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Is America Willing to Be Freed from Its Demons?

…eed not only prohibitions against war weapons in our streets, but also gun-buy-back programs, and gun-destruction community parties. Yet more than these, we need new police practices that make the use of guns the absolute last resort. More than all of this, we need to declare a time of an actual gun fast. No more hunting, shooting competitions, gun sports, range shooting practice, gun buying, gun shows, etc., until we see a 50 percent reduction in…

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A Test for Trump—And the Religious Right

…best positioned candidate to handle immigration. That’s a pretty stunning number given Moore’s very public rejections of Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric, and is indicative of one kind of split among these voters. But voters who will self-identify as “born again” or “evangelical” to a pollster are not a monolith. As Warren Smith argues at WORLD magazine, “watching Joel Osteen on TV doesn’t make you an evangelical.” Smith calls the evangelical supp…

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ISIS is the Islamic “Reformation”

…dieval army for the simple reason that it is not the middle ages. It is to buy into that old “war of civilizations” idea that eliminates complex historical contingencies in favor of a narrative every bit as mythic as what the Islamic State believes about itself. Indeed it is a formidable and evil army, but it is a modern army. The Islamic State, as Haroon Moghul notes in Salon, was born out of the catastrophic US invasion of Iraq. From the debris…

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Could a Real Life Jurassic Park Help with Climate Change?

…’t be messing with.” Shapiro takes that concern seriously. But she doesn’t buy into that fantasy of a world in which it’s possible for humans to exist without messing with things, including that which we don’t fully understand. That’s the fantasy, really, that underlies so many of our visions of simpler times. “With the earliest attempts at domestication of gray wolves in Europe some 30,000 years ago,” she writes, “our species began manipulating t…

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Church Synod Recap: Micromanaging the Morals of Others

…Easter dinner like a good boy priest, quite another to invite the guests, buy the food, cook the meal, entertain, and do the dishes as an adult member of a family. I am not suggesting that everyone has to live the same way, but I am underscoring that the voters in this case had little standing on the topic they chose to consider. I would hesitate to vote in a parallel synod of priestly celibacy about which I have no experience. Until this unworka…

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Russian Multimillionaire Makes Peace with Anti-Christ Milk

…e cross, Boyko-Veliky is still accepting the Mark of the Beast in order to buy and sell and becoming quite wealthy as a result. The agenda of Anti-Christ is not hindered by a few red ‘X’s on food packaging. It does make sense, however, if we see the ‘X’ as a strategy for resolving competing visions of society. Although less radical than Kuznetsov, Boyko-Veliky has a vision of how society should be ordered and he imposes this order within his compa…

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New Poll: Americans Disagree with Hobby Lobby

…Americans are still divided about whether those couples should be able to buy a wedding cake from any baker they wish. According to the survey, 51% of respondents said that transgender people “should be allowed to use the public restrooms of the gender with which they currently identify.” Forty-nine percent of respondents said transgender people “should be required to use the public restrooms of the gender they were born into.” Though Pew laudabl…

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India’s Elections and the “Doniger Affair”

…al to Marxism. Hinduism and the Indian state became one and the same for a number of academics, and, borrowing from missionary (and liberal secular) beliefs about Indian social practices and religion, they helped to advance several prominent—but false—ideas in the West: that the caste system was inherently and uniquely Hindu, that women in Hinduism are subordinate to men, and that Hinduism promoted social inequality and injustice. In the absence o…

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The Paranormal to Pop Culture Pipeline

…as “full of off-the-shelf Halloween junk, dolls and toys, books you could buy at any bookstore,” it’s an important case study in lived religion and the free exchange of ideas between pop culture and paranormal belief. The Warrens (Ed passed in 2006) were infamous demonologists whose greatest “case files” have resulted in such “real life” horror films as The Amityville Horror, A Haunting in Connecticut, and The Conjuring, which featured “Annabelle…

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Catholic Health System Releases New Rules for Contraception

…o prescribe because they don’t have personal prescription pads. Go out and buy one for God’s sake! It will be interpreted as extreme. Tulsa Public Radio described it as a “clamp down on contraceptive prescriptions” when a week ago people were wringing their hands that doctors had been told they couldn’t prescribe at all. Orthodox Catholics, however, are likely to be outraged that the hospital is actually acknowledging the moral agency of doctors t…

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