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Did Pope Francis Win, Lose or Draw at the Family Synod?

…e given to gay Catholics in the mid-synod report raised hopes that a major change in the church’s attitude, if not its teaching, was just around the corner. The fact that those changes were scrapped—along with language acknowledging value in “irregular” partnerships and a possible opening for divorced Catholics to receive communion—in the final document shouldn’t come as a surprise. The overwhelming majority of bishops and cardinals at the synod w…

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Prayer vigil for Las Vegas shooting victim Sonny Melton (WBBJ TV)

No Way Out But The Ballot Box: Why Partisanship Trumps Morality In Gun Control Debate

…political system is structured to prevent such a solution. The only way to change the depraved American situation will be to change its depraved political system, and that will require a change in who controls that system. Maybe Matt Bevin is right. Maybe you can’t regulate evil. But you can vote those who abide it out of office. In fact, that’s exactly what has to happen. What I said in 2015 still holds today, I think: Religious advocates for gun…

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Way Beyond Atheism: God Does Not (Not) Exist

…xamine the ground on which he stands: science itself. That is, Dawkins may change his mind about evolution, but nothing will change his mind about science. He will never question—in a serious way—the sufficiency of science as a guide to truth. Perhaps he thinks the success of science makes it a self-evident choice when it comes to grounding his worldview; what he does not and will not consider is the very real possibility that science is so succes…

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Religious Right “Compassion” and Other Lies

…o top it off you are, according to their god, worthy of death – unless you change. Yes, with that sort of ingrained bullying built into church and society, it would seem hopeless to think that you would have to live your entire life being the subject of condemning sermons, the butt of numerous jokes, and the target of laws banning you from doing many things others enjoy without a second thought – like marrying the person you love. What breeds the…

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Risky Business: The Pitfalls at the Corner of Church & Wall Street

…twentysomethings camped on the outskirts of Wall Street with their strident, persistent protests against a market system that will continue to fail far too many (no matter how ethical the vetting of my investments) without dramatic structural and regulatory change. The question for religious leaders, it seems to me, is how best to stand at the socially and spiritually productive intersection of market and spiritual economies so what appear to be t…

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Updated: Gay Activist Beheaded in Uganda…
Is it a Hoax?

…’s death is tragic, and stands as a reason why the Anglican Communion must change its teaching on homosexuality. There is no reason why the consciences of those who oppose the full inclusion of LGBT people should be allow to inhibit change in the church. The prevention of torture and murder of any individual must always be the first priority, ensuring that all citizens and Christians can live in an environment of love, security and affirmation. Th…

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Obama, MLK, Not “Nice” Enough to Moderates?

…the problem and that it has no great role to play in this period of social change because you’ve got to change the heart and you can’t change the heart through legislation. You can’t legislate morals. The job must be done through education and religion. Well, there’s half-truth involved here. Certainly, if the problem is to be solved then in the final sense, hearts must be changed. Religion and education must play a great role in changing the hear…

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Why The Church Can’t Stop Gun Violence

…however, and in combination with a strong, single-minded constituency such as the NRA’s, this can lead to an extremely effective lobbying game. I think that doesn’t change my point about what it would take to create political change on gun reform, but it is worth noting….

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Taking the Economy Back From the Elites: Blessed Are the Organized

…indering social mobilization against the economic order today. What has to change for this to change? Are new kinds of theologies or religious organizations necessary? A lot of people—some religious, some not—are quite confused these days about how a market economy works and largely ignorant about the nature and causes of the transfer of wealth to the top one percent of the top one percent of earners. There are a lot of people between the 50th per…

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The Origin Story of the Evangelical Mindset: A Conversation with Frances FitzGerald

…suggest that this figure obscures some fundamental splintering. How so? A change is taking place in evangelicalism, and the change is generational. The young tend to be much more social justice-minded than their elders. They care about abortion, but they don’t care about gay marriage or a lot of the other national sins that Jerry Falwell mentioned. They tend to be more tolerant, more outgoing, more receptive to the ideas of their own peers. But t…

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