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Delta Airlines 1800-299-7264 Flight Change Policy

Democratic Egypt Tests a Divided Israel                             

…that nonviolence can achieve its goals, the situation on the ground could change drastically. No one knows what will emerge in a post-Mubarak Egypt. The Brotherhood will likely become part of any lasting governing coalition, though Egypt is still largely a secular country where Islam serves more as a resource of a rich cultural life roughly analogous to Judaism in secular Israel. Is there an Islamist minority that seeks to extend its power? Yes….

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The Brutality of Life for Syrian LGBTs; Saving the Anglican Church by Dissolving It; Backlash to Hindu Gay Wedding Ceremony in Indonesia; Global LGBT Recap

…ngly, a hard right-wing, Opus Dei leaning, anti-marriage equality, climate change denying Catholic PM has been replaced by a progressive Catholic who is passionate about action on climate change, dedicated to marriage equality, and committed to making Australia a constitutional republic. Interesting times ahead for us – but now we have a PM with some real vision. That is something to celebrate.” Turnbull is, however, sticking to Abbott’s controver…

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Post-Paris Reflections: We May Have to Learn to Hope

…s they can, together, and still not have it be enough? Because more has to change. Frankly, everything must change. One thing that could derail this momentous agreement among the wise and weathered people of the world is the threat of terrorism. The lead news stories all these last ten days have been San Bernardino or Chicago or the French election, moving to the right in Islamophobia. What if good people and decent governments worldwide commit to…

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Politics in a Time of Crisis: Sandy? Blame Socialism

…rankenstorm. We cannot of course trace any single weather event to climate change, but we can be left with certain critical impressions that should be part of our political conversation. First, we need government in times of crisis—those who are badly affected by storms are often afflicted for no particular reason, but still require help from their fellow citizens (consider my earlier question of what constitutes a crisis). The affected are just i…

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Prepare for Attack on Science by Newly-Elected Republicans

…ustries and Murray Energy, according to the Huffington Post. Other climate change deniers who were just elected or reelected to the Senate and whose top contributors are these same two companies include Hoeven, David Vitter (R-LA) and Jim DeMint (R-SC).  Despite the fact that, just as with evolution, there is virtually no debate in the science community over the existence of man-made climate change, questioning it in the public sphere is pretty mu…

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Did Pope Francis Just End the Religion and Science Conflict?

…ut in favor of an ambitious, activist agenda against anthropogenic climate change, Francis wades into an ongoing debate among the world’s most powerful countries about the interpretation of climate data. Specifically, Francis sides with the preponderance of scientists and against conservative politicians and business leaders in affirming that anthropogenic climate change is both real and urgent. He thus adds moral weight to the scientific consensu…

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Sarah Palin: Obama Wants to Make White People Slaves

…ahPac. To push back on the HBO movie, SarahPac commissioned a video, “Game change we can believe in,” a highlight reel of Palin on the 2008 campaign trail. Of course, the Pac is fundraising on the movie, hoping to get $20.12 for the 2012 race. While Rick Santorum has taken Palin’s 2008 role over as Super Christian out on the campaign trail (with songs being written about him, no less), Palin’s star is on the wane. Since proclaiming she would not r…

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The Next Islamists: The Wide Green Smudge That’s Changing Our World

…every other Muslim country was either colonized or petrified). If American policy recognizes the role of the Next Islamists in building a wealthier Muslim world, we may find ourselves unsuspected partners. For we are far away, as Simpfendorfer notes, missing out changes storming across Eurasia. But our very distance could be welcome in an era of rising China, aggressive Russia, and their obvious proximity. Engaging the World Beyond Our Coastlines…

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C Street Scandal, the Media, the Future of the Family: An Interview with Jeff Sharlet

…the economic crisis, Afghanistan and other issues, and how do they affect policy?  The Family would say that it doesn’t do policy, and in the strictest sense, that’s correct. For years, the confidential memos the Family prepared for members of Congress involved with the group emphasized that the “prayer cells” were not to take action as prayer cells. Rather, boilerplate at the top of every memo read, action should grow out of the relationships fo…

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McCain’s Prosperity Preacher

…iated with his efforts to inject his eschatology into Washington’s foreign policy debate, with his calls for a preemptive military strike against Iran and opposition to any land concessions by the Israelis to the Palestinians. (Parsley also serves as a Regional Director of CUFI.) But to really understand what keeps these figures so popular with their ample followings—and therefore attractive to vote-hungry candidates—one needs to look beyond the o…

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