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What is Community?

…? Muslims?) to be the “best ummah“; and to be the ummah of the middle, moderate or balanced way (i.e. not the extreme way.) But what really drew my attention was the reminder that Allah says, “We could have made you into a single ummah….” Surely then, the command for moderation is not a command for superiority, but rather for cooperation between diversities. So, what makes a collective? What makes an ummah? In these days of the nation-state, it is…

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Ummah: Solitude and Connection

…? Muslims?) to be the “best ummah”; and to be the ummah of the middle, moderate, or balanced way (i.e. not the extreme way). But what really drew my attention was the reminder that Allah says, “We could have made you into a single ummah…” Surely then, the command for moderation is not a command for superiority, but rather for cooperation between diversities. So, what makes a collective? What makes an ummah? In these days of the nation-state, it is…

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Ralph Reed’s $30 Million Battle Plan

…hosting its first Conference and Strategy Briefing in Washington starting tomorrow, and he’s billing it as “the conservative event of the year that you don’t want to miss.” He’s got a lot of competition: over the weekend tea partiers will be converging on Washington for the Unite In Action March on DC and FreedomWorks is organizing the 9/12 March. And the following week is the Values Voters Summit, where religious right powerhouses will be holdin…

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O’Donnell At Values Voters Summit

…n policy on LGBT rights, abortion, and sex education, and a host of other issues. That’s worth exploring. In any case, I’ll be posting dispatches from the Values Voters Summit here today and tomorrow. But if you prefer your Values Voters Summit in 140-character chunklets, you can follow me on Twitter, where the updates will be more in real time….

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Motivations of “God Hates Fags” Church’s Philosophy

…iage, but at least we’re not holding up signs that say, ‘God Hates Fags.’” Tomorrow, the US Supreme Court will hear arguments as to whether Westboro’s 2006 picketing outside the funeral of a Marine killed in Iraq constitutes protected speech. So perhaps now is a good time to examine the motivations of hate from the Phelps family. Fortunately, in a series of articles, Amarnath Amarasingam, a doctoral candidate in the Laurier-Waterloo PhD in Religio…

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No Christmas in the Village of Philly

…naging director has been bombarded with calls regarding the change, while irate (normal) Philadelphians have been excoriating City Managing director Rich Negrin and others for the change in the sign. The market, modeled after the German Christmas markets, has not only a large German holiday ornament store, but also a variety of vendors of many faiths plying their wares. I even bought my Christmas (!) tree there the day after Christmas, and enjoyed…

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New Theory for Tucson Tragedy: Blame the Atheists

…we can look forward to seeing the Christian media blaming the atheists in tomorrow’s news cycle. Details of Loughner’s religious beliefs are sketchy, but that isn’t going to keep them from defending the argument that he is an atheist by pointing to a supposed shrine that was found in his backyard, which consisted of a skull, as well as the fact that two of Loughner’s favorite books listed in his YouTube account are Mein Kampf and The Communist Ma…

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Violence Came To Tahrir Square With Pro-Mubarak Protests

…is new protest enter Liberation Square, showed that it had no intention of reforming itself. And that, as a result, it had closed all avenues open to it except for complete and total change. I’m not sure what tomorrow is going to be like. The protests are now over. But before the Egyptian president spoke last night, Friday was supposed to be a day of renewed protests. Will it happen? And then what?…

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Egyptian Riot Grrls: Finding the Feminine Face of Fury

…he crowd in downtown Cairo is up to 20 percent female. Others have put the number much higher, sometimes as high as 50 percent.   Though far less prevalent, some efforts have been made to depict and document the role of women this popular uprising. The Global Post put together a slideshow on the Women of Egypt among the March of Millions in Tahrir Square, and a compilation of photographs from various sources can be found on sawt al niswa, a self-d…

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Et Tu, Bibi?

…s war.  There will be a winner, and there will be a loser.  And to the winner goes our children and our grandchildren. And tonight, we must commit ourselves to absolute victory over radical Islam.  No exception. Horowitz’s Freedom Center is a “participating organization” at tomorrow’s Conservative Political Action Conference; Horowitz’s Front Page has promoted the work of “creeping shari’ah” agitator Frank Gaffney, who has been excluded from CPAC….

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