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Bright Lights, Big Bible: A Liberal, Literary Evangelical Keeps the Faith

…be treated as a voting bloc by politicians, preachers, and the media, because the closer the religion can be tied to a political party, the better for people seeking power on the basis of religion. It’s important to me to say these two things are not synonymous. Republicanism is not Christianity. There’s a reifying effect, too: If you are a white evangelical who did not vote for Trump, you are no longer considered a “white evangelical.” I do take…

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For Trump Admin, Immigration is About Race and Identity

…ead so as to relieve their hunger. But they did not receive this bread because they were ‘poor.’ They received it because they could produce a tessera, a token that proved (in the manner of a modern passport) that they were ‘citizens.’ It was the Fathers of the Church and the Rabbis of the Mishnah who challenged these borders, boundaries and forms of belonging. In the fourth century, Basil of Caesarea’s homilies on hunger spoke about the poor as a…

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Taking the Economy Back From the Elites: Blessed Are the Organized

…orkers typically refer to small-group meetings with Obama supporters as “house meetings.” Broad-based organizers use this term to describe meetings designed to get 8 to 12 people talking freely about their concerns and problems. But in Obama’s organization, “house meetings” appear to function as focus groups do in traditional campaigns. The campaign operatives already know what the issues are going to be, at least for the most part, and the point…

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Storytime with David Brooks: In Which the Liberals’ Favorite Conservative Gets Lost in a Lily-White History

…national story and portraying U.S. history as “a series of power conflicts between oppressor and oppressed.” Wow, just wow. For his own sake, Brooks needs to slow down lest he make an utter fool of himself with similar forays into fantasyland. The whole point of the kind of covenant that both the original Israelites and their Puritan epigones cherished was precisely its exclusivity: the fact that MY people, not your people, are anointed to be God’…

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The Children of Bellow and Roth: New Book of Short Fiction Takes On the Male Jewish Experience

…o, one of the characters comments that the protagonist can’t be racist because he’s Jewish. I’ve heard this said before—white Jewish men claiming they can’t be prejudiced because of their history. I’m looking at my grandfather’s diploma from dental school, in Polish, on the wall right now. And I’ve been to his hometown. He had five siblings, and four of them were murdered, so how can I not forget that? But the idea of saying that that applies to h…

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Wild Goose Festival’s (Mostly) Welcoming Spirit for LGBT Christians

…conversations taking place in Christian communities about the distinctions between welcome and affirmation, about who takes responsibility for reconciliation between the church and its LGBT members. In the future, festival organizers should invite a range of LGBT people to lead conversation from the main stage on their own terms rather than Campolo’s or Marin’s. And they should take to heart these words from the Gay Christian Network’s Justin Lee:…

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It’s Theology, Not Baseball: Misunderstanding Iraq’s Sectarian Conflicts

…of Europe and North America, the seeming romance of radical ideological causes can appeal to those who are disenchanted, or crave the satisfaction of being part of a larger cause no matter how degenerate it may appear to their fellow citizens. But this is not the whole story — and pretending that we can explain away sectarian clashes as if this were a baseball league will not make them so. Why is it that the radical groups appeal to exclusive the…

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Why Christians Should Have a Passover Seder: A Rabbi Responds

…bors. To apply his insight to the religious world, we might say boundaries between faiths help us preserve the integrity of them all. A Christian seder, some suggest, crosses over those boundaries. The way to address this concern is not to condemn the seders. It is to bring in rabbis and other knowledgeable Jews who can help facilitate them. A church seder should not be led by a youth minister who printed out an article from Wikipedia. It should b…

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Fight the Power: How to Read, and Re-Read, the Book of Revelation

…ups. But I realize that it’s not enough just to complain when politicians fuse them, because politics and religion have been fused for most of the human race for most of our history. And so I was asking myself, “Wait a minute—when did they get separated?” I think we Americans mostly think about the American Revolution and the French Revolution when we set up a secular government. But there were people in the ancient world that tried to create a se…

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Enlightenment’s Islam: A “Necessary Fiction”

…the perfect foil for the Church: a creed “without mortification or whips,” free from abstruse theology and hierarchies of priests. Enmity for the Church also led Voltaire, in 1772, to praise Islam “because it does not descend into the folly of giving God any assistants, and it has no mysteries.” This new view of Islam, particularly as expressed in Boulainvilliers’ biography, was a decisive influence on Edward Gibbon, who had already cultivated a l…

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