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In the Lewinsky Redux, a Religious Message

…ate someone who preyed on women working under him in the workplace. At the Washington Monthly, Ed Kilgore has a theory< There is, however, a meta-message here that is worth thinking through. Many conservatives sincerely believe that abandonment of a stoutly patriarchal society has been a disaster for women: they’ve lost the stability of “traditional marriage,” the presumption men will be held accountable for their material welfare, the chivalric a…

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Inside the Rubio-Cruz Battle for Evangelical Voters

…n the conspiratorial specter of sharia law. As David Weigel reports at the Washington Post, Rubio, when asked by an Iowa voter about sharia law coming to America, “swiftly pronounced that this was ‘not going to happen.’” Cruz’s reaction to a voter question about the prospect of sharia courts was to claim “there have been instances” and to promise to “do whatever is necessary to prevent” sharia law from coming to America. The Rubio supporters are c…

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Sydney’s Anglican Diocese Gives $1 Million To ‘No’ Campaign on Marriage; and more in Global LGBT Recap

…ears.” In Indonesia, where some Muslim leaders are promoting polygamy, the Washington Post’s Vincent Bevins reported from Indonesia, where “radical Islamists” have been “playing a larger role” in politics, and where police recently detained nearly five dozen men in a mass arrest: In Indonesia, the world’s largest Muslim-majority nation, homosexuality is legal and the state largely stays out of issues of private morality. But as conservative religi…

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Time for Mormons to Come to Terms with Church History

Within the last day, the Washington Post, Reuters, and religion reporter Peggy Fletcher Stack of the Salt Lake Tribune have all addressed the growing incidence of disaffiliation among LDS Church members for whom the digital age has brought new access to conflicting perspectives on Mormon history and doctrine—scrutiny that is certain to intensify if Romney gets the GOP nomination. It’s not uncommon for LDS people to grow up in contexts where most…

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Court Agrees: Fed Gov Must Recognize Same-Sex Marriages

…marriage equality law before voters. According to one blog, “Marylanders for Marriage Equality has revealed, however, that the race-baiting organization ‘National Organization for Marriage’ has financed most of this operation.” In the state of Washington, forces gathering petitions in the to overturn the state’s new marriage equality law say they have more than enough signatures to qualify for the ballot. And if that does happen, Washington Mormon…

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Rev. Sun Myung Moon Dead at 92

…f a coronation ceremony for Rev. Sun Myung Moon, owner of the conservative Washington Times newspaper and UPI wire service, who was given a bejeweled crown by Rep. Danny K. Davis, D-Ill. Afterward, Moon told his bipartisan audience of Washington power players he would save everyone on Earth as he had saved the souls of Hitler and Stalin—the murderous dictators had been born again through him, he said. In a vision, Moon said the reformed Hitler and…

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Sally Quinn Declares Romney Debate Winner for Mentioning God

In the Washington Post’s On Faith section, Sally Quinn, whose last noticed piece of writing was a much-ridiculed lament about the decline of the Washington power dinner party, is out this afternoon with quite possibly one of the most slipshod treatments of religion in the presidential campaign to date. Mitt Romney, writes Quinn, “owned” the debate because he stated that “We’re all children of the same God,” endowed by a “Creator.” You don’t have…

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If Muslims Stop Drinking Will They Become Violent?

If the Washington Post’s deceptively titled article, ‘Rise of a Bosnian Mayor With Headscarf Challenging Assumptions about Islam,’ is the best our major media can do, then perhaps it’s good they’re dying. The title’s half the length of a tweet and it happens to do everything but challenge assumptions about Islam. It shouldn’t be hard to make this one of those feel-good, informative, on-the-ground, we-get-you-a-perspective-no-one-else-can-because-…

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“Simmering anger may drive religious right back to polls”

…ding-dang government tells him, blah blah blah. Every election season, the Washington Times dusts off their file and runs the same story with enough updated quotes to gull the unsuspecting into believing it’s news. It’s like Pravda, except owned by the Moonies and hemorrhaging money. I will however point out one particular section of the piece: Mr. Dobson initially endorsed Mr. Paul’s opponent, but switched his backing in the days before the prima…

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DeSantis is a No-Show, the Right’s ‘Secret Sauce,’ and Final Thoughts on Pray Vote Stand

…he gives us his biblical worldview spin: the person who’s right about the number is the person who knows who made the number and for what purpose. Neither person in the meme can know the truth of whether it’s a six or a nine until the author of the meme tells them. In other words, while there might be many worldviews, only God can truly tell us the truth of the world. Thus the only worldview that’s correct is the one that acknowledges God made th…

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