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It’s the Theology, Stupid: Why the Shocking SBC Report is Anything But Surprising

…Texas, the governor and the attorney general pushing through an extremist policy change on their own authority, bypassing the legislature, in order to treat facilitating access to age-appropriate, gender-affirming healthcare to trans minors legally as “child abuse.” As a trans woman who knows the Christian Right all too intimately, I’m frankly quite scared at where things are going in America these days. The Christian Right is raging as its foot…

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Evangelicalism “Wasn’t Created for Someone Like Me”: Following a Queer Evangelical of Color in the Age of Trump

…ouldn’t change things. Or at least the microbial amount I would be able to change wasn’t worth the amount of pain and stress it was costing me personally; and accepting that I will never be able to change things for the better if I’m not healthy—physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. What do you miss? I miss my church. I miss my friends, but I know this was the right decision. I think most of all, I miss taking communion. I wept quite…

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‘Putin’s Children’ Push ‘Traditional Values’ in Latvia; Jewish Reparative Therapy Group Finds ‘Haven’ In Israel; Sikh Activist in UK Supports LGBT South Asians; Global LGBT Recap

…beaches’ if you say you want to dismantle apartheid. “Repentance is about change of mind and renewal. “There is plenty of evidence of a change of mind, there is a genuine wanting to move on but if you want to move on you have to go somewhere different to where you are now.” He added: “In a lot of this I don’t think the Church has to change its doctrine of marriage – it just has to apply it to same-sex couples.” Nick Duffy at Pink New notes that t…

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Church Synod Recap: Micromanaging the Morals of Others

…place for all but the most rigidly observant. What about the much-vaunted changes in tone? Changes in tone are no substitute for changes in substance. It is as if instead of saying, “Go to hell,” one were to say “Have a lovely, safe trip to your eternal damnation.” This time around, contraception and abortion did not even get a kind word. Tone deaf to women’s lives is how I read the document. Still, the report of the doomed upbeat first draft gav…

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Conservative Cardinals’ Controversial Letter Cites Church Appeal

…and the recognition of same-sex marriage. The evidence that a progressive change in doctrine would lead to a collapse of the church is circumstantial at best, whereas the evidence that the change in doctrine might revitalize the church is substantial. The conservative cardinals and others in the hierarchy aren’t fighting change because it might kill the church, they’re fighting it because their hardcore orthdoxy allows them to maintain their hege…

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Francis Must Make Changes to Have a Real Effect

…? Or, as I suggest, are they waiting to see if anything is really going to change? That seems to be at the heart of Gallicho’s complaints; that I’m suggesting that Catholics need to see some doctrinal change before they get invested in their religion again. He sees the fix as stronger parishes, ie., better priests and a more exciting liturgy, which could come from Francis’ appointment of bishops who are presumably more in tune with the needs of Ca…

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The Jihadi Revolution is Dead (But Bin Laden’s Death Didn’t Kill It)

…educated Palestinian professionals create a different kind of impetus for change in their region of the Middle East? The rise of a new nonviolent popularism in the Middle East may seriously undercut the viability of the jihadi image of violent social change. On the other hand, a significant number of failures of nonviolent resistence may lead to a violent backlash once again. Not all protests will end like Tunisia and Egypt. Others will be ruthle…

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Gambian Prez Rails Against Gay ‘Evil Empire’; Irish Priest Comes Out During Mass; Trans Talk on Tunisian TV Sparks Debate; Global LGBT Recap

…teen years, even decades in the future. If we are faithful, we will make a change. But above all that, whether the change occurs or not, we are all called to do this. This is our mission, this is our duty, and it is our honor to be a part of it at this time in history. Thank you, and God bless! In another story, we reported last week on Russia’s move to ban people with “sex disorders” from getting driving licenses, a move that was slammed by Europ…

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Heaven On Earth: A Non-Hysterical History of Shari’ah

…assumption of Ayman al-Zawahiri’s organisation—the belief that significant change will only come through violence—but though al-Qaeda is looking increasingly sect-like, its foundations have not collapsed. Murderous attacks are still committed in its name, and the resentments that allowed it to mushroom over the last two decades continue to seethe. It remains to be seen whether changes in the Middle East will draw the venom, or fuel yet more grieva…

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Why I’m Grateful for 2012, The Rapture, and other Millennial Delusions

…sh-fulfillment, at once eros and thanatos, that, failing to understand how change actually takes place, instead yearns for the whole system to be destroyed by magical means. It is a pathetic, if consummately human, fantasy. Yet given the violence of most millennialist prophecies, we should be grateful for their impotence. Editor’s note: this article was changed on 12/20 to correct an editorial error regarding post- and pre-millenialism. We blame t…

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