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An Open Letter to Kim Davis From a Gay Pastor

…ime for every time someone called me “a hypocrite of a Christian,” I could buy Kentucky outright. So I deeply understand your pain. But what causes me the greatest pain, Kim, is your blindness to the pain and anguish you continue to inflict upon my community. You say in the interview that “a piece of paper” cannot confer dignity upon people and that you feel sorry for people who need that. Well, our community doesn’t need your pity. What we do nee…

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Is Sam Harris Really a White Supremacist?, Part Two

…mericans. At the same time, bigotry comes in many forms. It is possible to buy into racially-tinged narratives of global conflict, and to target specific groups of people, without embracing the kind of white supremacy characteristic of Duke. After a close reading of Harris’ writing, we ended up arriving at a somewhat mixed conclusion. We were very critical of Harris, but we were aware of the connotations of the phrase white supremacy: To be clear,…

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A Test for Trump—And the Religious Right

…best positioned candidate to handle immigration. That’s a pretty stunning number given Moore’s very public rejections of Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric, and is indicative of one kind of split among these voters. But voters who will self-identify as “born again” or “evangelical” to a pollster are not a monolith. As Warren Smith argues at WORLD magazine, “watching Joel Osteen on TV doesn’t make you an evangelical.” Smith calls the evangelical supp…

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Mormons Declare Same-Sex Marriage Apostasy, Deny Baptism to Children of Same-Sex Couples; Colombian Court OKs Adoption Over Church Objections; Franklin Graham Praises Putin’s Anti-Gay Policies; Global LGBT Recap

…slims, rather than replace more conservative Muslim communities. “I do not buy into the myth that all non-queer Muslims are homophobic,” said Mohamed of Queer Muslims of Boston. But these and other organizations, such as Noor in Seattle and El-Tawhid Juma Circle in Toronto, are filling a long-ambiguous space within Muslim communities. As Shahar said, “I’m over people within the LGBTQ Muslim movement telling me the movement is young and therefore w…

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Why The Church Can’t Stop Gun Violence

…more liberal denominations split on gun control, they’re distracted by any number of other issues: hunger, homelessness, anti-racism, advocating for LGBT rights, refugee resettlement, Israel-Palestine and on and on and on. Anybody who’s spent time in a mainline Protestant church knows that it seems like there’s a new cause every damn day. It’s difficult to coalesce around any one issue. As if that weren’t bad enough, the ongoing self-segregation o…

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A Third Reconstruction? Rev. William Barber Lifts the Trumpet

…ars being spent to buy candidates’ souls. Of course, secret pools of money buying Southern elections is a problem. SCOTUS’ Citizens United decision changed the rules of the game, making it easier for big money to play partisan politics. As John Nichols has said in his book, we are more and more a “dollarocracy.” But we remind our progressive friends who are not up on their Southern history: Poor and jobless people of all races have never had money…

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Are the Girls Scouts Evil? And What About Thin Mints?

…Gloria Steinem and Betty Friedan. As to the big moral question here—can I buy Thin Mints?, the archbishop has treated the question with all the theological seriousness it deserves: Each person must act in accord with their conscience. It is also our duty to form our consciences and learn the issues. Carlson has disbanded the Catholic Committee on Girl Scouts and replaced it with a Catholic Committee for Girls Formation, which will soon, undoubted…

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Catholic Bishops Winning “Liberties,” Losing Humans

…berty that the good prelates have cooked up for them? Are they refusing to buy gay cupcakes and taking birth control away from their employees before going to pray in Central Park? No, they just keep filling out their March Madness brackets. Only 25 percent even bother to attend Sunday mass, notes Dolan, “seem[ing] to prefer Starbucks and sporting events.” Maybe it’s not them, Cardinal. Maybe it’s you. Maybe the pews are empty and the Starbucks ar…

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Is America Willing to Be Freed from Its Demons?

…eed not only prohibitions against war weapons in our streets, but also gun-buy-back programs, and gun-destruction community parties. Yet more than these, we need new police practices that make the use of guns the absolute last resort. More than all of this, we need to declare a time of an actual gun fast. No more hunting, shooting competitions, gun sports, range shooting practice, gun buying, gun shows, etc., until we see a 50 percent reduction in…

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Historian: Evangelical Trump Fandom is No Deviation

…. In the coming years, it’s an open question regarding how much the courts buy their appeals to operate businesses as “religious” places deserving of certain legal protections. That they are appealing to a secular idea, namely religious freedom, is instructive and interesting but not out of step with their forebears, especially those in business. A business history of conservative evangelicalism shows that evangelicals have long treated spiritual…

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