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“Jack” Willke, Pro-Life Demagogue Dies at 89

…llke nevertheless stood by his claims, telling the New York Times the real number was “way under 1 percent.” In part, the claim was justified by distinguishing between types of rape, which was exactly the thing that upset people so much about Akin’s statement. Willke’s rhetoric could also exhibit some of the more hysterical tendencies of the pro-life movement. In one letter to supporters, for example, he alleged that abortionists were harvesting a…

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Is Yoga OK for Catholics or Not?: The Conversation Continues

…ightly says it does not. As the Catholic Church strives to adapt its tough-sell messages to skeptical contemporary audiences, it is trying in some quarters to deliver its message in terms of fulfillment rather than threats. The Letter we have discussed could have benefitted from this approach. But if the problem is fearful rhetoric, then a larger issue might be a Catholic sense of how easily one can be corrupted—and that is about much more than yo…

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Indonesian Clerics Issue Anti-Gay Fatwa; Anti-Civil Union Peruvian Lawmaker Cites Hitler; Is Christianity more ‘un-African’ than Homosexuality?; Global LGBT Recap

…ironic that an African dictator wearing a three-piece suit, caressing an iPhone, speaking in English and liberally quoting the Bible can dare indict anything for being un-African.” In a report from South Sudan, the Guardian’s Antony Loewenstein reports on the anti-gay agenda often connected to evangelical churches’ missionary work. He cites American evangelist Franklin Graham as an example: Samaritan’s Purse, run by Franklin Graham, son of the Ch…

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Did Ireland Just Bury The Catholic Church?

…he majority despite some clergymen’s efforts to lead them astray. The hard sell for “no” from a group of bishops was all but ignored. Some clergy were public about their “yes” vote, and my guess is that more than a few gay priests (and some straight ones, too) voted for their own self-interest. Generations of Irish Catholics showed what they are made of. Some of the most effective social media around the vote featured families of LGBTIQ Catholics….

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Conservative Catholics Try to Domesticate Laudato Si

…ut religious discrimination and bend over backwards to offer exemptions that are eroding the seperation of church and state. “The bishops are manufacturing their own truth so they can sell it to the political establishment,” he said. The bigger question in the long run is whose truth will win out: the pope’s or the bishops’?…

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25 Things You Can Blame Muslims For

…Arabic numbers are called ‘Indian numbers,’ and why, in the West, ‘Indian numbers’ are called ‘Arabic numbers.’ In India they’re just known as numbers. No matter what they’re called, I think we can all agree they make life a lot easier. 2. Coffee Muslims invented coffee, and coffee is a good thing, and no good thing ever dies. At best it goes cold. In fact, one of the reasons coffee took off is because religious Muslims preferred the beverage for…

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Blame Series Bonus: How Federal Policy Created America’s Fergusons

…Justice Department has made for Ferguson and which it has also made for a number of other cities around the country, are important. But the problems they’re addressing are a symptom. It’s not to say the symptom shouldn’t be treated, but the underlying cause of these problems is the fact that we’ve segregated housing throughout metropolitan areas in the country for the last century. And unless we are as aggressive in desegregating neighborhoods as…

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How Can You Exclude The NAACP and Liberal Protestants from Human Rights History?

…er NGOs had been used by the State Department as “window dressing” to help sell the UN to the American public and Congress, most seem to agree that were it not for the activism of these internationalist, antiracist, labor, women’s rights, liberal Protestant and Jewish groups, human rights would not have been placed at the core the United Nations. Moyn might respond that this focus on the UN is misplaced. He says that in light of his research, we m…

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Dubious Diversity at America Mag

…gazine America has hired lawyer Helen Alvaré as a columnist. Expanding the number of women’s voices is always a laudable goal, especially in the world of opinion writing, where women are woefully underrepresented. And while America dutifully lays out Alvaré’s bona fides as “chair of the Catholic Women’s Forum, as a consultor for the Pontifical Council of the Laity, an advisor to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, and as an ABC news consultan…

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What Good Is It for Union to Gain the World, But Forfeit Its Soul?

…:16-22, where Jesus sends a young man away because the man is unwilling to sell his possessions and give to the poor. Both passages are damning for those who think themselves either spiritually or materially rich, but fail to recognize their theological poverty. They implore readers to rethink what it means to be rich and suggest true wealth can only be obtained through a process of self-reflection—and more importantly, self-critique. Is today’s l…

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