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2017 Around the World: Progress and Persecution For LGBT People

…nline. Ghana: President slammed for suggesting anti-LGBT attitudes may someday evolve President Nana Akufo-Addo said in an interview this fall that there’s no real effort to promote acceptance of homosexuality in Ghana, where it is a criminal offense. But NewNowNext reports that even his acknowledgement that the country may some day see the kinds of changes in attitudes toward LGBT people reflected in other part of the globe sparked criticism from…

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Jesus, Gentrification, and the Hypocrisy of “Diversity”: An Interview with D.L. Mayfield

…my writing and activism, so I take that pragmatic approach. However, in my day-to-day life I often feel very estranged from the normal trappings of Christianity—the emphasis on raising children in the best (safest) way possible, for example, or the importance of attending church, or debating doctrine. This all seems very far removed from my life—there are precious few church plants in poorer neighborhoods, for instance, or it can be hard to be a p…

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Addressing the Culture War Without Touching the Culture War

…called for an all-out war against the “secular humanist” ideologies of the day. The clash of these titanic forces by the late 1970s, observes Marsden, led to the culture wars that remain with us to this day. Despite being driven by the hope of overcoming the impasse created by the culture wars, Marsden’s last chapter, “Toward a More Inclusive Pluralism,” fails to offer anything like a public philosophy for how to better facilitate secular and reli…

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As Irish Flee the Church, a Push For Reform

…gaggles of green-bedecked youngsters and young adults line the St. Paddy’s Day parade route, but in Dublin’s cathedral youthful faces only speckle the crowd. Three days of talking with Church leaders help put numbers and pictures in perspective. But their insights on the Church’s problems make the new pope’s task sound all the more difficult. Many of the Irish Church’s fiercest critics are also its most devoted sons and daughters, who came of age…

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Savoring the Haterade: Why Jews Love Dara Horn’s ‘People Love Dead Jews’

…to become part of the daily chatter of Jews unable to devote their entire day to study. It was a brilliant idea and widely successful, far more than Shapiro could have imagined. For Horn, the Talmud is the testament of dead Jews and daf yomi is how Jews love them. One page every day. So we’ve come full circle. Loving dead Jews isn’t necessarily a bad thing. If you’re a Jew. In fact, it’s the very quintessence of Torah study, the centerpiece of Je…

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Is ISIS A Sign of the End Times? It May Only Matter That They Believe So

…not an ordinary struggle, with defined objectives and the give-and-take of day-to-day politics, but what Reza Aslan described as “a cosmic war,” a struggle between pure good and outright evil, in which there can be no compromise, Russia’s involvement is a problem. Given Russia’s antagonistic relationship with several Muslim-majority regions, it may not be preposterous to believe Moscow’s Syrian intervention may strengthen ISIS rather than defeat i…

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Red Riding Hood Arouses Man’s Inner (Were)Wolf

…endered her even more enchanting. And that was what she was wearing on the day her mother sent her on her fabled errand: to bring cakes and butter to her reportedly-ill grandmother. The girl met the wolf on the way, but he was afraid to kill her there, for fear of the armed woodcutters all around them in the forest. He proposed a race to her grandmother’s house and took the shorter road himself. He knocked, pretended to be the girl. The unsuspecti…

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God Wants You to Work Harder, and to Stop Complaining

…ader,” written by Irish poet and priest John O’Donohue. Likewise, once the day’s scheduled sessions and events were complete, participants would again meet to hear final thoughts from one of the conference organizers, followed by another closing inspiration. Such practices bestowed a structure on the conference, and transported the proceedings outside standard space and time and into the realm of the sacred, toward holy significance. The participa…

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How To Talk To “Nones” and Influence People: Rob Bell’s Transrational Experience

…l’s original authority comes from his status as a megachurch pastor, these days he seems to get equal status from his choice —whether voluntary or under pressure—to leave that setting. Whatever it is he’s doing now, it seems to be a mirror of the zeitgeist. We hear a lot about that portion of the population the media likes to call “nones,” those who respond to Pew Research polls on religious affiliation by checking “D: none of the above.” Mostly c…

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Diplomatic Suckerhood: Why Israel Is Fighting Toward its Own Demise

…ch sets the vicious cycle going all over again. Perhaps Israelis will some day be so afraid of the dangerous consequences of rejecting peace that they will turn toward peace. But it seems more likely that real peace will begin only when enough Israelis decide that they no longer want to define themselves by their traditional self-image, that they want a new one to match the reality of their power. Then the majority of Israeli voters will be able t…

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