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“Marriage Savers” Lobbies for Repeal of No-Fault Divorce

…nservative activism, and Pope Benedict XVI recently addressed a Knights of Columbus-sponsored conference on the “victims of abortion and divorce.” Reform Divorce seems to want to take this a step further with its language of “unilateral” assault, as though the alleged 80% of divorcees who didn’t want their divorce are automatic victims of the system, and not individuals who hold responsibility for the dissolution of their marriages. The Web site l…

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Can Johnny and Sally Handle the Truth About Thanksgiving?

…rams that we get all skittish about violence and conflict around our kids? Columbus Day becomes a celebration of “discovery.” European conquest gets framed as dinner party between Pilgrims and Indians. And American racial apartheid becomes the story of how Martin King simply wanted children of all colors to share ice cream on the playground.    It’s time for us to stop acting like little Johnny and Sally can’t handle the truth of their past at sch…

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You Are What You Eat: New Book on Cannibalism Reimagines What It Means to Be Made of Flesh

…savage the natives. In 1503, for example, Queen Isabella of Spain forbade Columbus and his crew from enslaving people in the New World, unless those people were cannibals. If they were cannibals, the Queen announced, Columbus could take them, put them in chains, and sell them wherever he pleased, inside or outside Isabella’s many realms. Reports of cannibalism in the New World spiked. In general, cannibalism is widely reported but difficult to co…

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Pence’s Prayer Breakfast Appearance Underscores Fractured American Catholicism

…le Care Act and link it to a larger “religious liberty” effort, Knights of Columbus President Carl Anderson used the breakfast to try and strike fear into the hearts of God-fearing Catholics over their scrambled eggs, telling them, “Never in the lifetime of anyone present here, has the religious liberty of the American people been as threatened as it is today.” So it’s hardly surprising that at his address to the breakfast Tuesday, Vice President…

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Manhattan Declaration Asks: What If Jesus Had Been Aborted?

…tican at all;” Bach and Mozart wouldn’t have been as awesome as they were; Columbus wouldn’t have discovered America; “the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and America’s legal and political foundation are dramatically influenced by Jesus birth” and therefore the United States would not have been founded; Israel would be “a different place;” what’s more, “America would not be the biggest Alli [sic] and protector of Israel without the conviction of…

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‘Hey Jesus, Do You Love Me the Same?’: Out Christian Rock Star Trey Pearson on Closeted Industry Figures, His Evolving Faith, and Brand New Video

…ehind the camera, and she is one of the most sought after photographers in Columbus. I think she did a stunningly gorgeous job. I chose the cast with a desire to show people at different life stages and in a variety of circumstances. I wanted to show the humanity of LGBTQ people who are told we are not worthy of experiencing love the same way that straight people do. This is one of those songs that I wrote rather quickly in my living room and then…

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25 Things You Can Blame Muslims For

…Arabic, which is awesome since Muslims aren’t supposed to drink or sell alcohol. Or, rather, al-cohol, I should say. One possible reason an Arabic word is used to describe a beverage the majority of Arabs are not supposed to imbibe is that Muslim scientists made huge advances in chemistry and passed their terminology on to Europe. 15. The Most Expensive Housing in America Anthony Janszoon (1607–1676) had a lot of money, so the Dutch wanted him to…

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It’s the Catholic Bishops, Not Those Who Toppled Junipero Serra Statues, Who Have Failed the Test of History

…ols of white supremacist domination. Most recently, on July 4, Christopher Columbus’ statue was toppled in Baltimore as part of a more expansive attack on colonizing symbols. Last month, In California, protesters targeted a symbol of anti-Indigenous and anti-Mexican violence (bearing in mind that these can be both distinct and overlapping forms of racism and ethnic discrimination), toppling a statue of St. Junípero Serra in San Francisco’s Golden…

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DREAMing of Faith

…buted in Longwood, Florida; and Pastor Rich Nathan of Vineyard Columbus in Columbus, Ohio. They all discussed the biblical and moral imperative to welcome the stranger; Nathan noted how the push for immigration reform “has united the religious community, even for those of us who consider ourselves conservatives.” Many of those conservatives, though, support immigration reform, but not for gay and lesbian people. The Democratic Party was criticized…

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Pride Month & Prejudice; ‘Worrisome Time’ For LGBT People; Global LGBT Recap

…ciety,” he said. CNN traces the start of the backlash to early 2016 when a number of political leaders began making “unprompted attacks on Indonesia’s LGBT community.” It notes that conservative Islam is a growing political force, evident in the arrest and conviction of Jakarta’s Christian governor on blasphemy charges. The report says human rights activists have been disappointed by President Joko Widodo’s “lackluster” defense of LGBT people. Sal…

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