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War Criminal Henry Kissinger, First Jewish Secretary of State, Had a Lengthy History of Antisemitism

…ting that he was a “towering intellect…[who] helped shape American foreign policy”—all of which is, in a manner of speaking, true. They go on to note that the man who became “the first Jewish Secretary of State…was unapologetic about his heritage and his embrace of the importance of American global power and democratic values.” As the above quote suggests, the ADL’s enthusiastic whitewashing of Kissinger’s legacy is linked to his ethnicity. The AD…

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Congressional Inaction Leaves Stem-Cell Research At Risk

…yonic stem cells illegal—including work allowed under the more restrictive policy adopted by President George W. Bush in 2001. For years, private financing has been used to create embryonic stem cell lines, mostly from discarded embryos from fertility clinics. The process destroys the embryos. President Bush agreed to finance embryonic stem-cell research, but limited federally financed research to 21 cell lines already in existence by 2001. Under…

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Women to Pray for the First Time in April LDS World Meeting

…raying in public or at church meetings. Still, women have been excluded by policy and custom from pulpit prayer at times throughout LDS history.  During the 1970s, women were not permitted to offer invocations or benedictions during weekly congregational church services, a restriction that was lifted in September 1978. Other non-doctrinal policy restrictions on women’s full participation in LDS Church life and leadership remain, including the excl…

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Museum of (In)tolerance for Divided City

…has repeatedly exploded into hate-filled aggression.” Californian Foreign Policy It was in this maelstrom of political tension and religious emotion that the California-based Museum of Tolerance decided in the mid-1990s to build a branch of its Los Angeles campus. For those not familiar with Jerusalem’s recent history, a museum of Tolerance might seem just what the city needs. And as for calling it “a Center for the Human Dignity”—what could be w…

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High Jewish Voter Turnout—and They Don’t Like Trump

…While they remain emotionally attached to Israel, their dislike of Israeli policy is growing. The survey reports that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s favorability “has dropped to a nine-year low (35 percent favorable/32 percent unfavorable),” and Israeli policy towards Palestinians and the settlements “makes them feel more negative toward Israel.” Eighty-four percent of of American Jews believe that it is possible to be “pro-Israel” even while…

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Want Straight Talk on the Romney-Rosen Mommy Wars?

…on feminist blogger Jana Remy followed Butterworth in calling for a little policy reality, comparing her own experiences first as a stay at home mother of two young children and then, later, as a working mother of older children: “Instead of spinning into endless cycles of finger-pointing, I’d like for politicians to work harder to make mothering valued–by, say, making it possible for SAHMs to earn social security benefits or to contribute to Roth…

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Welcoming the Stranger: Sister Simone Campbell of Nuns on the Bus Speaks Out on DACA

…ated in the 1960s, tweaked in ’94, and it’s not a 21st-century immigration policy. So it would have been really nice if they could have stood in line, but there’s no line. There’s no way. Sometimes I talk about how our economic policies in Latin America have created forced migration, principally because of the change in the value of crops and the capacity to make your living on the land—which is what people had done for centuries in Mexico and Lat…

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Running Against the Devil: Trump’s Conspiracy-Laden Fight Against Powers of Darkness

…Just as the demise of Christianity within America is linked to government policy, so too are conspiratorial controls over the democratic system in the country. Government policy in support of culture war issues are signs of the progression of a “global power structure” that will end Christianity in America, and through the lens of millennialism bring forth the ultimate battle between good and evil. The mainstreaming of the idea that we’re on the…

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A Primer on Activism from Unitarian Universalists

…humane federal immigration reform. Clearly, the UUA was grounded in strong policy. But frankly, almost all the major faith bodies have strong policy positions on immigration reform and economic justice (see “What Faith Groups Say About Immigration Reform” [PDF]). From 2007 to 2010, the national Advocacy and Witness staff of the UUA compiled a database of more than 300 UU congregations engaged in education, advocacy and organizing around immigrant…

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Billy Graham and the Gospel of American Nationalistic Christianity

…ed him to provide the imprimatur of Christianity for an American activity, policy or action. Richard Nixon would use Graham in this way by having him open the “Honor America Day” events on July 4, 1970, which Nixon envisioned as a way to bring the country together after the Kent State massacre and the toll of the Vietnam War. Graham led a prayer service on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. Graham’s sermon included checking the “stitches” (on the…

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