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USA 1800-299-7264 Emirates Airlines Phone Number , Reservations

An Immigrant’s Tale: The Pull of the Homeland

…lding our children hostage at the borders of identity (Pledge of Allegiance, yes, but prom, no; P.E. only in certain garments; sex education, not on your life—and so on). On Fridays in the homeland, the men would dress in clean white clothes and you’d see them walking a few blocks to the mosque (walking to prayers is religiously recommended; driving over is a distant second). If you were Malaysian or Indonesian or some other nation where women mad…

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Recovering From Rejection: The Second Coming of Ted Haggard

…his rustic pulpit (not unlike the basement from which he launched New Life, or, perhaps, an intentional manger), Pastor Ted weaves a personal metaphorical tale of running afoul of the authoritarian religious leadership to which he once belonged. “We don’t really know you but we know you’re bad,” Haggard preaches from atop the hay bales as he awkwardly tries to weave a reference to the authorities who banished him New Life. “The Kingdom of Earth i…

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Religion at Decade’s End

…So they attack and kill instead.  One decade into the twenty-first century, then, religion is quite literally everywhere. It is not all Christian, it is not all monotheistic, and it is not even necessarily theistic at all. As scholars of religion have ventured, if we turn the kaleidoscope on our perceptions of “religion,” and replace the with the rhetoric of sacrality, then we will notice a great deal of rather clearly religious activity that is…

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‘Biblical’ Disaster in Haiti: Pat Robertson and the Curse of Unyielding Ignorance

…f you will get us free from the French.” True story. And so, the devil said, “OK, it’s a deal.” And they kicked the French out. You know, the Haitians revolted and got themselves free. But ever since, they have been cursed by one thing after the other. Desperately poor. That island of Hispaniola is one island. It’s cut down the middle. On the one side is Haiti; on the other side is the Dominican Republic. Dominican Republic is prosperous, healthy,…

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Angry Voters, Right-Wing Populism, & Racial Violence: People of Faith Can Help Break the Linkages

…ences of folks concerned about rising prejudice and bigotry. After April 19, 1995, people began to take Ward more seriously, as bodies were removed from the Oklahoma City Federal Building, collapsed by a truck bomb delivered by a domestic terrorist seeking to shift the right-wing populists into an armed insurrection. Timothy McVeigh failed to achieve his goal, but 168 people died in the process. On January 19, the people of Massachusetts elected a…

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Making ‘The Link’: AIPAC’s New Crises

…that Israel’s behavior is having on US credibility in the region. Each year, thousands of pro-Israel Americans travel from around the country to the Israel lobby’s biggest event of the year to meet, network, and hear speaker after speaker praise Israel and the US-Israel relationship. On the final “lobbying” day of the conference, attendees travel en masse to Capitol Hill to communicate their ideas and concerns to Congress. The focus of this year’s…

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Departure of the Queen

…r a glimpse of the moon, so I could check our progress toward the final day, but alas, he was not visible between the tall trees. Or perhaps he (using the gender ascription of the Arabic, since pronouns are arbitrary functionaries of language anyway) had already set for the night. I will need to look for him where I last saw him, and when I last saw him: on this road toward the mosque, in the evening around tarawih time. I have my flashlight handy…

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The Wounded People of God

…wing a good deal of their own clergy and orders to defile children sexually, well, I just can’t be nice. As a matter of fact, I am righteously angry about it. Maybe for those who have critiqued my tone, it’s also about a woman’s voice being in the mix. Lord knows there aren’t women in the Vatican hierarchy who could provide a balance to the high male clericalism. I also doubt anyone is telling Christopher Hitchens to tone it down. Besides, it is i…

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Introducing the Dr. Who Media Club

…ize in an enormous city floating through space. This, they learn, is London, thousands of years in Earth’s future and removed from the Earth to space in order to protect its populace from some nasty solar flares. There’s something strange afoot on Starship UK—a strangeness perhaps best illustrated by its “voting booths,” which show the ship’s citizens a video and then gives them two options—to protest what they have seen, or to forget the video’s…

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Scott Roeder’s Religion

…quarters to Witchita for the sole purpose of targeting Tiller at his clinic, home, and church, provided aid and inspiration to Roeder, according to Robb: Roeder first stalked Tiller at his Wichita church, Reformation Lutheran, in 2002, the year Operation Rescue moved there. Operation Rescue had already begun demonstrating at the church, and on the group’s website Newman had announced plans to gather at Tiller’s clinic, church and home. Also that y…

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