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New Mormon Anti-Gay Policy Sparks Mass Exodus From Church; Christian AID Workers in Africa Refuse to Help Gay Refugees; Ukraine Rejects, Then Accepts EU-Required Gay Rights Law; Global LGBT Recap

…vil genius to manufacture such a “Sophie’s choice.” Kendell wrote that the news was “crushing” to LGBT advocates who had been working to change the tone of the church’s approach to LGBT people: Two months ago, when I attended a conference in Utah sponsored by Affirmation, a support organization for LGBT Mormons and friends and family, I met many non-gay Mormon officials who supported their LGBT congregants. I met a lesbian couple from Seattle who…

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Global Religious Right Asks ‘How Far Can We Get?’; And More in the Global LGBT Recap

…that Chechnya has something even better than independence: its traditions trump Russian law, while 81 percent of its budget is funded by federal subsidies. South Korea: Presidential candidate woos conservative Christian voters with attack on homosexuality Associated Press reports that presidential front-runner Moon Jae-in, a liberal candidate and former human rights lawyer, “outraged persecuted sexual minority groups by saying during a television…

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Anti-Gay Groups Running Out of Search Engines

the option of avoiding the tax by getting married.” Focus cried foul to FoxNews saying: “If Google wants to be truly fair to its employees, it should consider extra compensation to married heterosexuals who are bitten every April 15 by the marriage-penalty tax,” spokesman Gary Schneeberger told “How is offering more money to only one group to offset a perceived inequity not a form of discrimination against those groups not fortunate e…

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Russia and the US Have More in Common Than You Might Think

…midating Russian man approached and informed us that we should be speaking Russian on Russian public transport. Many Americans and Russians also eagerly embrace conspiracy theories—sometimes even the same ones. To see what I mean, just ask a pro-Putin Russian or a pro-Trump American about George Soros. And I’ve been told by both Americans (only about a third of whom have passports) and Russians that “there’s so much to see in our own country, why…

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Breaking Up with God: I Didn’t Lose My Faith, I Left It

…I can’t know if God exists, but I do know the word God is operating in the world, running around doing all kinds of work, good and bad, and I think, as a theologian, I have a responsibility to think critically about the kinds of gods we make and worship and to try to come up with versions of god that might make the world a more just and life-giving place for everyone. Did you have a specific audience in mind when writing? I had many different audi…

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Talking Justice on Twitter: “We Are Breaking Down Barriers”

…ment documents, satellite images, and real-time interviews. We have access today that even world leaders did not have only a few years ago—it is as if we are within the chambers of power. All this information can overload those who are not tolerant or emotionally equipped to channel it in meaningful, hopeful, and useful ways—it can be overwhelming. For one person it might instill hope; for another it might cause despair.But data is just data—it is…

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Soy Story: Atrocious ‘Reporting’ on Insular Religious Groups

…suffer. While cable news outlets sometimes air nonsensical speculation or rumor-as-news, as was the case with the Boston Bombing, there’s a glaring failure of journalistic integrity when it comes to reporting on obscure religious groups. It’s tempting to believe that insular religious societies are treated by some as a “free pass” from engaging in good journalism.  And the line between news, documentary, docudrama, and entertainment is frequently…

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The ‘Dreher Affair’ Highlights the Right’s International Networks

…g Freedom has set up shop outside the US as well, dubbing its coordinating international body Alliance Defending Freedom International. The Polish Ordo Iuris, a right-wing catholic organization which leads a crusade against abortion, is likewise well connected on an international level with German pundit Birgit Kelle, a regular on the anti-abortion circuit, having recently spoken at one of their events. Meanwhile, the Mathias Corvinus Collegium—he…

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Politics in a Time of Crisis: Sandy? Blame Socialism

…had to suffer through oddly inappropriate campaign advertising in between CNN’s breathless coverage. Two ads in particular stuck out to me, for they indicated how differently we approach politics in a time of crisis. The first sequence of ads was all about the dangers of socialism and big government; some Hungarian refugee had bought up ad time explaining why he wanted to vote Romney and why we should learn lessons from the (read: his) past. We w…

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Bill to Stone Gays to Death Introduced in Kenya

…een blazing a liberal trail across Latin America.” In the past six years, Uruguay has introduced ground-breaking legislation on abortion, drugs, transsexual rights, and same-sex marriage and adoption. While President José “Pepe” Mujica and his centre-left Broad Front coalition have been making international headlines for their sweeping reforms – which led to Uruguay being crowned country of the year by the Economist magazine in 2013 – less well kn…

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