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Massacre Of Islamists By Egyptian Military Likely Strategic

…olitical in nature and intent. This is more than just a massacre, it’s a strategic massacre. By cracking down so violently and indiscriminately on the Muslim Brotherhood and its supporters, the military well knows it will initiate a cycle of retaliatory violence on the part of supporters, sympathizers, and opportunistic elements in the Sinai and elsewhere, who get blamed for being the Brotherhood even though there’s absolutely no evidence that the…

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Kansas Tries to Figure Out Its Own Religious Freedom Laws

…City Star, the Kansas State Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing tomorrow to answer the question: do our religious freedom laws adequately protect us from the gays? I’m just kidding about that characterization, but after the failure of HB 2453, which would have permitted discrimination by business owners and government employees, conservatives in Kansas are still pressing for a modification of the state’s religious freedom law. They say…

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On The Kerry Apartheid Comment and the Cycle of Chutzpah

…from Sheldon Adelson, you can’t even say the word occupation. (Side note: tomorrow the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations will vote on whether to accept J Street, which opposes the occupation, into the fold, a move supported by the Union for Reform Judaism, the past president of the URJ, Eric Yoffie, who has had his differences with J Street, and the URJ’s rabbinic leadership, the Central Conference of American Rabbis. Inciden…

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Americans United To Launch “Operation Inclusion” After SCOTUS Prayer Decision

…overnment body does choose to include prayer at a meeting, it “cannot denigrate other faiths, threaten others with damnation or seek converts,” and “local officials may not direct prayers or compel people to take part and that prayers may not be integrated into the policy-making periods of government meetings,” according to an AU statement analyzing the opinion. As the Court itself noted, governments must adhere to a “policy of nondiscrimination.”…

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Why Al Mohler offered to “Host” Kentucky’s U.S. Senate Race Debates

…ws his days of controlling the religious narrative about homosexuality are numbered. Mohler’s motives may primarily be self-serving. He perhaps is hoping that this project will establish his position as the preeminent standard-bearer for “evangelical morality” in Kentucky and, by political extrapolation, in the Southern Baptist Convention. This latest political exhibition could also just be that of a Baptist peacock displaying his feathers to impr…

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Rage Against the New Age Machine: Three Days at the Osho International Meditation Resort

…nstitutions and spiritual movements need money. I’ve paid for High Holiday tickets, passed the plate at church, and dropped bills into the basket at yoga class. But Osho’s opacity and its denial of the obvious (robes and shampoos, wine and brownies, books and videos were all moneymakers) bothered me. My fuming was worthless. Orientation still started 45 minutes late. My students and I, packed into a classroom with 20 other guests, were led through…

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LGBT’s, Opponents Prep for Vatican Synod; UN Rights Council Adopts LGBT Resolution; Brazil’s Evangelicals Eye Presidency; Global LGBT Recap

…tors that each of the 46 articles contained within the law be voted on separately. “I’m voting against something which contributes towards the legalization of homosexual marriage,” Sen. Iván Moreira of the UDI, said Tuesday. “I believe this is an attack against marriage.” Moreira also attacked the AVP in relation to same-sex couples adopting children, arguing it was incompatible with the Chilean Constitution, which “demands that [the state] acts i…

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Global LGBT Recap: Mandela and Equality; Elton John Defies Russian Ban; Fake-Healing of AIDS

…“The dirty little secret that the media and homosexual activists are desperate — desperate — to squelch is that people are coming out of homosexuality every day. This is the work of God, this is the work of Jesus.” Mat Staver in Peru Mat Staver, who is dean of the law school at Liberty University and heads the stridently anti-gay Liberty Counsel, recently went to Peru, where he spoke to legislators, repeating the religious right’s litany of horro…

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Hobby Lobby, Contraception, the Supreme Court, and the Bible

…tes Supreme Court will decide tomorrow whether to hear appeals in the corporate challenges to the contraception coverage requirement in the Affordable Care Act.  The Court, University of Virginia law professor Douglas Laycock tells Liptak, will very likely take one of the cases, “and no one has any idea how it’s going to come out.” At stake is not just whether corporations will gain the right to opt out of the contraception coverage requirement on…

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Aussie Priest is Excommunicated for Support of Women’s Ordination

…sition on women’s ordination doesn’t mean he won’t initiate other more moderate reforms in the Catholic church. Indeed, his position on this issue may well be an olive branch to the conservative wing of the church so as to be able to introduce other changes. Pope Bergoglio is a strategic centrist; in Argentina he proposed civil unions as a compromise between the right-wing bishops on one side and the Kirchner government’s efforts to legalize gay m…

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