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What’s Islamophobia, and Do I Have It?

…eliberate or unintentional, used in the past to justify genocide, and used today to bully, circumscribe, panic, or oppress.  Americans deserve better. Certainly bigotry is profoundly contrary to the values we aspire to. More pragmatically, Islamophobia is just plain bad for America. If we want to understand Islam, we should have accurate information—we wouldn’t want those who keep our country safe relying on people who have no idea what they’re ta…

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Russian Attack on LGBTs at UN Rejected; Gay Cake Controversy Rages in N. Ireland; Bishop Calls for Marriage Referendum in Puerto Rico; Global LGBT Recap

…ay well want to get your own back. But there is more at work here. The BBC Today programme on Monday brought on Patrick Strudwick, who is the LGBT editor of Buzzfeed. Mr Strudwick was made furiously righteous by the fact that Dolce himself is gay. His attitude proved, he said, “the internalised homophobia of gay people”, for which (of course) society is to blame. “Their subconscious is kind of poisoned”: gays who think that a child is best brought…

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Romney Accuses Obama of Stifling Religious Liberty

…vision on Americans who believe that they should not have their religious freedom taken away. This is the same Mitt Romney who could barely utter a word about religious freedom for his own faith when it was under assault by some of his fellow conservatives. Now that he’s expected to be his party’s nominee, he feels compelled to take up its most potent religion crusade this year: the claim that religious institutions who are opposed to contracepti…

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The New Age Fantasy of a Celtic Church that Revered Nature and the Divine Feminine Never Existed — So What?

…dley in Celtic Christianity: Making Myths and Chasing Dreams explains that today the myth of a Celtic Church attracts “New Agers, post-modernists, liberals, feminists, [and] environmentalists.” While it’s true that many of these groups’ tales of their own origins are mythic—as with any religion, denomination, or sect—the mythic has always served a purpose: to generate usable history, helpful fiction. While Arnold J. Toynbee in the second volume of…

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Why Did an Antisemitic Christian Zionist Have the Chutzpah to Declare That He’d Be Leading a Holocaust March?

…ok suggests another story. In 2017 Shannon Nuszen, a former missionary who today works to counter Christian missionary activity in Israel, described the “gut wrenching feeling” she experienced at Evans’ Friends of Zion Museum. Geared towards a Christian Zionist audience, the museum’s exhibits featured coded appeals to missionary activity and celebrations of “deathbed evangelism,” where missionaries target lonely, vulnerable and impoverished Holoca…

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What Does a Moral Economy Look Like for the 99 Percent?

…of utilitarian “rent-a-collar” approach that is common in movement circles today), but rather political and economic demands that are made on the basis of a moral foundation. It will take wrenching change to transform today’s labor movement. It requires us to think about the labor movement as a moral force in society, not just an economic actor. One of the key lessons from Sea-Tac is that the elements of this new social movement union are everywhe…

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Aliens To Arrive in Alabama Today!

…lded 50,200 hits at last check, and YouTube contains dozens of videos that promote the October 14 prophecy and speculates on its import—one asks believers to carry their cameras today to record proof of the visitation. Equally significant, mediums channeling different extraterrestrial beings have chimed in, claiming that they have received their own confirmations of this evening’s cosmic denouement. Not all the attention appears to have been good….

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The War Within: Religion and Our Tangled Relationship with Our Bodies

…m and general aversion towards disabled bodies that’s prominent in society today. To give another example, the very idea of a “good body,” which is conventionally defined as young, thin, pain-free, and able-bodied, reflects historical Christian associations between mastery of the flesh and virtue. In addition, some of the stories on which I draw to illustrate these connections—stories of people with non-conforming bodies—are quite entertaining ins…

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Exvangelical TikTokkers Aren’t a Sign of the End Times, But Here’s What Evangelicals Need to Understand About ‘The Falling Away’

…opened his sermon by saying: How many of you know we’ve got a few problems today? In fact, I can’t remember a time ever like this, maybe even in the history that I’ve read when so much is up for grabs in our culture. And today I want to talk with you about “The Falling Away.” Throughout the sermon, which is available to stream on demand on his church’s Facebook page, he would go on to vilify the terms “deconstruction” and “exvangelical” and those…

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The Surprisingly Short History of Popular Yoga

…social justice is alive and well among many practitioners of postural yoga today. In the popular imagination, we tend to imagine yoga as a luxury activity primarily embraced by white suburbanites. Yoga has become a part of popular culture and brand-name yoga commodities are easily accessible among privileged communities across the world. And for a large number of yoga advocates, the claim to possess knowledge of yoga is closely related to the ques…

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