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Why South Korea (and the US) Use Amusement Parks to Push Creationism

…cans occupy multiple social collectives, and likely hold shifting opinions about human origins. The statement, “Human beings have developed over millions of years from less advanced forms of life, but God guided this process,” allows one to have good science without necessarily getting rid of religion. It does so by turning God into something like an invisible hand, deferred to the Big Bang or some alternate plane of existence. Second, “myths” bri…

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Quiz: How Would Jesus Respond to the Evolution Question?

…gy and science and how he came to believe what he believes. He also talked about love. I can’t accept Daly’s stark, one-or-the-other view of science and theology. But I can’t reject his insistence that if the science-religion debate is not grounded in love, it will amount to only so much sound and fury, signifying nothing. But what does love look like? For me, it looks like Jesus. And Jesus could be pretty rough on people, especially when he smell…

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Huntsman, the End-of-Empire Conservative

…d discuss Huntsman a good deal, Dougherty’s piece provided an excellent framework for broadening the conversation to the current state of the GOP, dominionism, science denialism, and just how much candidates should be probed about their religion. Watch:…

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Scopes Redux DOA Pending Expert Input

…would require teachers to be helped “to find effective ways to present the science curriculum as it addresses scientific controversies.” It also says that teachers may not be prohibited from “helping students understand, analyze, critique and review in an objective manner the scientific strengths and scientific weaknesses of existing scientific theories covered in the course being taught.” Those “controversial” theories would include, “Biological…

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Record Number of Stealth Creationism Bills Introduced in 2011

…creationists’ persecution complex and oft-repeated talking point that the science community discriminates against ID research.  But as we all know, there is no such thing as ID research, which has not yet produced one single legitimate peer reviewed paper. But that doesn’t keep its proponents and gullible lawmakers from whining that science is mean to them. As NCSE points out, an example of this supposed persecution was exemplified in Ben Stein’s…

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Can Mormon Glenn Beck Unite the Christian Right?

…powerful counter-discourse. A potent mix of religious doctrine and social science, the [Christian Right’s] ‘new family theology’ is anchoring its ‘natural family’ politics, domestically and internationally.” The quasi-scientific focus also makes sense as a hedge against interdenominational conflict, as the culture war goals of this coalition are de-sublimated: translated from biblical mandate to scientific instructions for better living through t…

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Merry Kitzmas! Marking An Evolutionary Victory

…ll a beautiful success story. The national coverage taught a lot of people about the significance of evolution and how it got us here today. More importantly, it seems to have engaged the science education community to develop ways to address the teaching of evolution more directly. Today, evolution education has gained prominence with a host of new teaching programs. Certainly in the case of Dover, teachers in the school district there were timid…

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The Magic of the Higgs Boson Particle

…held notion that the more we learn about the universe (or better, the more science teaches us about the universe), the less use we’ll have for religious and supernatural concepts. An apocryphal story illustrates this train of thought: Napoleon supposedly asked Pierre Laplace, a famed late 18th and early 19th century French scientist, why the word “God” hadn’t appeared in his Celestial Mechanics. “Sir,” Laplace is supposed to have responded, “I hav…

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Chicken or Egg? Now We Know…

…, “Hey fancy pants scientists, this proves the Bible is literally true and science is stupid.” As it is said in Genesis 1:20: And God said, “Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the sky.” Here’s what young earth creationist Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis had to say about the articles: Well, the secular world is catching up to what the Bible has taught all along. At our student assemblies…

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Atheists are Americans Too, Vuvuzelas, Etc.

…n religion and science and the American Association for the Advancement of Science continues to seek dialogue between science and religion. University of Colorado psychologist Tor D. Wager grew up in the Church of Christ, Scientist and is now a scientist trying to explain the placebo effect — including religious healing.  In July, Boston’s World Future 2010 conference will offer predictions for the future of religion through demographic data. Whil…

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