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Glenn Beck’s History “Professor” David Barton On Racism and the Three-Fifths Rule

…ves. In one notable example, first published on Barton’s Wallbuilders’ Web site in 2001, Barton argues in favor of the three-fifths rule which required that slaves be counted as three-fifths of a person for representation in Congress. Barton maintains that, while contemporary Americans are aghast that “we” could have ever considered African-Americans just three-fifths persons, the result was beneficial to the slaves, because the rule diminished th…

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Evangelical Millennials Good with Government

…As Guy Molyneux and Ruy Teixeira write at the Center for American Progress site, voters between the ages of 18 and 32 hold good (but necessarily “big”) government in significantly higher esteem than older cohorts. At first glance, that morsel of information seems downright soporific. But for political junkies, among others, there is some significance here. As Molyneux and Teixeira point out, progressives trying to sell activist government programs…

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Building Jesus out of Toast, “Pro-Life” Effigies, Apple is a Religion, and Taunting Muslims with Dogs

…oncerns may keep Christian pilgrims from baptisms in the Jordan River. The site is believed to be the place where Jesus was baptized but is now contaminated with raw sewage and agricultural run-off. Fred Phelps and his Westboro Bapist Church, noted anti-gay protestors, turned their attention to Comic-con and spewing hate at “idolaters” reading DC and Marvel. The response from the Comic-con faithful is a mix of wit, the bizarre, and beating Phelps…

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End of the World: An Update

…that Christ will return May 21, 2011. The sign doesn’t say it, but the web site that it refers to let’s us know that Oct. 21, 2011 will be the day “when He will destroy the world and all that is therein.” At the end of the article, there is what may be the saddest quote I have ever read in a news story: Exley has bittersweet feelings about Camping’s prediction. “There are things I felt I always wanted to do—get married, have a kid, travel more,” s…

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Free Yiddish Lessons, Vacation Liberty School, and Brangelina’s Universalism: The Week in Religion, Poetically

…tegy has been to apply for landmark status for the current building on the site. Echoing the Temecula Baptists, US Representative Peter King said, “It’s a house of worship, but we are at war with al-Qaida.” King also argued that it was a bad time for Muslims to build a mosque. “Right at this moment in history, it’s bad form to put it there.” Want to block religion from encroaching onto your browser? Try GodBlock. The Obama administration is removi…

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Focus on the Family Goes to Bat for Bullies

…ucation analyst for Focus on the Family, said on the recently launched Web site Cushman appeared on Anderson Cooper 360 Wednesday night on CNN, and tried to put a pretty face on their efforts, saying: “We absolutely think every child should be protected from bullying.” She went on to try to explain, and this is where I began to wonder if conservative Christians ever really listen to themselves when they speak—because she hit the…

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Will God-Gaming Alter the Bible?

…ixed narrative of the Bible itself. The “About” feature of the nascent Web site tells us that the game “is designed for users to actually experience the Book of Genesis by fulfilling quests of Abraham, which is based on the true stories of the Genesis [sic].” In order not to offend most Christians, the game will have to leave the biblical narrative intact and only allow interactivity in the narrative gaps in the biblical text, making the game pote…

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Hoax Underscores Urgency for LGBT People in Uganda

…pology for perpetuating the false story: To say that knowing that this web site helped to propagate that hoax is humiliating would be an understatement. We’ve worked hard at BTB in establishing our credibility, and I believe that a key component of that is also to maintain an atmosphere of transparency and accountability when we get it wrong. The more profound damage, Burroway fears, however, is that this hoax will damage the fight for LGBT rights…

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Back to Basics: Feminism 101

…g the conversation about feminisms in Islam that the negativity on the Web site might not give the full impression. That entry was tweeted and re-tweeted around the world. But for some respondents, my failure to succumb to their negativity in my choice both to be Muslim and to be feminist (as in Islamic feminist not secular) was contestable. Since mine is a choice: both my Islam and my feminism, I am not in need of some one else’s definition nor d…

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How A Cat Saved My Life

…l Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky, even wondered in an article on his Web site why there was “no one to step between (Rutgers student) Tyler Clementi and that bridge.” The death of Clementi and five other kids, who were either gay or perceived as such, would be a wonderful opportunity for Mohler to show some real compassion, or perhaps even cop to Christianity’s culpability in their deaths; but he makes no such effort as he writes about the suici…

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