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When Bad Weeks Happen to Good People

…for both good and evil depending on context and circumstances? If so, then policy can be designed to bring out the good and minimize the bad. This kind of mindset often leaves proponents vulnerable to charges of “social engineering.” Other folks seem to trend in the other direction: humans (or at least the ones with Y chromosomes) are basically and ineluctably violent. War, murder, and rape are just part and parcel of being a (hu)man. This, too, h…

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In the Lewinsky Redux, a Religious Message

…rody File. “Even though ‘Kristi the congresswoman’ pushes for conservative policy,” host David Brody tells us, “as a believer in Jesus Christ, she’s got something even bigger on her mind.”  “You know He placed me there, yes, to work on policy,” Noem tells Brody, “but maybe my biggest job was to minister to individuals . . . . The way that He’s going to fix this country may be by changing people’s hearts and getting them more geared toward Him,” sh…

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Republicans Claim Shari’ah Law Threatens Constitution

…last year, Islamophobic agitator Frank Gaffney of the Center for Security Policy put on a panel of speakers, including Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-CO), who urged Congress to investigate how shari’ah law poses a dire threat to the Constitution. Gaffney’s “Team B” report on shari’ah law, released earlier last fall, found favor with Republicans like Rep. Trent Franks (AZ), Rep. Pete Hoekstra (MI), and Rep. Michelle Bachmann (MN). As Matt Duss reported at t…

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Confronting “Dangerous Memory,” Heeding the Power of the Moral Imagination

…ng primer on moral movement building. We progressives tend to generate our policy prescriptions on the grounds of their “rightness.” If we were honest with each other, we would acknowledge that we engage each other too much from the head and not enough from the heart, too much from policy particulars and not enough from the depth and despair of lived experience. Rev. Barber breaks that unhelpful mold. He deeply understands what too few people do:…

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DADT Repeal and DREAM Defeat: A Failure of Evangelical Influence?

…AM Act, and voted, finally, to repeal the military’s Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy on gays and lesbians in the military. Viewing today as a microcosm of religious political activism, these two votes caused me to wonder: do elected officials give a damn what religious activists have to say? Let’s take DREAM first: there was a pretty wide coalition of religious activists who supported DREAM and brought their message to the Hill. The activists include…

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Disgruntled Former Head of Bush Faith-Based Office Praises Obama’s

…Union, we now know that the Justice Department, under Obama, has adopted a policy of granting certificates of exemption to taxpayer-funded religious organizations that request one. It has not revealed how many organizations have received such exemptions from federal anti-discrimination law.  Anxious to portray the Obama effort as a centrist ideal, DiIulio rather cavalierly dismisses this and other lingering problems, including a lack of transparen…

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White Christian Complaints About Religious Persecution Are Especially Ugly on MLK Day

…must direct that religious freedom be properly integrated into all foreign policy of the United States at every level.” (Emphasis added.) It’s been well documented, here on RD and elsewhere, that American evangelicals, in particular, have weaponized the concept of “religious freedom” or “religious liberty” to fight equality. In recent months, members of this ideological cohort have grown increasingly forthright about their objective. Perkins, for…

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Attack on the US Capitol Has Many Journos Finally Taking White Evangelical Authoritarianism and Christian Nationalism Seriously

…s much to push through the Christian Right’s culture wars agenda on social policy, or gave hardline evangelicals such exclusive access to the president as that enjoyed by Pat Robertson’s Christian Broadcasting Network and Trump’s Evangelical Advisory Board. Only Trump proved willing to take the ill-advised and destabilizing foreign policy step of moving the US Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem because of evangelicals’ extreme beliefs ab…

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DREAMing of Faith

…, led by Heather Higginbottom, Deputy Director of the White House Domestic Policy Council and Joshua Dubois, Director of the White House Office of Faith Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, included Noel Castellanos of the Christian Community Development Association; Rabbi Jack Moline of Agudas Achim Congregation in Alexandria, VA; Pastor Joel Hunter of Northland, A Church Distributed in Longwood, Florida; and Pastor Rich Nathan of Vineyard Columb…

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Ron Paul’s New Place in the GOP

…plans to push such a plan as the new chair of the House Domestic Monetary Policy Subcommittee that oversees the Fed and its monetary policy. Reportedly Republican leaders had planned to put someone else in that position but appointed Paul under pressure from Tea Party organizations. I’ve written about the background of Paul’s economic views, particularly on the Fed, here. Paul told Bloomberg News he wouldn’t move to end the Fed immediately, but w…

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