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Newt Gingrich Visits the “Holy Ghost Bartender”

…ngs that assault or undermine orthodox, biblical Christianity” to televangelist watchdog Ole Anthony of the Trinity Foundation. Anthony called the high produced by Browne’s revival “a phony euphoria,” adding, “What happens to these converted people when the crusade packs up and leaves town? They get depressed. They get confused. So all they can do is wait for the next one so they can go back and get another fix.” CRI’s Hank Hanegraff, also known a…

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Why Rick Santorum Can’t Just Say: God Doesn’t Want You To Be Gay

…reasons that straight couples do, with pleasure being pretty far down the list—behind, say, love, companionship, taking care of one another, societal recognition, raising children, and so on. Santorum’s ignorant comment (one of many, of course) assumes, incorrectly, that homosexuality is a (changeable, optional) predilection of the gonads, rather than an orientation of the heart. Lust, not love. Likewise, Alan Chambers, President of Exodus Intern…

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In 2012 Bishops Join Fight to Repackage Discrimination as ‘Religious Freedom’

…really want is the right to use government to shove conservative/fundamentalist/ultra-orthodox social views down everyone else’s throats.”  Investigations Have Begun The investigations have already started on Capitol Hill, where Republicans’ ears are cocked for controversies they can gin up to paint the Obama administration as anti-religion. In his Congressional testimony, the USCCB’s Lori laid out a list of grievances, nearly all related to repro…

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Manhattan Declaration Asks: What If Jesus Had Been Aborted?

…birth is questionable (would your parents have met?). The post goes on to list a number of world events, inventions, and creations that the writer claims never would have happened if Jesus had been aborted, including: there would have been no Cathedrals in Europe, no Sistine Chapel, and “further, no Vatican at all;” Bach and Mozart wouldn’t have been as awesome as they were; Columbus wouldn’t have discovered America; “the Constitution, the Bill o…

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In Praise of Mary Magdalene

…in the best Magdalenian style, wrote in the early 1970s: It was as a socialist, and because I was a socialist, that I fell in love with America. In saying that I am not indulging in romantic nostalgia about youthful days on the road but rather underlining a crucial political truth. If the Left wants to change this country because it hates it, then the people will never listen to the Left and the people will be right. To be a socialist—to be a Mar…

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The Pope, The Chef & Krampus: Merry Yikesmas!

…ogue of the transgressions of preschoolers. As a teacher moved through the list, the doors would bang and shake, and the two nuns charged with guarding them would pretend that they could hardly keep the doors closed, so vile were the children’s sins, so great was the wrath of Krampus. “That was much scarier than if he were there,” Benedict said, “because what you only imagine, what has not yet happened, is much more dangerous than what you can act…

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What was Pants to Church Sunday Really About?

…tly gender-segregated customs of Mormonism are—like unwritten Sunday dress codes—traditional rather than doctrinal and human rather than inspired. It was also an opportunity to start a conversation about traditional gender inequalities in a community where feminism has been unnecessarily stigmatized as an excommunicable offense.  (And for the record, it is not.) Because really, it’s not pants or the right to wear pants that tops the list of Mormon…

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Are Liberals Too “Special” to Go to Church?

…ed war, coercive religious conversion, and colonialism perhaps topping the list of ills) imago dei theology is also at the root of liberal ideas of the dignity and worth of each person. Could it also be, among more liberal Nones, at least, that the very theologies that highlighted their uniqueness as “God’s special creations” invite them see themselves as profoundly different from the those in the faith communities in which they were raised? Thoug…

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Global Islam, the Year in Headlines

…of massive change, both progressive and regressive, in global Islam. This list, in links and headlines, just skims the surface—but every one of these topics bears watching in 2013. 1. A US Army report confirms over 1,000 copies of the Qur’an and other Islamic Sacred Texts Burnt in Afghanistan by the US military. 2. YouTube Video “Innocence of Muslims” ignites protests in the Muslim world setting deep divisions between interfaith communities and l…

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Noah vs. 1929 Epic Noah’s Ark

…29. Called Noah’s Ark, it was directed by Michael Curtiz, whose impressive list of credits would later include Casablanca. Like the new film directed by Darren Aronofsky, it was ridiculously expensive to make and plagued by production disasters. The similarities don’t quite end there, but it’s the differences that may be most illuminating. First off, a disclaimer: I have not seen an advance screening of Noah, nor have I seen Noah’s Ark. Regarding…

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