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‘He Gets Us’ and Sleazy ‘Swift Boat’ Ads Share a Central Figure — Further Evidence of a Right-Wing Bait-and-Switch

…“unbiblical”: Right-wing hacks on Fox News and elsewhere have also mocked liberals and progressives criticizing “He Gets Us” or working to expose the agenda behind it, adding to the chorus of whiny and shortsighted zealots who consider this fauxgressive bait-…

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Christian Health Sharing Ministries Aren’t All Corrupt — But Here’s Why They Are a Problem

…s perfectly acceptable, as the very same ethos pervades evangelical church communities. From a policy point of view, so long as these programs involve only a small percentage of the population, the economic ripple effects may not seem so worrisome. However, the tendency to withdraw from our country’s healthcare scheme is of a piece with the Christian Right’…

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The Same Toxic Christian Right Theology Supports Both the Online Bullying I Experienced and the Cruel Anti-Trans Policy in TX — And it’s Not Remotely Fringe

…equently found among British TERFs to call me a man speaking over a woman. Andrew T. Walker, a professor of ethics and public theology at the Southern Baptist Convention’s flagship seminary and a managing editor of World magazine, a highly influential evangelical publication, got in on the guilt-by-association dunking:…

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Trump’s Arrest ‘Prediction’ Inflames Holy War Narrative and Sanctifies Violence — Welcome to Trump ’24

…who came to Trump’s defense two days after his initial Truth Social posts: Not only does Graham promote Trump’s bogus claims of electoral fraud—“manipulated the last election”—but he also asserts that “the charges against [Trump] are definitely politically motivated,” despite the fact that the former president hasn’t actually been charged. What he calls for is standard evangelical prot…

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A Progressive Christian Conference With an All-White Lineup: What Could Go Wrong?

…ing Tea, was the first to draw attention to conference’s lineup, tweeting: Khang later said to RD that the incident was an example of progressive spaces assuming they “had a better handle on the conversation” around diversity: “Things like this happen because [inclusion] isn’t a priority. Systems are designed to deliver on the goals that were set at the beginning of planning. If they could…

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New Clashes in Portland Confirm that Christian Nationalism Remains a Clear and Present Danger

…tland, Oregon. Per CNN’s reporting, Mike Lindell, the buffoonish Trump loyalist and MyPillow CEO who credits God for freeing him from his addiction to crack cocaine, is a key influence behind the current buzz around election conspiracy theories. Indeed, because of his popularity and reach, Lindell’s baseless claims are causing pr…

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Another Manufactured Outrage: Rep. Ilhan Omar Did Nothing Wrong in Listing Hamas, Israel, and U.S. Together

…s with well-established judicial systems”? Perhaps, although arguably this complaint comes far more from some nationalist pride that America (and Israel) are special and good, when in fact the body count from America alone is far greater. Think about the victims in Iraq. Think about crimes during the Vietnam War. Think about torture under the Bush administration. Think about complaints raised about American crimes in Afghanistan, including drone a…

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The “Marginalization” of Tim Keller: When Anything Short of Adulation Is Oppression

…looked. Many seem to be conflating the award’s revocation with censorship. William Stell, a recent PTS alum who is now a PCUSA pastor in New Jersey and identifies as gay, also agrees that many are making a false equivalency between refusing to honor someone and silencing the…

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What’s Wrong with Taming the Tongue? ‘Gossip’ and the Limits of Evangelical Abuse Prevention Efforts

…rds of the immortal LeVar Burton, “you don’t have to take my word for it”: After reading exvangelical homeschooling survivor and children’s right’s advocate Ryan Stollar’s thoughts on Shellnutt’s article on Twitter, I asked if he might comment further for this piece….

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Is Sex Outside Marriage Dehumanizing? The Problem with Tim Keller’s ‘Biblical’ Sex Ethic

…ly funny. Even when he’s “exhorting” Christians to greater faith, Keller can be charmingly quirky. Take the time he explicitly channeled Darth Vader: Leonid Brezhnev, typical eyebrow day. But while Keller’s ability to disarm his ideological opponents with…

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