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New Poll: ‘Faithful Catholics’ an Endangered Species

…had made a decision to allow contraception earlier the same year. In that commission a minority group, which included the man who would become Pope John Paul II, argued successfully against the majority who argued for a relaxation of the ban. Part of their reasoning was that a change of mind would undermine authority, and make it look as if the Spirit had been blowing through the Anglican rather than the Catholic Church. Paul VI agreed, and the r…

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Are Evangelicals Suffering From Buyer’s Remorse with Obama?

…hments and confidence in Xe’s future that I announce my resignation as the company’s chief executive officer.’” The company’s re-branding efforts extended to its subsidiaries as well. According to SourceWatch, a project of the Center for Media and Democracy, pointed out that Blackwater Airships is now Guardian Flight Systems, Blackwater Target Systems is GSD Manufacturing, and Blackwater Lodge and Training Center is the US Training Center. In addi…

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New Theory for Tucson Tragedy: Blame the Atheists

…y-pamby atheist objectors. But the left uses it too. The left uses it to accommodate atheists. President Obama’s statement stands out because it is just another verbal telling that he’s ideologically of the left. He already has problems with a public perception of him and his faith. That things like this keep coming up suggests the general public is right in their skepticism of the sincerity of his faith. After Media Matters called out Erickson fo…

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Searching for Sex, Life and Abortion on Catholic Google

…Catholics to surf the web.” Using “safe search” technology, gives weight to “Catholic” websites and avoids “unsavory content.” So, here is what came up on a few searches I tried… When I searched for “contraception,” a few conservative articles came up about the Vatican’s antiquated stance on contraception. If I had searched on normal Google, I would have been directed to articles on contraception, how to properly use birth contr…

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But What Did We Learn? Hate-Watching the First Clinton/Trump Debate

…ate in a nutshell. It was followed by 90 minutes of Trump trying to bully… and lie his way through the debate: Par for the course on a night that saw Clinton interrupted repeatedly by an increasingly belligerent opponent. Clinton stayed mostly on message while Trump devolved into…

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Putin’s Violent Holy War Rhetoric Made it to the Christian Right Fringe — And There’s Reason to Believe it’ll Go Mainstream

…it fits so neatly into the larger Christian Right’s culture war rhetoric: But this rhetoric of a chosen one is backed up by the regurgitation of Russia’s rhetoric of apocalypticism and holy war. Wiles, for example, decided to parrot former president and current Putin appointee Dmitry Medvedev:…

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Yes, It Can Be Hard to Be an Atheist in America; Now We Have the Data

…for the kind of public discussion the Secular Survey is intended to spark: While some respondents insisted that being nonreligious is a choice in a way that one’s experience of one’s gender…

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3 Takeaways from #Easter2015

…nia megachurch, in a brief interview with RD. “You have a common phrase, a common idea.” The church put the hashtag on their website. Pastors pushed it on social media. It appeared in New Life’s local TV commercials. People use social media. Marketers use social media. Spreading the good news is, on some level, a form of marketing. As a simultaneous marker of identity and identity marketer, the hashtag plays a neat trick: it lets you affiliate you…

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Inspired by the Anti-Abortion Movement and QAnon, Anti-Trans Rhetoric is a Blatant Call for Violence

…and media figures like Tucker Carlson, all engage in stochastic terrorism. Take a recent piece from “The Federalist,” a blatant call for violence against trans people, whose headline reads “The Transgender Movement Is Not Just Intolerant. It’s Barbaric And Violent, And It’s Co…

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Not Only is the Right Unapologetic For Violent Anti-LGBTQ+ Rhetoric — It’s Doubling Down

…questioned by reporters about the Club Q shooting, this was his response: The functional lack of concern over the mass shooting—that his son murdered five people—and the relief that his son isn’t gay is the attitude that begets this kind of violence. This is dehumanization: killing gay people is not a cause for concern, being gay is. People who knew the shoo…

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