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Israel-Hamas is Not a Religious War and This is Not Your Rapture

…evangelical Christian leaders to make this part of their apocalypse is not about loving Israel or mourning the dead—it’s about calling forth their own religious desires into being, desires that demand violence and blood and sacrifice of others, so that they, from the comfort of their homes, can achieve their vision of a happy ending. As the Israeli military moves into the Gaza Strip, those calls from the United States get ever more explicit, takin…

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Mike Johnson isn’t Just Your Average Christian Right Avatar — He’s Influenced by Fringe Movements Unfamiliar to Most Political Analysts

…outrageous claim, this didn’t stop Johnson from continuing to spread lies about the election being stolen. When pressed about his pivotal role in the attempts to overturn a democratic election, Republicans were not pleased. “You helped lead the effort to overturn the election results,” ABC reporter Rachel Scott said at a press conference, directed at Johnson. Elected Republican representatives gathered behind him began jeering, with North Carolin…

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Coming Out Twice: Sexuality and Gender in Islam

…    That said, marriage itself is a bourgeois institution that is as much about property, child legitimacy, and taxation as it is about love. Not everyone who is LGBTIQ will find fulfillment in marriage, even if it is legalized. It is one thing to advocate that LGBTIQ people should be able to marry… and it is quite another to claim that they must or that they should be married!  Still, in the current climate of the USA, it is crucial to fight for…

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Is ‘Beyond Doubt’ Correct About the Decline of Religion? Yes… Sort Of.

…provide an emphatic response that encourages us to shift the way we think about religion and, accordingly, about secularization: The idea that religion belongs to supernaturalists is ignorant, backward, and offensive . . . Are we supposed to believe that those who pledge submission to an ethereal supernatural deity hold their values more deeply than we do? Are we supposed to concede that only the superstitious are rightful recipients of religious…

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Trump’s Fear and Loathing Won’t Silence The Nation’s Sole LGBT Muslim Organization

…while traveling both internationally and within the U.S., I’m very worried about my son’s upcoming travel. I’m also very concerned about changes the Trump administration may make to healthcare policy, [as] transgender identities are often medicalized and require both physical and mental healthcare during and after transition. Like many trans people, my response to Trump’s election has been to do everything in my power to make sure my identity docu…

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You’re Using It Wrong: Rachel Held Evans Returns to the Bible

…hese weighed on my mind to the point that I started to question everything about my faith. I’ve written a lot about that—it’s been the main story that I have shared throughout different iterations in my writing career. For this book, I wanted to focus on the Bible because I feel like it’s only been in the last few years that I’ve been able to get back to the Bible and really to love it again—not just tolerate it or deal with a faith crisis every t…

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Warships, Animals, Pubs Eligible For Blessings From Church of England, But Not Same-Sex Couples; Global LGBT Recap

…ory requirements when it comes to being a good mother. Taiwan: Documentary about woman’s relationship with lesbian mother wins a Teddy Hui-chen Huang’s documentary about her relationship with her lesbian mother won Best Documentary at the 2017 Teddy Awards at the Berlin Film Festival. The Teddy Award is the festival’s official award for LGBT-themed films. “We come from Taiwan, a small but beautiful island, which may soon become the first country i…

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RD10Q: Holy Hullabaloos: A Fun Book on Church and State

…-read it is Then We Came to the End by Joshua Ferris. Brilliant, hilarious, moving, and written mostly in the first person plural. What’s your next book? Either a book called The Odd Clauses: Twelve Parts of the Constitution You May Not Know About But Should, about some of the really weird and obscure but yet important provisions of our founding document, or a novel about a Supreme Court Justice who converts to Taoism in the middle of the most imp…

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One in Eight Biology Teachers Creationists

…offending religiously fundamentalist students and their families. From LiveScience: Only 28 percent of high school biology teachers followed the National Research Council and National Academy of Sciences recommendations on teaching evolution, which include citing evidence that evolution occurred and teaching evolution thematically, as a link between various biology topics.  As one Michigan biology teacher infuriatingly told researchers, ”I don’t t…

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Freshwater Becomes Martyr in 3…2…1…

…ion of the cross-burning incident is made, is predictable: Good historical science is based on correct knowledge of the past. The Bible provides this knowledge as it is the history book of the universe; any ideas about the past apart from the Bible are simply based on the opinion of man who was not there. Georgia Purdom, the writer of the piece, concludes by demonstrating AIG’s contempt for the First Amendment and religious freedom: But I encourag…

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