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Virgins and Vampire Worship: The Religion of Twilight 

…s been rising about one percentage point a year for the past five years. Today, one out of five adults, and more than one in three 18- to 22-year-olds, are religiously unaffiliated. But “unaffiliated” doesn’t mean unbelieving. Many of these same adults are spiritual. Most believe in God. One-fifth say they pray every day. And a version of religious fervor can be found among both secular and religious fans of just about everything. Religion scholar…

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Will Millennials Forge a Future for the Progressive Black Church?

…n a moral and ethical reimaging of the social and political systems of the day. But his speeches at rallies and essays written for publication were much more inclined to draw a bead on the actors in the stage-play of American racism. Because King was a black preacher from the South, the “preaching” moment as it is understood had an elasticity that covered more than just the pulpit on Sunday morning. Many black preachers followed suit,“calling out”…

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Honey, I Shrunk the Church: The Vatican Manages Sexual Abuse, Canonization and the Nuns

…to the possibility that the big tent that ought to be Catholicism may one day lower its top and open its flaps. But I’m no more persuaded now than I was four months ago—and perhaps a little less. The institutional church now appears more like a pup tent from which all but the most entitled are excluded. A review of current affairs demonstrates the reasons for my concern. Sexual Abuse That great big institution with a global reach that divides up…

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John McCain: No God But Country

…on Christmas day, and how one guard looked him straight in the eye on that day (that holy day) and “drew with his sandal a cross in the ground.” In recent press events, this moment in Hanoi has become his road to Damascus, the tale told to shunt rumors of irreligion. Conversion narratives have become mandatory formulations in American politics, signaling simultaneously theological affinity with an important voting bloc as well as the character req…

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Tinkering with Creation: Intelligent Design 2.0

…d the creationist remarks of Buckingham’s fellow board members in the next day’s newspapers. That a little more than six months later, Buckingham and his fellow board members would deny under oath that he made the statement at the meeting, or that any of them even so much as uttered the word creationism, only sealed their fate for what would come to pass. Their remarks, and their denial of them, led to a six-week trial in which intelligent design’…

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Mormon Leader Affirms Doctrine on Marriage; and More in Global LGBT Recap

…munity and can contribute to the wellbeing and progress of Curaçao. On the day I was elected, I expressed that I would be the prime minister of EVERYBODY. EVERYBODY includes ALL citizens of our dushi Korsou regardless of the colour of their skin, background, income, surroundings, religious beliefs and yes….also sexual orientation. It is my conviction that love is love, and equal is equal, and inclusion therefore means everyone. And that is why I a…

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Manhattan Declaration Asks: What If Jesus Had Been Aborted?

…e wine; there would be no Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Martin Luther King Day, or Columbus Day (of course)! I posted this bit of nonsense to my Twitter account, and here are some selected excellent responses: @sarahposner Wow. I don’t get offended easily, but that’s pretty offensive. — Ellen Cooper-Davis (@Rev_Mother) December 23, 2011 @sarahposner No wine? Did it suddenly cease to be made after Homer praised it thousands of years before? — Jared…

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The Transfiguration of the Fanboy: How I Lost One Leper Messiah, and Gained Another, The Conclusion

the only audience that really matters—the fans beyond number who will one day venerate him, a radical apocalyptic prophet born sometime around 4 BCE, as a god. “I know that one day a big artist is going to get killed onstage, and I know that we’re going to go very big,” Bowie told an interviewer, in 1974. “And I keep thinking: it’s bound to be me. Go out on me first tour, get done in at me first gig, an’ nobody will ever see me. That would be wil…

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The Abandoned Orphanage: Hillary Clinton’s Mother Teresa Moment

…t when Clinton got to the Senate and joined him in supporting Tom DeLay’s “Day of Reconciliation” resolution following the 2000 election, urging Americans to “pray for our leaders,” especially Bush.) The Empty Orphanage After Clinton bowed to Mother Teresa’s reproof from the dais, she gained some bipartisan credibility. Mother Teresa got something out of the deal as well: a now-empty building that could serve as a brick and mortar symbol for faith…

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What was Pants to Church Sunday Really About?

…e spiritual lives of Mormon men and women. It’s a conversation restarted today. Even as the day’s events left many rank and file Mormons scratching their heads and admitting that they have no idea what Mormon feminism is really about. This is a great time to learn.  To learn more about what Wear Pants to Church Day was really about, please read this and this and this and this. And to learn about what Mormon feminists care about and what they mean…

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