Prison

…g awake in the middle of the night, listening to the Paraguayan guy snoring, and thought, what if I had to do ten years in prison in this bed, in this cell, behind these bars? It really hit me at that moment, some of the emotional weight of being in prison. How did the element of Pentecostalism come into play? The prison was in a primarily Catholic area, but the inmates were mainly Pentecostals. One reason for this was that Pentecostal volunteers—…

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War on Christmas Affirmed by Southern Baptist Convention

…r place in the culture.” Although I doubt that any of my Lutheran, Catholic, Muslim, or atheist friends will call me to complain about this resolution, I find it just as troubling as many of the previous more controversial resolutions. As a Baptist, I tend to use Scripture as a hermeneutical screen for understanding my world and the ethical issues I face. The first text that comes to mind is also known as The Golden Rule found in Matthew 7:12 “So…

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A Religious History of American Neuroscience

…questions, the God-spot questions: can the places of divine-human encounter, or, at least, the places of the felt-experiences of divine-human encounter be scanned and visualized? There are the ethical questions: for example, can the lying brain be mapped, detected, and exposed? Or, can compassionate affects be imaged and reproduced—in effect, is altruism a mental skill that can be trained? There are also, of course, innumerable psychotherapeutic q…

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Friending Pope Benedict on Facebook?

…ural verse with [a] simple reflection, brief text and plentiful images.” So, the question is, will the pope heed Lam’s advice and embark on the wonderful world of blogging? Will he use this twenty-first century means of communication to express obsolete ideology? Or would blogging help the pope realize that some of his teachings are a wee bit outdated? What next, Pope Benedict on Facebook? If so, you can bet your mortgage that plenty of “good” Cat…

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A Color-Blind America? Don’t Fall For The Okey-Doke

…se electronic messages? I certainly did. In the first place there was pride, hope, excitement, and perceptions of divine intervention. It is no secret that Americans, and especially African Americans, have consistently described Obama’s candidacy as not only a significant historical moment, but also a long-hoped-for change. But these reactions also communicated other sentiments—anxiety, skepticism, and cynicism. These feelings are not exclusively…

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Teaching Love: Soulforce Takes it to the Quad

…campus while the Soulforce crew keeps its vigil along College Avenue. Parke, 25, says she studied theology as an undergraduate at Texas Lutheran University before she moved to Seattle, where she now works for an agency that provides services to homeless youth. “Simply hiding out in the safety and comfort of a place like Seattle is not Christian,” she says in reply to a question about why she would leave a gay-friendly city to spend two months visi…

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Battling for the Soul of the Democratic Party

…ligious Institute on Sexual Morality, Justice, and Healing. “It sounds like, oh, yeah, we don’t need to worry about women and gay people.” The Religious Left Groundswell Haffner was critical of the choice of hosts for the presidential faith forums—one, held at Messiah College in April, was organized by FIPL, which pushed for Warren to hold the second at his church in August. Haffner objected that Messiah College’s Web site directs students to “rep…

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