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Eddie Long Case Should Mark the End of Black Church Homophobia

…se explodes the cover of the black church’s internal don’t ask, don’t tell policy which has had a profound effect on the community and its followers. It’s very interesting that the Long scandal broke almost immediately after black pastors led by Bishop Harry Jackson came together with the Family Research Council to oppose the repeal of the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Act. Many black pastors have staked their entire ministries on the “family” and the obs…

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Is “Weak Leadership” to Blame for Catholic Trump Support?

…that could faithfully reflect the Church’s positions on the wide array of policy issues related to the Church’s teachings. We can imagine a party that opposes abortion and euthanasia while also opposing the death penalty and pre-emptive war. Or one that calls for tuition tax credits for parochial schools and also for more aggressive government support for the needy. Or one that demands that the US open its doors to more refugees while also demand…

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Hulu’s ERA-Focused Mini-Series ‘Mrs. America’ Reveals an Ongoing Predicament of Progressive Politics

…continues as the women’s movement becomes fractured over disagreements on policy priorities. Should abortion be a central issue for the Democratic party platform? How do gay and lesbian rights factor into the feminist agenda? The contributions of Black women activists are clearly overlooked while strategies to minimize the anti-ERA movement gradually falter. By contrast, Schlafly coalesces and expands her political network. She marshals conservat…

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Walk the Walk: Honoring Common Ground on Abortion

…his pro-life views and avoided assertions regarding the shared values and policy positions of participants—particularly those who are pro-choice. By presenting lists and claiming that “many (though not all)” share these views, Camosy implicitly marginalizes those who don’t—which is exactly why we ask people to only speak for themselves. That marginalization fosters the very polarization the conference sought to avoid. The “many” of the article ar…

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No ‘Christian Compassion’ in Tony Perkins’ Response to Anti-Gay Bullying, Suicides

…terates to the religious gatekeepers trying to trap him about governmental policy to “give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.” Jesus also made sure to remind everyone not to ‘love the sinner, hate the sin,’ as many recite, but rather to love the sinner and hate the sin in their own life. A few years ago I was involved in a conversation with a partnered gay Christian and a man who identified as ‘ex-gay.’ The latter said: “It’s no…

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Response to Daniel Philpott: the Politics of Religious Freedom

…significant ways the assumption that is so ubiquitous in many academic and policy circles—and that is reflected in Dan’s response to my RD essay—that religious freedom is a singular achievement, an easily understood state of affairs, and that the problem lies in its incomplete realization. Our collaborative project has sought to understand the different conceptions of religious freedom at play in the world today, their different social and politic…

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What Really Was Wrong With the Ben Carson Interview on the End-Times

…llow their apocalyptic beliefs to dictate policy, particularly Middle East policy. (Think Sarah Palin, ca. 2008.) After Carson was asked about the end-times on Sharyl Atkisson’s new show Full Measure on Sunday, this typical reaction kicked in. In Salon, for example, the headline read: “Ben Carson’s apocalyptic fantasies: ‘We are getting closer to’ the End of Days.’” If you look a little closer at Carson’s answer, though, it’s not at all clear he b…

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Keep it Catholic, Catholics: A Response to Michael Sean Winters’ Attack on Frances Kissling in America

…with a great deal more grace. Then we can lift the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy that constrains many professional Catholics from saying what they believe on issues like contraception. There are solid Catholic arguments for the many approaches, not all of which I like, but all of which I have to be honest enough to admit are Catholic. Just as I would not tell an Opus Dei Catholic that I do not recognize her approach as Catholic, I do not expect t…

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Dehumanizing Huckabee Tweet Another Echo of Dangerous Tribalism

…oint out in the wake of the utter inhumanity of the Trump administration’s policy of separating migrant children from their parents is that there is a direct line from tribal epistemology to dehumanization that can blind even those religious people who claim that “God is love.” In recent weeks, the Trump administration has practiced a zero-tolerance policy that means separating migrant children from their parents, regardless of whether or not thos…

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Conservative Christians Say it’s Okay to Vote for Romney Despite Doctrine

…ivil government is not about a particular theology but rather about public policy, and the question we ask is this one: what are the policy principles that will govern your administration should you prevail on Election Day. The next thirteen paragraphs congratulate Romney and the Republican party on their platform, celebrating positions against human trafficking and persecution of religious minorities worldwide, same-sex civil marriage rights, and…

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