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Obsession with Attackers’ Backgrounds Misses the Point of Terrorism

…tactic to the mujahideen through texts and training, yet it wasn’t an easy sell. Hezbollah, who early on adopted suicide bombings, eventually abandoned the tactic for more traditional paramilitary methods. The reason jihadist groups imported terrorism from their nationalist counterparts was that they shared a commonality: they were small marginal groups who sought radical political change. Recognizing the political motivations of terrorist groups…

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Gay, Black, and Muslim: “Naz & Maalik” Challenges Easy Assumptions About Progress

…much hits home. An NYC cop meets up with the FBI agent after attempting to sell the boys a gun, claiming that they almost bought it from him. The agent says at first that it doesn’t sound like a lead—until she sees the boys, and decides to trail them. She sees that they are black and decides that they are dangerous. The writing and acting in the scenes is awkward, but the relationship between (white) law enforcement and black youth like Naz and Ma…

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Who Benefits From Standardized Universal Time? And Other Questions to Ask As You Set Your Clocks Back This Weekend

…ve her chronometer checked and, certificate in hand, set out for London to sell time.” Time reform was about efficiency and train schedules, and about the practical demands of a world in which it was suddenly possible for someone in Hong Kong to need to coordinate her schedule with someone in Lagos. But it was also about authority, and the terms of the change proceeded down some predictable lines of power. Colonial governments imposed standardized…

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Come Hell or High Water: How the Melodrama of Disaster Leaves Us Vulnerable

…m the excitement caused by catastrophe. “[M]edia has a strong incentive to sell copy or images,” Dercon told me by email. “This means that the early stages of a drought are far less of interest than the later stages; or indeed, that a discussion of investments in preparedness is far duller than the excitement of relief operation (when it is too late).” Politicians have perverse incentives in disasters too. “A humanitarian crisis allows the flags o…

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Sit Down and Shut Up: Pulling Mindfulness Up By Its (Buddhist) Roots

…sation is unfolding within a divided American Buddhist community. Specific numbers are hard to pin down, and estimates vary widely, but roughly three-quarters of American Buddhists are Asian. The remainder are predominantly white converts. Practitioners in the Asian diaspora typically join communities that are aligned with sects popular in their origin countries. Convert Buddhists, on the other hand, tend to congregate at meditation-oriented Buddh…

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Pope Francis’ Love Letter is an Opportunity Lost

…who will read this compromise document—the most this pope thought he could sell to a fundamentally conservative base—and decide to look elsewhere for religious community and moral guidance. Fortunately, most people rely on their friends and work colleagues, their neighbors and relatives to model what healthy, integrated lives look like. This document can gather dust without much danger to anyone. Amoris Laetitia in my view is a missed opportunity…

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#OpenTheseDoors: A Movement to Turn New York’s Closed Churches into Shelters

…for these parish closures, and frustrated by the lack of transparency. The numbers of Catholics who attend weekly Mass may be shrinking, but some of those parishes were financially solvent. Dolan, according to canon lawyer Sister Kate Kuenstler, exacerbated the secrecy and “created chaos in the process, and confusion.” But the closures and mergers finally arrived. And when they did, a group of Catholics and people involved in housing rights began…

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“Unrealistic” Candidates and the Prophetic Tradition

…he poor of the land, saying ‘When will the new moon be over so that we may sell grain, and the sabbath, so that we may offer wheat for sale? We will make the ephah small the the shekel great and practice deceit with false balances, buying the poor for silver and the needy for a pair of sandals and selling the sweepings of the wheat.’ The Lord had sworn by the pride of Jacob: Surely I will never forget any of their deeds. In the face of this impude…

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Georgia Gov Vetoes Right-To-Discriminate Bill

…Constitutional right to marry. It could also have allowed businesses that sell wedding-related services—such as musicians, florists, or caterers—to discriminate against customers based on religious beliefs, since providing these services may require attending a wedding. This section of the bill contained no ban against invidious discrimination otherwise prohibited by state or federal law, and therefore may have empowered government officials and…

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Pledging Virginity to Dad: A New Doc Explores the World of ‘Purity Balls’

…religious and cultural indoctrination—that would be too easy. Purity balls sell young women the idea of love. This is how your father will love you. This is the way to get a man who will love you and is worthy of your love. This is how you get God’s love. It’s a powerful message, one that resonates because it promises what we all want: an amazing love story. The problem, of course, is that it’s not really about love. Sitting outside of a purity ba…

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