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Delta Airlines 1800-299-7264 Flight Change Policy

Pence’s Prayer Breakfast Appearance Underscores Fractured American Catholicism

…Cupich. This wing of the church is now wholly fused with the political and policy priorities of the Republican Party, ignoring Pope Francis’ entreatments regarding climate change and its effects on the environment, global income disparities, and compassion for immigrants. And, as Michael O’Loughlin noted in America, “The founder of the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast, Joseph Cella, was an early supporter of Mr. Trump and helped organize Catholi…

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Don’t Be Fooled By Trump’s Acceptance of Marriage Equality: Here’s What to Expect

…hts: a defense of so-called religious freedom. The term itself, often interchangeably used with “religious liberty”, seems altruistic enough. We’re the United States of America, after all. Land of the free, home of the brave, founded by affluent white men fleeing religious persecution (who then proceeded to trample all over the religious and civil rights of the people who were already living here). So there is some dark sense of poetic justice in…

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Homosexual Thoughts and Feelings Not a Sin, Says New LDS Handbook

…ltiple advance copies of the CHI leaked on the internet reveal significant changes to Church policy on homosexuality. Websites are reporting changes (in CHI Book 2) as follows, with deletions marked in strikeouts and additions in italics: Homosexual behavior violates the commandments of God, is contrary to the purposes of human sexuality, distorts loving relationships, and deprives people of the blessings that can be found in family life and in th…

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Better Dead Than ‘Fed’: Behind Palin’s Dig at ‘Unbiblical’ Fed

…one that also meshes with Tea Party rhetoric—the Fed’s control of monetary policy is a prime example of federal government “tyranny.” North argues that the Federal Reserve is unbiblical because it usurps power not legitimately held by civil government (because God didn’t grant it) and it promotes inflation, which he says is nothing more than theft from those who are not in debt in favor of those who are. Many of North’s works are popularly accessi…

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Many Religious Leaders Oppose Religious Exemption in Anti-Discrimination Order

…it “advis[es] Christian leaders and organizations on cultural, political, policy and communications issues” — are “friendly” to Obama or worked for his campaign. But it’s also true that many more advocacy and faith-based organizations that support church-state separation, religious freedom, and LGBT rights (and have no stake in this issue as federal contractors) are also friendly to Obama and strongly oppose an exemption. The Rev. Welton Gaddy, p…

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NPR Largely Misses Critical Distinction on Religious Freedom vs. LGBTQ Rights

…the nondiscrimination statute of 1989). Catholic Charities maintained this policy for nearly two years after the 2004 marriage equality decision, until the Massachusetts Roman Catholic bishops instructed Massachusetts Catholic Charities in 2006 to cease providing adoptions to same-sex couples. This came just three months after a unanimous vote by the 42 Catholic Charities board members to continue to place children in same-sex households and was f…

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Blood and Politics — Christian White Nationalism in the Age of Obama

…the United States is or should be a “White” country takes on the form of a policy issue. If you follow the discussion among anti-immigrant groups, the dominant discourse is about how the United States is becoming a “Third World” country because of all the brown-skinned Spanish-speaking people crossing the Rio Grande—never mind the fact that these same people have been on this side of the border ever since 1845. From this perspective, one of the mo…

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Islam=Peace: What’s in a Slogan?

…ng factors that are important to understand, so that we can begin to craft policy solutions to problems too often ignored or treated reductively by the policy community as simply religious, tribal or cultural.” Read as part of a larger in-house movement to reassert the soul of Islam and push back against the forces of extremism, this bumper sticker had new meaning for me. And I realized that I had cynically underestimated its power. Photo credit:…

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DeMint Stymies Obama’s Religious Diplomacy Nominee

…a wrote at the time: Dr. Sujay’s resumé, with no discernible international policy experience, her close ties to the Clinton administration, and several ill-defined business ventures, suggest that President Obama cares little about supporting religious freedom around the world. As Mark Silk put it succinctly, “This is the Religion Ambassador?” The Washington Post is carefully tiptoeing around the question of Rev. Cook’s appointment, quoting the fir…

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2012 GOP Candidate Would Reinstate DADT

…o ask him one. This was before Congress finally overturned the 17-year-old policy during their lame duck session last December. The religious right claims the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell would jeopardize the religious freedom of chaplains who believe homosexuality is sinful, so I wanted to ask a living, breathing chaplain what he thought about that claim. “Well,” he began, “we serve whoever comes to us. I don’t think it will be a big deal. The…

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