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Pamela Geller Accuses Critics of “Blood Libel of the Worst Kind”

…Goldstone Report was a “blood libel;” at Andrew Breitbart’s Big Government site she defended Palin for her use of the term, writing, “[t]he ferocious, relentless attacks on Sarah Palin are a testament to her greatness, proof of how deathly afraid of her they are, like Dracula to the silver cross.” That’s a bizarre inversion of the blood libel charge; while anti-Semites accused Jews of drinking the blood of Christians, and even, as Heschel noted, i…

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Has Sojourners Really Changed its Policy on
Gay Ads?

…rom the group Believe Out Loud, which wanted to place a video on their web site encouraging churches to open their doors, hearts, and minds to LGBT people. The ad that the magazine has accepted is a full page ad for the print magazine, and the only difference is the focus — but it is a difference that, well, makes a really big difference.   The ad, sponsored by the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation and the Ali Forney Center focuses on th…

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Burning Man in the Age of Rick Perry: Revelation, Pluralism, and Moral Imperative

…-free living. Others, well, others call it a festival. Like any pilgrimage site, Burning Man is less a destination than a pretext for the journey. These days, of course, flying into Reno isn’t so hard—but actually opening up to whatever Black Rock City has to offer… that journey can be arduous. If you go looking for a festival with sex and drugs and dance music, that is all you will find. But if you pause to wonder why there’s a temple in the midd…

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Gay Chutzpah: An LGBT Synagogue Thrives

…ole of CBST given the rise of the internet and their active and engaged website, their role in Pride in New York City, and their very visibility. I regret I can’t answer. I have no information about the impact of that tool of communication and public visibility. Not having studied the impact of CBST’s impressive website, I assume it must have expanded the potential of membership recruitment. In the earlier days it was by the chance of knowing some…

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Constitutional Ban on Same-Sex Marriage Headed for NC Vote

…poverty and toss those layabouts into jail or “work camps,” as the satire site Freewood News recently suggested. The fact of this country is that we don’t get to vote on the rights of others. If we did, then the end of slavery, implementation of women’s rights, and equality for different races might never have come about. The reason we have these measures (which some like Rand, and his dad Ron, Paul, would like to see rolled back) is because of a…

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Evangelical PR Guru Signs Up for Romney Campaign Again

…outreach he did for Romney again. In other Romney-evangelical news, the website Evangelicals for Mitt is up and running again, maintained by conservative Christian lawyer David French (who recently joined the American Center for Law and Justice, which is run by Jay Sekulow, who also supported Romney in 2008), his wife Nancy, and Charles Mitchell. At the 2007 Values Voters Summit, Mitchell told me EFM represented evangelicals who were tired of the…

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Nobel Laureates Tell Gov. Jindal to Repeal Anti-Evolution Law

…ss than a week after a state lawmaker introduced a bill to repeal the law, officially known as the Louisiana Science Education Act (LSEA), 41 science Nobel Laureates sent a letter to Gov. Bobby Jindal and members of the legislature backing the measure. “Biological evolution is foundational in many fields, including biomedical research and agriculture,” the Nobel Laureates wrote. “It aids us in understanding, for example, how to fight diseases like…

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God TV: Televangelism 2.0

…w days after her Damascus Road conversion,” reads her biography on the web site for her book, Journal of the Unknown Prophet, “Wendy received this prophetic word: ‘And you shall be raised up as a forerunner of creative evangelism in this generation.’ The Prophetic Call to the Media was ignited.” Unlike their forebears at TBN, the Alecs are updated and hip, reflecting the trend in charismatic youth evangelism to be more Avril Lavigne than Aimee Sem…

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Arcade Fire and the Suburban Soul

…experience the feelings of the songs in a multimedia environment. At this site, you can input the address where you grew up and to the tune “We Used to Wait,” street-side scenes of your address (from Google Earth) pop up alongside a swirl of the character’s memories, concluding with Dali-esque imagery of trees suddenly sprouting in your chosen streets. From Natural Refuge to Paved Prison The American suburb has a history longer than most recogniz…

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RDBook: The Lost Scopes Archive

…ton summer sun. A contemporary example: this book was published in Kansas, site of one of the most recent ‘battles.’ Another: the ACLU, a brand-new organization in 1925, supports the Scopes defense in the name of academic freedom, the same grounds intelligent design supporters like those in Kansas now often use to argue their ideas should be taught in the science classroom! Reframing Scopes is a light, enlightening, educational and engaging read….

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