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New York State Senator Declares War on NY Marriage Equality

…igns that warned that bestiality was the next step. Members of the Topeka, Kansas, family-based Westboro Baptist Church also turned up, only to be shunned by fellow protestors like NOM’s Maggie Gallagher. “We had advance notice that Westboro Baptists might try to join our march and we want to make it clear that that kind of message… is loathsome and not welcome here,” Gallagher added in a subsequent interview. Diaz said while he was against marria…

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Excuses, Excuses: The Polite Regrets of Governors Bailing on Perry’s Prayer Rally

…prayer rally, and so far, he has only one taker, and it’s not surprising: Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback. What’s possibly more interesting than the fact that 48 sitting governors have better things to do on a Saturday in August than spend it in a sports stadium in Houston praying away America’s sins, is that none of them actually say that. None of them offer any sort of criticism of the event in their oh-so-very polite responses to Perry’s invitation….

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Austrian Court Okays Head-Colander in Driver’s License: Is Pastafarianism Becoming a Religion?

…ls, a problem that has persisted since the 1925 Scopes Trial. In 2005, the Kansas State Board of Education voted to allow Intelligent Design to be taught in science classes as an alternative theory to evolution. Intelligent Design (or ID), which has been described as “Creationism presented in non-religious terms,” posits that certain features of the universe are best explained by an intelligent designer (read: God). Proponents of ID argue that stu…

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Southern Baptists Embrace Minorities, but Not Gays

…a few more decades, Terry Fox, senior pastor of Summit Church in Wichita, Kansas, tells One News Now that it’s gays and lesbians who owe religious people an apology for their “perversion.” “It shows [Get Equal] think[s] they have become an accepted organization in America, which I would beg to differ with them,” the pastor adds. “Any poll you would take from any region in America, including the more liberal parts of the country, they would find t…

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Pete “Spare Tire” DeGraaf’s Operation Rescue Ties

Via Think Progress, Republican Kansas state representative Pete DeGraaf thinks that women should be prepared to be raped in the same way that he keeps a spare tire in his car. During floor debate over a bill to require women to purchase supplemental coverage in the event that they may need an abortion, a pro-choice state representative, Republican Barbara Bollier, questioned whether women would in fact plan for a pregnancy resulting from, for exa…

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Devil’s Bookmark: We Do Not Deserve God’s Anger

…s one theological meditation, and we know right away that we’re not in the Kansas of normative religious discourse. After laying out Kierkegaard’s principal argument (that we are more loved by God than we will ever be able to love God, hence that we are in God’s eternal debt), Tom makes an interesting, and to my knowledge unique, move: “Doesn’t Kierkegaard’s ‘love’ sound rather like hate?” he asks. And then follows a powerful misotheistic argument…

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An Immoderate Proposal: Sam Rodriguez, “Centrist” Evangelical, to Give Benediction at RNC

…with Republican Senators Jim DeMint of South Carolina and Sam Brownback of Kansas, Reps. Todd Akin (R-MO), Michele Bachmann (R-MN), Trent Franks (R-AZ), Randy Forbes (R-VA), and Mike McIntyre (D-NC), on which he claimed that “the same spirit of Herod who 2000 years ago attempted to exterminate the life of the Messiah today lives even America” because the health care bill “incorporates death and infanticide all under the canopy of reform.” He praye…

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KS Republican Repeats Obama/PP Conspiracy Theory

At the Values Voters Summit on Friday, Kansas Republican Tim Huelskamp made the absurd accusation that the president is complicit in genocide against “minorities.”  “Besides slavery, abortion is the other darkest stain on our nation’s character. And this president [Barack Obama] is looking for every way possible to make abortion more available and more frequent,” Huelskamp said. He also called Planned Parenthood “a racist organization… [that] con…

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After Westboro: The Trouble With “Tolerance”

…e Court ruled in favor of the notorious Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kansas, protecting the rights of this group to enact anti-gay protests outside of military funerals. There is no shortage of commentary in print and on the web concerning the constitutional merits of the Court’s decision and the myriad emotional reactions to Westboro’s particular brand of protest. But what do the actions of Westboro and the Supreme Court’s decision have to…

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Rising Christian Right Movement, New Apostolic Reformation, Emerged as a Mid-20th Century Splinter of White Supremacy

…ranham. Paul Cain, Branham’s associate during the 1950s, became one of the Kansas City prophets who, with leader Mike Bickle, founded the International House of Prayer in 1999. Branham’s influence on the NAR cannot be underestimated. Yet the story goes back further than Branham, Latter Rain, or the NAR and includes one of the most significant figures in American Pentecostalism: Aimee Semple McPherson (1890-1944) and her Los Angeles megachurch, Ang…

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