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“Living in Favor, Abundance, and Joy” (Unless You’re Gay)

…s best. Some of those nice, close friends of Joel’s may want to have a few words with him after his appearance this week on Piers Morgan’s new talk show on CNN. He again reiterates assessment of who might or might not get a good grade from God, and then takes it another step further to call some of his closest friends “sinners,” because “the scripture clearly shows that it’s a sin.” OSTEEN: I don’t think homosexuality is God’s best for a person’s…

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Dispatches From the Site of a Massacre

…rdoing the offspring of that “interruption” was long since overdue. Choice Words From a Post-Ottoman World  So I’ll be in Bosnia for the anniversary of the Srebrenican genocide. I have no idea what I’ll find or what I’ll feel. I have no idea how visiting Srebrenica, coming upon the war memorial and praying for the thousands of deceased, might affect me. That’s why I want to share my immediate, unpolished dispatches from all the places my travels w…

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Monstrous Futures: Dungeons & Dragons, Harbinger of the “None” Generation, Turns 40

…turns out that to do the one is to do the other. We wish for an enchanted world, and such a world is by its very nature monstrous. How then, if we hope to see the world reconfigured and made meaningful and transcendent, could we do so without welcoming back the demons and dragons in all their glory? Indeed, our popular culture is rich in zombies, vampires, and even a 50-meter radioactive lizard, all being reimagined, reinterpreted, and pressed in…

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The Porn Workaround: How Christian Sexuality Websites Avoid Sin

…oughts and fantasies count as forbidden sexual activity. While the secular world may view this as a fairly prudish perspective, many evangelicals view it as sinful because God wants Christians to enjoy sex as he created it: in the confines of monogamous, heterosexual matrimony. Watching porn gets in the way of Christians fully experiencing what God designed. But while evangelicals may believe that God designed sex to be pleasurable for married cou…

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Back to School at The First Public School In the Country To Require a World Religions Course

…e first public school district in the country to have a required course on world religion. The ninth-grade World Geography and Religion (WGR) course devotes nine weeks to religion. The First Amendment Center, which helped design the course, conducted a study to assess its effectiveness, finding that students had more accurate and balanced information about world religion as well as an increased understanding and appreciation of the First Amendment…

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Secular Group Calls On Obama To “Keep His Word” on Faith-Based Office

…ts, fired three employees for “not being the right kind of Christians” and World Relief, an arm of the National Association of Evangelicals, fired a qualified Muslim because of his religion: World Vision’s president, Richard Stearns, was tapped by Obama to serve on the faith-based Advisory Council, and has been an outspoken proponent of taxpayer-funded hiring discrimination. After the Supreme Court handed down its decision this week in Christian L…

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Cornel West, Using His Powers for Good

…ach book chapter has a similar trajectory—the authors intersperse personal stories of poverty, homelessness, and frustration with discussions of economic and political policies ranging from the New Deal to the present. Time and again, readers are brought to the vision of Franklin Roosevelt and the New Deal, the willingness of Democrats like John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson to grow in their concern for people of color and for social welfare progr…

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Sin is Not a Crime: A Conversation with Patrick Cheng 

…s the beauty of this model that we’re all called to be divine and the good news is we are all infused with divinity. We may fall short, but we’ll get there. Let’s back up a second and define some terms. You talk about a “criminal-based” tradition of sin and grace. Can you give us your understanding of that? The “crime-based” model of sin is that God has laws on the books and when you break the law you have to be punished for that. It begins in the…

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Lesbian Nuns: Still Immodest After All These Years

…marriage (2010), which is making its way to the Supreme Court. I want to end with a question I will ask all interviewees: If you were to imagine the future, or to imagine the most hopeful future, what would the impact of your book be? And how would our world be different? My hope is that my book and that of other historians will help to bring about a world in which history will not be misused in order to perpetuate injustice, discrimination, and p…

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Why the King Hearings Should Matter to Mormons

…ng hearings: The Smoot hearings had some basis in fact: the LDS Church was breaking the law against polygamy. The merits of that law, of course, are questionable, but there’s no question that the Saints were breaking it. Though Smoot himself was not a lawbreaker, he was indeed in the leadership of an institution that was. In contrast, the King hearing seems to be the rankest kind of political hay-making, fear-mongering bigotry that lacks any basis…

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