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Despite Reports, GOP Has Not ‘Turned on Trump’ For Call to Terminate the Constitution — Fascism isn’t a Dealbreaker for Today’s GOP

…e Republicans have condemned Trump—but they largely have no future left in today’s Republican Party. Mike Pence might be the most disliked man in the country both on the Right and the Left, no matter how often Fox News tries to make him seem beloved by everyone. Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger won’t be in the next Congress because their conservatism isn’t right-wing enough for the GOP anymore, and John Bolton, apart from having no position of influe…

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Tattoos, Cremation, Personal Spirituality: The Jewish World in Transformation

…of personal spirituality has had on organized American Judaism. Americans today feel much freer to explore ceremonial and ritual practices that intrigue them regardless of what their community thinks of those particular ideas. This has allowed Jews to move in a number of different directions, including seemingly contradictory ones. I found some of these contradictory impulses fascinating. For example, there have been a lot more young Jewish peopl…

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God and the Gay Christian: An Interview with Matthew Vines

…esn’t translate to why gay Christians want to be in same-sex relationships today. It’s not that Paul was backwards, ignorant or wrong, Paul just wasn’t even talking about gay people. What we are discussing today, then, is the marriage issue, so how do you begin to move conservatives toward accepting that? After my video was released there were those who said, “Even if you’re right and the Bible doesn’t talk about gay and lesbian people of today, w…

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Trump to Meet with Controversial Televangelist Today

…for Trump to meet a group of about two dozen Christian pastors in New York today. According to CBN, White arranged the meeting on her own initiative, and the meeting is closed to the public. White herself is no stranger to controversy, as she was a target of the Grassley televangelist investigation (with which she refused to cooperate). Last month, speaking at a conference organized by her mentor T.D. Jakes, White defended her refusal to cooperate…

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Future of Liberal Religion: A Counterculture Blooms?

…ideas proclaimed by the most visible of the evangelicals in American life today.” Harry Emerson Fosdick’s noted 1922 sermon “Shall the Fundamentalists Win?” could serve as a potential model, Hollinger offers, suggesting that “the salient solidarity today may not be with the community of faith but among those who accept Enlightenment-generated standards for cognitive plausibility.” This is attractive advice for Protestants who dream of a revitaliz…

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Christians v. Gays: The Damage Done

…guments and strategies that have failed in the court of public opinion and today in the Supreme Court. Many are already arguing about the great damage that will be done to marriage with today’s decisions. I would suggest that a more important damage to Christian witness in American culture has already been done, not by the Supreme Court but by the Christian activists; and not just today but for a generation or more. And that damage will intensify…

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Contrary to Popular Narrative the Supreme Court’s ‘303’ Decision Gutting Civil Rights Laws is not About an Individual Standing Up For Her Beliefs

…inate against LGBTQ people. In 2018, a bakery did the discriminating while today’s decision involves a website design business. The same Christian nationalist legal outfit, Alliance Defending Freedom, is the driving force behind both cases. The same ADF lawyer attacked the same civil rights statute with the same First Amendment arguments in both cases (though the majority focused on speech this time, conspicuously avoiding freedom of religion). Th…

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South Park Meets the Sacraments at Class for New Catholics

…he sad state of the world. “To be Catholic—or to be a part of any religion today—is counter-cultural,” he says. “Today, people’s religion is shopping and games. What goes on at the Superbowl is like a liturgy.” The “secular churches of the mall and the stadium” he refers to are a real grievance. Shea tells me about a Jesuit priest at Boston College who would say to his students “Who is your God? I’ll tell you who your God is. Tell me what you spen…

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No, Trump’s Evangelical Support Isn’t Cracking: The ‘Independent’ Jumps the Shark

…le, when, in discussing evangelical pushback against outgoing Christianity Today editor Mark Galli’s December 2019 op-ed, “Trump Should Be Removed from Office,” Geddis remarks, “That letter rebuking the Christianity Today editorial was signed not only by leaders of typical evangelical organisations, but also by political figures such as former Republican Congresswoman Michele Bachmann and a number of prosperity-gospel televangelists.” Meanwhile, G…

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Pop-Eye: Meat The Wrestler

…bsolute devotion to the sex, violence, and drugs of the film. Christianity Today’s review makes one wonder why they even reviewed it in the first place, as it seems to indicate the film has nothing to do either with “Christianity,” or “today” for that matter. More specifically, it’s curious how few religiously-oriented reviewing outlets were able to see possible symbolic references to, say, Abraham and Isaac, Jesus, or others. So, I’m left wonderi…

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