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Why Republicans Don’t Think Obama Is Christian

…y has been uniquely blessed by God. I would be remiss today if I did not pause and remember our Egyptian Christian brothers in the recent barbaric attacks in Libya. ISIS murdered innocent husbands and fathers who clearly died for their faith and their beliefs. Just this morning, we hear further reports out of Syria that Islamic State militants have abducted dozens of Christians, including women and children. Weeks prior, the President chastised th…

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Introducing The Cubit, RD’s New Religion & Science Portal

…he Cubit? The cubit is an ancient unit of measurement, based on the length between the elbow and the tip of the middle finger. Ancient China, ancient Egypt, the Roman Empire, and other cultures independently made the forearm a standard of measure. And why not? It’s convenient and ubiquitous. When you lift a hammer, it’s already sitting at the end of a cubit. We chose this humble unit for two reasons. First, the cubit is an intersection; it’s where…

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west bank mural

A One-State Solution for Israel and Why It Will Work

…, not that either. He says a ‘one state’ solution would be impossible, because it would mean death by a million votes. Only if Friedman means, by a one-state solution, a unitary state that makes no distinctions between its citizens. One option is a one-state, but one which would respect the right of Palestinians to return to their country without threatening the deeply felt and understandable Jewish desire for a state—a federation of two states, w…

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Violence and Persecution of Christians Worldwide is Theme for Holy Week: A Report from Rome

…oo broad a term. The Good Friday service in Catholicism is not a mass, because there is no eucharistic celebration, rather, it is a commemoration of the Passion and crucifixion of Jesus. It is also the day on the liturgical calendar that the Pope does not deliver the homily. That did not matter to the thousands gathered. Pope Francis, (besides Jesus) was the attraction everyone had come to see. As the procession entered the basilica, it was striki…

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Critiques, Questions, and Sauve-qui-Peut: Looking Toward the Future of American Christianit(ies)

…has dug into the radically different visions of what Christianity is about between the gun rights people and the stop-gun-violence movement. Instead of close attention to the inner currents of change, what we tend to get from the mainstream media is mainly undigested dissemination of unilluminating polling numbers, sensationalized stories about the rise and fall of various personalities (e.g., the Robert Schuller family feud, Brad Braxton’s expuls…

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An Open Letter to Black Clergy on the Disdain for Protest

…consistently been in the streets. These sister-preachers stand in the gap between the gates of heaven and hell for our tattooed and gold-toothed youth. The Ferguson effect—forged in the streets, not the sanctuary—has set the nation on fire. Courtesy flickr user Bosco d’Anjou via Creative Commons Moreover, it is a movement led and informed by queer black women, many of whom are single mothers. They embodied Jesus—while clergy send them to hell Sun…

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Are We Living Through World War III?

…years to get out. But we only will if we accept that this is not just because Islam is undergoing an abstract civil war, but because forces that want violence, or have no response to violence, or are just oblivious to where it comes from, have been shaping the decisions too many of us have been making. Because the scary thing is, there are people out there who want this World War to become a lot bloodier, a lot uglier, and a lot scarier. We saw w…

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Jesus’ Language More Complicated Than Experts Claim

…for lord or teacher rabbouni “is, in fact, excellent Mishnaic Hebrew” because “It is attested in Codex Kaufmann of Mishna Ta`anit 3.8.” This sounds impressive until one actually reads Codex Kaufmann, a priceless source for early Rabbinic Hebrew. What Buth neglects to mention is that this form appears only once, as opposed to over 50 instances of the normal Hebrew forms “rab” or “rabbi.” He also doesn’t mention that, by contrast, this Aramaic term…

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Risky Business: The Pitfalls at the Corner of Church & Wall Street

…race in the Christian oikonomia—the balanced dispensation of Good in the household of God—is not selective, not based on any manner of worth, or effort, or status. “This grace,” Tanner explains, “is offered freely to all; to be favored by God with it, one does not have to be learned or wealthy or socially well-connected or male or white.” She continues: The whole Christian story, from top to bottom, can be viewed as an account of the production of…

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Right-Wing Religion, Anti-Globalism, Authoritarian Rule: America Catches Up With the Rest of the World

…men. Think of Rodrigo Duterte in the Philippines, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi in Egypt, Recep Erdogan in Turkey, Narendra Modi in India, and Vladimir Putin in Russia. No surprise that one of the first responses around the world to Trump’s victory were scenes of cheering right-wing Hindus in India and admiring Russians in Moscow. One of the first notes congratulating Trump came from an enthusiastic Duterte in Manila who only weeks earlier called Barack O…

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