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Speaker Mike Johnson to Allow Privately Run National Prayer Breakfast into the Heart of the Capitol

…the politics of individual board members “play no role” in its decisions. News of the new venue came in a Jan. 15 email to members of Congress. Heitkamp and fellow board member former Rep. Randy Hultgren (R-IL) provided members with new details on the event and location. (Hultgren is a longtime Family insider who has met with anti-LGBTQ+ leaders on trips paid for by The Family.) In their email, Heitkamp and Hultgren announced that the NPB Foundat…

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The Collapse of the American Jewish Center

…that conversation. Danny Blinderman, a regional co-chair for J Street U’s New England region, charged in the New York Jewish Week that American Jewish communal leaders have failed to provide “meaningful support” for a two-state solution. “It is time for our leaders to rally around the cause of peace with at least as much fervor as they have around Israel’s latest war,” he wrote. Simone Zimmerman, a former president of the National Student Board o…

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Yale Clings to Racist Legacy… And Cash. Lots of Cash.

…context in which the Yale Corporation voted, in May 1931, to name the then-new college for the South Carolinian serpent, was charged with anti-black resentment in New Haven. In March 1930 Herbert Hoover had appointed an openly white-supremacist judge to the Supreme Court. That nominee narrowly lost a Senate confirmation vote in May, but in July of that same year W.E.B. Du Bois, writing in the NAACP’s Crisis, listed all the senators who had voted i…

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Istanbul ‘Haven of Sorts’ For LGBT Syrians and Iraqis; Cayman Islands Affirm Marriage Ban with ‘Holy Bible Evidence’; No Room for LGBTs in Malaysia’s ‘Islam-Based’ Human Rights Policy; Global LGBT Recap

…LGBT book ban seen as part of struggle over Church’s social influence The New York Times’ Elisabetta Povoledo reported this week on moves by the new conservative mayor of Venice, Luigi Brugnaro, to ban 49 children’s books from preschool libraries. There is the story of the male dog who aspired to be a ballerina. The one about the little boy who wanted to be a princess, and a princess who wanted to be a soccer player. The tale of the penguin egg h…

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With the Death of One of the Last Three Shakers, an American Religious Tradition Takes a Step Closer to Extinction

…s an opportunity to make the world new. As Mother Ann would reflect on her new home in upstate New York, “I saw a large tree, every leaf of which shone with such brightness as made it appear like a burning torch, representing the Church of Christ, which will yet be established in this land.” Like so many other heterodox religious communities that proliferated in early America, Lee saw in the continent an opportunity for remaking society in a more…

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Bristol Palin’s New Book Reveals Heterosexual Agenda

…s in which they raise their morally incorruptible offspring. But Bristol’s new book belies the true agenda of the heterosexual, according to Burroway. Heterosexuals say they are the true defenders of American values, but the truth is “heterosexual militants have embarked on a systematic assault on American values.” We see this in Bristol’s story as she systematically undermines the American values of sobriety, virginity, sex only within marriage,…

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New Study: Motivation Doesn’t Improve Group Success

…erage or maximum individual intelligence’ in that group. There’s something new, some emergent property, about being in a group—if the group works. That’s a big if. We’ve all been in groups—whether religion-based or otherwise—that drive us nuts. What makes for a group that works, a group with high collective intelligence? Woolley and friends find that some of the kinds of things you’d expect to improve collective intelligence don’t (including the m…

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Capricology: Week 2: The Soul of a Robot

…erate outburst. Even as the Zoe/Avatar/Cylon (ZAC) itself struggled with a new identity (“Do I look male?”) and old/new ways of being in the world (bite enemies, hug friends), she was seen for herself by one whose sight could be trusted. Did you catch the family dog snuggling contentedly at ZAC’s feet? Animals don’t lie; at least not on television. This was a come-to-Lassie moment. What makes us human? And why do we assume that being human constit…

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New Poll: Millennials Suspicious of Mormonism

…bout religion in the 2012 presidential race, it does provide some striking new data about perceptions of Mormonism among younger voters. Here are the familiar findings: About 40% of Americans are at least somewhat uncomfortable with the idea of a Mormon president. More Democrats (50%) report discomfort with an LDS president than Republicans (36%) or Independents (38%). About half of white evangelicals say we’re not Christian. Two-thirds of America…

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“The Gift of Gay”: Father Matthew Kelty, Confessor to Thomas Merton, Dies at 96

…ver failed to offer a well-timed word of comfort. He was his own man, and knew his own mind, but from that quiet stillness and firmness of purpose—he was able to gaze out upon a wider and far more unstable world of human forms. Born Charles Richard Kelty Jr., in South Boston (in 1915, just like Merton), his parents were no artists. His father was an engineer and a machinist from New Jersey; he was arguably the most precocious of their four childre…

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