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RDBook: Whither the Religious Left?

…ldest continuous congregation in America, going back, according to its web site, to 1628. The church features a dynamic, multiracial gospel choir that Clarkson says will perform. Far from a sleepy panel discussion, the church leaders in partnering with the publisher want an event that is more like a catalyst for a movement—and are exploring live-streaming the event on the internet.) Clarkson was one of the first investigative reporters to look dee…

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The Happening and the Gospel of Bruce Springsteen

…e headship in a traditional Christian family. Lest you think io9 (a sci-fi site) goes off the deep end, look at the interview with Shyamalan in Scientific American. Here the director sounds less a candidate for the Promise Keepers than for a drum circle: There is something that binds everything. To keep looking for that, that drive is almost the holy grail. I can totally relate to that on an intuitive level. That’s somehow tied to some mystical th…

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RDBook: Power Belongs to God

…ho usually happen to be brutal dictators. Despite lacking so much as a Web site, the group is an indisputable presence on the Washington scene. It helped to broker the not-necessarily-intuitive alliance between free-market economics and conservative religion that rolled back the New Deal and built a Republican majority. A handful of Congressmen from both parties live in a townhouse that The Family owns. Born-again Watergate crook Chuck Colson is t…

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Hagee Hangs On

…berg, of San Antonio’s Congregation Rodfei Sholom, who wrote on CUFI’s Web site that it was “ironic and absurd that when Pastor Hagee was lecturing on one of the Jewish perspectives of the Holocaust that his words were twisted and used to attack him for being anti-Semitic.” Scheinberg also called Hagee “a world leader in his support of Israel.” Hagee and Scheinberg go way back. In a story entitled “Our Jewish Roots” published in JHMagazine, Hagee…

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A Lone Blogger vs. the McCain-Hagee Alliance

…bly, McCain had access to the results of a landmark 2002 academic study (updating an earlier 1994 study) on the influence of the Christian right in American state-level GOP party structures. Kimberly Conger and John C. Green’s study, entitled “Spreading Out and Digging In: Christian Conservatives and State Republican Parties,” demonstrated that the votes of Christian conservatives had become nearly indispensable to Republican electoral success: “O…

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God TV: Televangelism 2.0

…w days after her Damascus Road conversion,” reads her biography on the web site for her book, Journal of the Unknown Prophet, “Wendy received this prophetic word: ‘And you shall be raised up as a forerunner of creative evangelism in this generation.’ The Prophetic Call to the Media was ignited.” Unlike their forebears at TBN, the Alecs are updated and hip, reflecting the trend in charismatic youth evangelism to be more Avril Lavigne than Aimee Sem…

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RDBook: The Lost Scopes Archive

…ton summer sun. A contemporary example: this book was published in Kansas, site of one of the most recent ‘battles.’ Another: the ACLU, a brand-new organization in 1925, supports the Scopes defense in the name of academic freedom, the same grounds intelligent design supporters like those in Kansas now often use to argue their ideas should be taught in the science classroom! Reframing Scopes is a light, enlightening, educational and engaging read….

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Becoming the Common: Why I Got Arrested in North Carolina

…nd death are no longer the ultimate power. Jesus is risen! There from that site, holy words touch two intersecting nerves, the religious and the political. For some in power, these disciples speak heresy (Jesus is the power of God) and for others in power, these disciples speak sedition (Jesus is the power). Only criminals touch nerves at this level and receive the consequences—“So they arrested them and put them in custody… (4:3)” Real preaching…

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Ten of Our Favorite Top Tens

…THE PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION: Just to show that we are hardcore. Check this site to see what kind of work people are doing in this field. Of particular interest to RD readers, perhaps: “Instruments of Accommodation: The Military Chaplaincy and the Constitution,” by Ira C. Lupu and Robert W. Tuttle or “Undressing Difference: The Hijab in the West,” by Anita L. Allen. 9.) TOP TEN INTELLECTUALS IN THE WORLD Bimonthly US international affairs journal F…

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Shhh…Don’t Speak of Abortion: Roe v. Wade at Thirty-Six

…ginia, and Arkansas share a troubling commonality,” AAP reports on its Web site. “Because of where they live, these women face daunting barriers to get safe abortion care if and when they need it. These least-access states have the most restrictive laws and the fewest number of abortion providers. These states also share other traits: low levels of contraceptive care, high rates of poverty, and strong anti-abortion cultures. With little help to pr…

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