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Hey Michele Bachmann,
I Got Your Nobel Laureates Right Here

…ocument and the Founding Fathers. In response, commenters on tea party web sites started making threats of violence against the student for having the audacity to question Bachmann. The 16-year-old Myers says that some commenters have called her “a whore.” Bachmann has not responded to the challenge, nor has she issued a statement condemning the threats. This week, 17-year-old Baton Rouge high school student Zack Kopplin called on Bachmann to back…

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“We (some of) the People” Florida Governor Rick Scott and the Tea Party

…cratic” had been forced to leave the event. One of the sherriff’s deputies officially charged with escorting them out of the Town Square told me that the signing was a private event, that the Square had been “leased” and that the “protesters” (they weren’t really protesting) would have to go to the “protest area,” which was behind the bandstand and across the street. The many Floridians that will be hurt by Scott’s budget were excluded from the ev…

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Dr. Kervorkian Dies

…the act. (For more on religious perspectives on assisted suicide, see this site.) More recently, we have debated the inhumanity of lives or marshaled a fear of rampant unchecked euthanasia of the elderly in our public debates about health care provisions; the right to death is as controversial as the right to life—and just as politicized (think Terri Schiavo). It sits at the very boundary of personal and political that feminists and others have pu…

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Fun with Facts, or, Yes Virginia, The UCC is still a Trinitarian Denomination

…week. You might not have known from the furious headlines on Christian websites proclaiming that the 1 million-member UCC will rebuff Christ and God by slashing a reference to God as “Heavenly Father.” Terry Mattingly at headlined his piece, “Adios to God the Father?” Mattingly, founder of the media critique site, thumped mainstream media for failing to notice a news release from a critic of the proposed change. Without calling UC…

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The Real Story Behind Rick Perry’s Secret Meetings with Pastors

At Ethics Daily, a site founded by the moderate Baptist Center for Ethics, contributing editor Brian Kaylor last month broke what was probably the most under-noticed religion story of the campaign season. He reported that a group of about 80 pastors and other conservative Christian leaders met in Texas, under the direction of televangelist James Robison, to continue to plot what Kaylor describes as a “behind-the-scenes strategy” to defeat Barack…

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Pastafarian Rights, Israeli Rosa Parks, Orthodox
Jewish P.I.

…econd-generation Indian Americans are working to Americanize Hinduism. The Hill Cumorah Pageant wraps up this weekend in New York. The festival takes place on the site where Mormon founder Joseph Smith discovered the golden plates that became the Book of Mormon….

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Huckabee Launches Videos to Teach Kids About American Exceptionalism

…lety and Cold War fervor of the movie Red Dawn. From Learn Our History web site’s Frequently Asked Questions: What does it mean that Learn Our History is “unbiased”? Learn Our History’s products have been developed to correct the “blame America first” attitude prevalent in today’s teaching. While we recognize that America is not perfect and has never been perfect we celebrate our incredible history with a balanced account of the events that create…

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Errol Morris’ Tabloid Sensationalizes Mormonism and ‘Cult’ Deprogramming

…a young Mormon named Kirk Anderson, the beauty queen flies to his mission site in England, abducts him, and spirits him away to a cottage where they repeatedly have sex; actions eventually leading to her arrest and subsequent media barrage. Was she in love? Was it mutual? What actually happened, and how closely does that hew to tabloid reports? In search of answers, Morris presents lengthy interviews with McKinney, her surviving accomplice, and t…

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Breivik’s Demographic Warfare and the American Right’s Demographic Winter

…cts as “a new phase of a very old war.” And so the WCF chose Poland as the site of last spring’s massing of the troops, drawing thousands of leaders from across the spectrum of religious-right activism: from US evangelical and Catholic nonprofits to Eastern European Catholic and orthodox antiabortion and anti-gay rights groups, to bureaucrats from European, EU and US governments, taking policy notes to bring back home. (emphasis added) The Howard…

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