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Because We Dared to Exist: After Generations of Trauma Black Gun Ownership is on the Rise

…. The design has been codified into our Constitution. The design has infiltrated our water. All this is meant to harden Americans in general, but specifically Black Americans, to their subhuman class. The trauma of historically being relegated to a subhuman class can manifest itself through 14 generations. No matter how callous we become to our individual trauma, our grandparents’ and our parents’ trauma (especially) can continue to impact us in p…

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The Problem With An Evangelical Petition Calling White Nationalism ‘Heresy’

…faith has something to answer for in that it could bear such fruit in such numbers. That some evangelicals now wish to separate themselves from what their faith tradition has devolved into is well and good, but we shouldn’t kid ourselves about the ways that same tradition fostered the very problems to which critics now object. Second, properly speaking the problem isn’t heresy, it’s idolatry. Heresy has to do with ideas contrary to the received tr…

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Exvangelical TikTokkers Aren’t a Sign of the End Times, But Here’s What Evangelicals Need to Understand About ‘The Falling Away’

…of thought to what the term “exvangelical” means. I’ve even written a separate essay on the topic, which boils down to 4 main points: It helps to know you aren’t alone. It is a clear repudiation of evangelicalism. It acknowledges personal autonomy. It does not require all of you. Incredibly, the resonance of #exvangelical as a moniker has expanded far beyond a single show or commentator. The hashtag has almost 50,000 uses on Instagram, routinely…

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The ‘Freedom Convoy’ is Inspired by a Biblical Account of Divine Massacre: Welcome to the Jericho March

…and occupying space around Parliament for about 20 days, though in smaller numbers than in American rallies. It’s part of the broader effort to bring global attention to the “convoy.” CBC has reported on the prayer circles and speeches and signs, while Christine Mitchell has written about the Christian nationalist imagery of 2 Chronicles in the crowd. More worrisome, though, is how much international presence, interference and support there is. Fo…

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Who’s Really Politicizing School Shootings?

…ightwingers’ favor whether it comes from bullets or a virus. When an electorate is scared enough, it will stop turning to democracy to solve problems. It will turn to the party that promises to restore “law and order,” that is, rule by white power. Seen in this light, right-wing calls to stop “politicizing” mass shootings start to look about as apolitical as the “Jesus 2020” campaign—that is, not apolitical at all. And there’s plenty of evidence t…

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Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Red/Blue ‘National Divorce’ Looks an Awful Lot Like a Confederate Flag

…No, Greene’s suggestion ignores the most basic fact of the American electorate: There is no such thing as a red or blue state. All states are, quite obviously, a mixture of political views. The distribution of those voters shifts over time, as does the makeup of state and local government. Go ahead and ask an even moderately informed college student how long it’s been since California’s electoral votes went to a Republican presidential candidate…

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‘Late Night With The Devil’ Reflects the Role of Talk Shows in Sensationalizing the Satanic Panic of the 1980s

…ld film his next exorcism. Patzelt refused, but he did appear on NBC’s The Tomorrow Show as part of a panel of priests discussing The Exorcist, which Patzelt dismissed The Exorcist as “a junky movie.” But he was able to parlay his appearance on network television into a speaking tour, traveling to Fordham and other universities around the country to discuss the reality of the demonic. On Late Night with The Devil, Jack Delroy’s final guests were a…

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Mexico’s Religious Conservatives Seek Anti-LGBT Constitutional Amendment, LGBT Activists Defend Secular Government; Cash From Qatar Funds ‘Traditional’ Family Activism Worldwide; Global LGBT Recap

…. “Wahhabi attitudes spread to Egypt and took over a more enlightened, liberated Islam,” said Ahmed Hafez, an Egyptian analyst with the Human Rights Campaign, a Washington, DC-based LGBT advocacy group. “Now the police in Egypt are targeting gay people to show the public that they are on the side of morality and are doing a good job in fighting debauchery, as a distraction to hide their failures in the crackdown on terrorism or drug trafficking,”…

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Alabama Senate Considers Giving Church Its Own Police Force; Irony Reportedly Dead

Tomorrow night, as we head into the home stretch of Lent rounding the corner to Easter, members of my congregation and I will gather for an agape meal. It’s not a seder, but an intimate eucharistic worship service wrapped around a dinner party in a liturgy that’s about as close to the actual practices of the Last Supper as we can get. It’s a time to remember the love of Jesus Christ passed on to his followers, instituted in his words to his few c…

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Is Supreme Court Jurisprudence Making State Religious Freedom Bills More Dangerous?

…ippi House would vote on the bill last week; that vote could come today or tomorrow. The letter makes the case that although the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act (passed in 1993) and state statutes modeled on it were once seen as “politically even-handed,” they have now become a means to give religious cover to discrimination. The Mississippi bill, as I noted here, has been criticized for its overbreadth, and how it could be construed to…

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