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It’s Not Me, It’s You: Catholic Values Dumping Trump

…rancis, who has let it be known that such blatant politicking is no longer welcome, and partly due to their own hubris. Cardinal Bernard Law? Disgraced by the “Spotlight” scandals and packed off to Rome (where he is enjoying a cushy retirement). Cardinal Francis George? Deceased. Cardinal Timothy Dolan? Wised-up and politic enough to know that there’s no point in going against the Francis tide (although he couldn’t resist calling out pro-choice Ca…

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‘Empty the Pews’ Chronicles the ‘Nurtured Insanity’ of a Fundamentalist Upbringing

…and since I’ve been a bit of a pioneer in speaking out about leaving it, I welcome this book of essays. It heralds the arrival of the next wave of questioners I helped unleash by asking some questions of myself through my novels, nonfiction books, and media appearances. A large part of what Empty the Pews does is capture a generational exodus from toxic Christianity from the perspective of (for the most part) former believers. What is the usefulne…

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Our Father, Who Art Our Mother: The (Open) Secret Queer History of God

…ogian Mary Daly wrote, “If God is male, then male is God”). So too, we may welcome a way of speaking about God which affirms people who identify as non-binary, gender-fluid, transgender, or otherwise genderqueer. Moreover, reconceptualizing God in this “new-old” way (to borrow a term from the Zohar) may help disabuse us of the idea that our world is fundamentally dichotomous and hierarchal. Indeed, the metaphor may help us to appreciate the world’…

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The Left Behind: Why Are White American Christians So Racist?

…the most progressive denominations. In that sense, his book may serve as a welcome call to repentance to Christians who think their church is doing better on racial issues than it really is. But will White Too Long be able to provoke change on a broader, more systemic level? I’m less sure of that. Obviously, there aren’t too many white churches where people sit around on Sunday morning talking about ways to do a racism in the coming week. There ar…

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State Director of Christian Right Legislative Group, ‘Project Blitz,’ Calls for Lynching of Rep. Ilhan Omar (Updated)

…yone else should be lynched and that American Muslims like her are fit and welcome to run for and hold public office. But he didn’t. He might have publicly called on the Facebook friend with whom he was agreeing about that lynching to also recant and apologize. But he didn’t. He might have further repented his call for this profoundly immoral and arguably criminal action. But he didn’t. Finally, he might also apologize to the Minnesota State Legis…

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On the Erasure of Whiteness in Responses to Convicted Pedophile Jan Joosten, a White Man

…-white. And there is. We can then historicize this phenomenon to see what factors allowed such people to commit these crimes in these ways at this moment in that place against those people. By doing so, we can work to create a community that does not facilitate, welcome, or rehabilitate such disgusting people. I wear sunglasses and a PBS shirt when I go for my occasional walk outside. I like to imagine that they will protect me in this particularl…

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New Book by Olivier Roy Argues that Aggressive Attempts to Christianize the West Actually Hasten Secularism

…mplicating of the issue of Europe’s supposed Christian character is deeply welcome. Giving the lie to noisy, self-negating attempts to promote Christianity in the public square helps us appreciate the significance of the genuine attempts of prophetic groups to affect religious renewal in Europe. Appearances can thus be radically deceiving. Nonetheless, Roy’s conception of religion (and its elimination) seem somewhat narrow. I mean, when he judges…

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Worried About Inequality After the Pandemic? Start By Listening to the Women Ringing the Alarm for Decades

…this context that the renewed debate around a Universal Basic Income is a welcome development. But, the welfare rights movement teaches us that the devil’s in the details and that welfare policies have to be examined critically for their moral foundations. The NWRO found itself in fierce opposition to a basic income plan put forward by the Nixon administration in 1969 because its restrictive nature, low benefit levels, work requirements, and the…

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The Evangelical Pluralism Problem and its Media Enablers

…g a belief in pluralism. Everyone else is a second class citizen. They are welcome to live in a free society, but they are merely tolerated. Fea was equally frank about the typical evangelical approach to religious freedom, perceiving a kind of “soft Christian nationalism” in evangelicals’ narrow focus on things like “sexual politics or religious practice in public education.” To which he added: “I did not see any evangelicals rising up to fight f…

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Religious Leaders Need ‘Empty the Pews’ Which Chronicles the Darker Side of the ‘Nones’ Phenomenon

…in Christianity has caused them will take more than a rainbow banner or a “welcome” sign to address. All of which leads us to the question I asked myself several times while reading the book: who is the intended audience? I suspect Stroop and O’Neal want other exvangelicals and Nones to find some consolation in knowing they’re not alone. That’s an important thing to understand, and a big reason why Stroop’s #EmptyThePews and Blake Chastain’s #exva…

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