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New Study of Christian Nationalism in Texas Should be a Warning for the Whole Country

…ed America as a Christian nation,” as historian Paul Harvey writes. Former Kansas governor and current Trump administration official Sam Brownback has said that Barton provided “the philosophical underpinning for a lot of the Republican effort in the country” in recent years. Barton’s nonprofit WallBuilders seeks to “educat[e] the nation concerning the Godly foundation of our country” and “provid[e] information to federal, state, and local officia…

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Days of Reckoning for the Philadelphia Archdiocese

…xual abusers to remain in its ranks. The local Catholic dioceses of Kansas City and St. Louis have upped the ante by going after the organization that exists to help the abused, SNAP, subpoenaing its records of over 100,000 people who have been interviewed about sexual abuse over the years.  Juxtaposing the past Holy Week against the lurid details of the abuse has been agonizing. When priests pass boys around for sex at church summer camp, there i…

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Santorum and the New Catholic-Evangelical Alliance

…r Alfred Regnery, financier Lewis Lehrman, and US Senator Sam Brownback of Kansas, whose baptismal sponsor was another senator, Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania. In 2000, McCloskey baptized Mark Belnick, the embattled top lawyer at Tyco International, who responded by donating $2 million to a Catholic college and to an antiabortion group. McCloskey makes no apologies for his role as the apostle to the punditocracy. (One of the volunteers at the Catho…

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ID, Please Come Out

…ght alongside evolution in Missouri’s science classrooms. According to the Kansas City Star, Brattin says the bill is “not about religion.” Yet in the selfsame report he says, “I keep pointing to a Gallup poll that shows 90 percent of Americans believe in a higher power. And yet our schools only teach that we emerged from primordial ooze. I think students should get both sides of the issue and get to come to their own conclusions.” The logical fal…

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Presbyterians Re-ordain First Openly Gay Minister

…tion,” said Margie Phelps, daughter of Fred Phelps, founder of the Topeka, Kansas-based church which coined the phrase “God hates fags.” The man who delivered the sermon at Anderson’s re-ordination used to feel that way. Just two years ago Rev. Mark Achtemeier of Dubuque, Iowa, was leading the charge against the ordination of gay and lesbian ministers – but stunned his followers with an about-face on the issue: In an interview, Achtemeier, 56, sai…

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Gay-Bashing the Religious Right’s Forever Issue

…oing to fight that with everything we have. The law of the land is marriage between and man and a woman and that needs to be upheld.” Freshman Republican Mike Pompeo of Kansas chimed in, “we cannot use military to promote social ideas that do not reflect the values of our nation.”…

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Russian Operative Maria Butina, Who Leveraged Christian Right Connections, Sentenced For Conspiracy

…s Service reported that Jim Slattery, a former Democratic congressman from Kansas who maintains ties to the National Prayer Breakfast and who attended in 2018, acknowledged Russia “probably had the largest group” of any country that year. RNS added that in an email Slattery said he was 95% sure Butina did not attend the 2018 breakfast. With Maria Butina in custody, the Russian connection present during the 2018 breakfast was not on display at the…

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America’s Savior: Lincolnolatry’s Hidden Cost

…ffusions, and the 12-day procession of the casket by rail through New York City and then slowly on to Springfield. As Lepore writes, it is the very stuff of legend—and dangerous legend. It leaves in place the mistaken but still very widespread notions that Father Abraham was somehow moved by compassion to free the poor defenseless slaves and that bringing release to the captives was in fact a primary part of Lincoln’s presidential ambition. Neithe…

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The Suburban Shift Putting Republicans in Peril

…ot wholly prepared—to deal with some of the demographic changes. A growing number of Hindu, Sikh and Muslim voters, for example, represent the parts of New Jersey that once boasted white, Christian, college-educated voters. While they’re not all Democrats, it’s easy to see how an administration that’s doubled down on xenophobia has imperiled Republicans’ outreach efforts. Similarly, in places like Orange County, California, the rise of Asian non-C…

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Mark O. Hatfield and the Politics of an Earlier Era

…the military. Despite this idiosyncratic platform, Hatfield thrived. Large numbers of Hatfield admirers at Fuller Seminary, Wheaton College, and the campus ministry InterVarsity Christian Fellowship formed the architecture of an emerging evangelical left in the early 1970s. One InterVarsity leader at Kansas State University, citing his civil rights, anti-poverty, anti-war, and environmental record, said that Hatfield “put into words what we were t…

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