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What ‘Faith Groups Do X’ Journalism Reveals About the Press’s Priorities

…e press promotes democracy and pluralism. And many journalists do, to give credit where it’s due. Most journalists are not elite pundits, and working in the media is often neither easy nor lucrative. Even so, when the press promotes certain groups and voices on the basis of their religious identity, while erasing the contributions of secular Americans and former members of hardline religious groups, it is failing to fulfill its ideal democratic ro…

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If the Media Are Reluctant to Properly Label the GOP’s Racist, Christian Nationalist Ideologies, We’ll Have Trouble Hanging on to Democracy

…spectacular understatement … pox on both your houses … giving both parties credit for solving problems entirely created by Republicans … [and] denial and gaslighting” among his list of journalistic sins, and he has the receipts to back them up. He calls on incoming New York Times editor in chief Joe Kahn to listen to the paper’s critics on these issues. Kahn, however, has already given a strong indication that he won’t change the paper’s approach…

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Reconsidering Reagan’s Racism: Trump is the Culmination of The Gipper’s GOP

…t dog-whistled to white nationalism so much as he’s supplied it with a megaphone, Reagan, like other recent Republican presidents, especially George W. Bush, has benefitted from a historical nostalgia that imagines a kinder, gentler GOP in the modern era, particularly on matters of race. In this telling, Trump is an aberration of the American presidency and an apostate of traditional conservatism. Mythmaking of Reagan by #NeverTrump Republicans, a…

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It’s the Theology, Stupid: Why the Shocking SBC Report is Anything But Surprising

…o seek abortions, women who hold positions of leadership (or simply desire credit for the work they actually do), or even in this case, sexual abuse. It’s like, our [Christian] way of doing “it,” no matter how wrong or harmful, is still more redeemed somehow, so therefore we don’t need to regulate who leads our churches, or how people decide whether or not this church is “safe” for them. “Evil” is individualized through sin. So long as “bad apples…

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Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Red/Blue ‘National Divorce’ Looks an Awful Lot Like a Confederate Flag

…be impossible to coordinate relatively simple measures like full faith and credit (the Constitution’s guarantee that states abide by one another’s judicial proceedings), or any degree of federal election necessary to her example, among countless other details. It would be equally impossible to imagine an economic landscape of shifting nation-states with conflicting values collectively operating, no matter the insistence that “interstate trade, tra…

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Dragged Through the Mud: This Little Church-Backed Support Group for LGBTQ Teens Suffered Bomb Threats, Smears and the Cancellation of its Drag Show

…ot meetings and events who spoke with RD hold the group in high regard and credit it with improving their children’s quality of life. The Landing Spot’s planned 2023 youth drag show was nothing new for the group, which previously hosted two similar events. The performances raise money to send local queer kids to a summer camp—Camp Fruit Loop—where they can simply be themselves and be supported. Each past show easily sold out, which prompted the gr…

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Neighborhood sign reads: Stop Teaching Critical Race Theory To Our Kids.

Uncovering the (White) Christian Roots of Slavery, Native American Genocide, and Ongoing Efforts to Erase History

…ch great lengths not to count African American history as a high school AP credit. In the state of Arkansas… and in Florida they’re doing some very similar things [to cover up the treatment of African American and Indigenous people by White Christians]. These are fairly extreme responses. And I think they’re—maybe the better word is desperate—responses to kind of keep it covered up, right? Because I think if it all sees the light of day it’s, it’s…

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President Joe Biden at a podium with a microphone in hand.

Biden’s Embrace of ‘Victory Culture’ is a Victory for Toxic White Christianity

…his best path to reelection, given how the voters refuse to give him much credit for a rebounding job-rich economy. Politicians do what politicians do. No one should be surprised that Biden would even stoop to discounting the credibility of the health ministry of Gaza on civilian deaths. I’m not here to trash Biden but to probe the psychology of the vast numbers of White Americans whose peace of mind appears to rest on the consoling idea of Ameri…

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New Research Suggests That Belief in Demons May Help Explain Christian Support of Trump

…came across the book in 2001, and had no idea that this schlocky, paint-by-numbers thriller had sold millions of copies and helped create the modern evangelical worldview. What I envy, to a degree, is the way in which this book must have made its readers feel, at least for a while. Whereas the later, and even more popular, Left Behind series issues a threat about the end times, Darkness makes an enticing promise: no matter how powerless a person m…

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Doing a Dukakis (But with Jesus) — Biden Does Not Need to Be More Publicly Christian

…litical context, it is clearly to a substantial degree a proxy for race. I credit this insight to my RD colleague Daniel Schultz, a UCC pastor and political analyst who recently wrote about this issue. While the relationship between race, religion, and voting has always been clear in the data, I’d never thought to put it in exactly these terms. But recognizing that political messages about Christianity are often a proxy for race does not, of cours…

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