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Barr and Pompeo Speeches Show Why Evangelical Warriors Won’t Abandon the President

…decision.” Trump is the barbarian-king leading white evangelicals in their war against all those they deem God’s enemies. For evangelicals, his authoritarian rhetoric is an asset; his cruelty is a mark of determination; his unwillingness to compromise is a welcome change from “softer” evangelical politicians. The question we should be asking is not when white evangelicals will finally have had enough. It’s how the rest of us are going to stop a co…

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Are Evangelicals Sweetness and Light or Enablers of Cruelty and Racism? Gender Roles Hint at an Answer

…rather boisterous affairs, this was anything but. The event opened with a welcome by Kathy Berden, the National Committeewoman of the Republican Party in Michigan. With perfectly coiffed white hair and bright red lipstick to match her striking red blazer, Berden embodied a Phyllis Schlafly-esque type of Republican femininity, one that tastefully combined feminine style with political power. In what seemed like an homage to Schlafly, Berden asked…

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Taking Evangelical Support of Israel at Face Value Is a Terrible Idea: A Response

…ove you, in other words, but you’ve been replaced. By me. Of course you’re welcome to convert and join in the fulfillment of your faith. This belief is often accompanied by a sort of patronizing respect for ultra-Orthodox Jews, as well as a sneering dismissal of “cosmopolitan” Jews who “don’t believe their own scriptures,” to quote a young man I knew in college who assured me that Jews who do believe their scriptures are “easy to convert,” because…

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The Latest Attempts to Get ‘In God We Trust’ Into Schools is a Coordinated Christian Nationalist Push [Part 3]

…ate purpose, condemned a public school’s efforts to make all students feel welcome as wasteful Project Blitz and legislators like Reed, who are willing to nationalize Christianity, threaten our Constitution. They endanger our government of the people, for the people, and by the people. They seek to use the machinery of the state to impose Christianity on a captive audience of schoolchildren. But that’s just the first step. In the end, if America d…

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A Recent Local Controversy Reveals the Theocratic Heart of ‘Project Blitz’

…ferred to as a Christian nationalist, largely because he is the best-known promoter of the idea. But as a former vice chair of the Texas Republican Party and a frequent headliner at Christian right and Republican conclaves, he is also a Dominionist with considerable political reach. (The Jefferson Lies was on the New York Times best-seller list at the time it was withdrawn.) The Christian nationalist appeal is to, what historian Frank Lambert call…

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Dems Should Take Notes From Elizabeth Warren’s Pitch-Perfect Answer on Faith

…tself, demands that Christians feed the hungry, give water to the thirsty, welcome the stranger, clothe the naked. (She might have pointed out that this is the only place in the New Testament that describes the requirements for salvation, but oh well, next time.) Warren only mentions values once and morals not at all, much less #reclaimingChristianity, #moralrevolution, or whatever other silly focus-grouped hashtag is going around these days. That…

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As UN Considers Status of Women, It’s Time for the Vatican to Take Its Rightful Place

…I think we all know the chances of that happening. While many of us would welcome the opportunity to have voice and vote in a democratic ekklesia, as feminist theologian Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza has long advocated, it’s as likely as many of the other reforms lay Catholics have advocated over the decades, from the ordination of women to ending clergy sexual abuse and its coverups. The Holy See must choose between its secular status and its rel…

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Is the Decline of Religion the Decline of Generosity?

…an mindset and believing that people should respect social hierarchies and welcome the rule of wealth. To be clear, I am all for people being personally generous and socially involved, but no one should think that greater individual giving means we will enjoy a more just and more generous culture. I will gladly reconsider my view of this matter if we should suddenly see masses of church folks signing up to work with Indivisible or demanding health…

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2018: Wave Goodbye to Another Year in Religion

…y a quiet, reflective protest informing the bigot-in-chief that he was not welcome to share Squirrel Hill’s grief. More generally, there was the rise of the Never Again movement, led by survivors of a mass school shooting in Parkland, Florida, who offered hope that things might, even for a minute, be different. If we at Religion Dispatches have any wishes for the coming year, it’s that their efforts and the blood of the victims not be wasted. Be b…

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Louis C.K., Paige Patterson, and the White Male Forgiveness Charade

…is punishment enough and that, by the time dust settles, it’ll be time to welcome them back with open arms. Michael Ian Black’s comments parallel Richard Land’s in that they both seem to be asking the same question: “Haven’t these men done enough suffering?” The goal of leaning on that redemption narrative is a simple one: to shame people who would still hold men who behave badly to account for their behaviors. It’s a guilt trip that depends on a…

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