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McCain’s VP Courts Conservative Evangelicals

…, he argues, distinguished her beliefs from the pious rules-oriented religious right of American politics, ostensibly making her a more independent-minded evangelical. It’s the same image raised by the popular photographs of Palin sitting on couches draped with bear-skin rugs, next to taxidermied Alaskan King Crabs: a new archetype even a purist can appreciate. Tough, Western Christian women in dresses with guns. The truth of the matter to remembe…

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Argue-by-Number: A Suggestion for the Church

…ult on God’s holy people. Numbering all the familiar arguments about homosexuality would extend and perfect this habit of citing scriptural verses without worrying much about what they mean. It would also help us to avoid an awkward question—all the more awkward for being so obvious: Why do we repeat these arguments so energetically, so incessantly? In the joke about the prisoners, the repetition is easy to explain. They are locked up, they have n…

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This is not a Religion Column: Sarah Palin, American

…tic who’d crossed him as “the bull butterfly of the literary teas”—but he expressed his hatred of homosexuality in such queeny terms that even those who shared his bile turned a blind eye to their man’s evident relish for a certain campy rhetorical style. Pegler was meaner than Limbaugh, but there was also more to him than Limbaugh. Peg hated fascists, until he became one. He despised fat cats, which may be why he came to loathe himself and anyone

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Tinkering with Creation: Intelligent Design 2.0

…vered proof of man and dinosaur co-existence. Just outside of Glen Rose, Texas, in a place known as the Paluxy Flats, creationists say they have identified the three-toed footprint of an Acrocanthosaurus, who passed through millions of years ago, perhaps hunting, when this was a much different landscape of tidal flats and marsh. That in itself is not unusual. Such footprints cover this region. But creationists claim that inside the dinosaur footpr…

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Why Bill Maher Gets a “C” in My Introduction to Religion Class…

…unity) orient themselves in the world with reference to both ordinary and extraordinary powers, meanings, and values. (Albanese) Religion, I would argue, is a complex adaptive network of myths, symbols, rituals, and concepts that simultaneously figure patterns of feeling, thinking, and acting and disrupt stable structures of meaning and purpose. When understood in that way, religion not only involves ideas and practices that are manifestly religio…

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Layoffs on the Religious Right

…mes with camps linked to them, going to the International Genealogical Index.” She admitted that “There’s no possible way of knowing exactly how many names, but it’s substantial.” ++++++++++ RD Tidbits Election Day Nightmares: In a WorldNetDaily column Jill Stanek, the head of, an anti-abortion group that spent more than $500,000 for anti-Obama ads in several swing states, wrote: Altogether, this [the election results] means we…

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The Cynical Use of “Freedom of Religion”

…ch was subsequently adopted by Congress. The amendment defined nonprofit tax-exempt entities—including churches—as those “which [do] not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distributing of statements), any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for public office.” During the recent election cycle, the Alliance Defense Fund (ADF)—who considers itself the antithesis of the American Civil Libertie…

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Gimme That Old Spice Religion

…s’ brother, Brad), is illustrated with a photo of Matthew dressed like a Texas gentleman rancher, holding a long unlit cigar, and inexplicably accompanied by two armed Sudanese “freedom fighters” in military garb. “The photo was taken,” Jennifer writes, “in the upper Nile. My husband, cool as a cucumber in the 120-degree heat, demonstrates that it is possible to be well-dressed even in the far reaches of Africa.” RD contributor Kathryn Joyce, auth…

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Gay: The Superior Lifestyle

…true intention of what our Constitution meant,” she continued. “The homosexuals get it — it’s a struggle between our religious freedoms and their right to do what they want to do.” Ah, there’s the old canard that always gets trotted out by those on the religious right — it’s gays vs. God! Those filthy gays and lesbians want to end our “religious freedoms” — which is the code phrase for “they want to pass hate crimes laws that make it illegal for…

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Why I Am Still a Christian

…paying for my daughter’s college education. Seriously, I wish I could have written Charles Taylor’s A Secular Age. It is one of those magisterial books about history that has become part of history. Books like that happen once in a generation. Sigh. What’s your next book? It is on a less-than cheerful subject—the decline of Christianity in the West. I’m wondering what forms Christianity will take, and what wisdom it will bear, as its hold on its a…

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