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The Critiques of Evangelical Writers Opposing Christian Nationalism Fail to Recognize Evangelicalism’s Troubling History

…of a remarkable generation of young historians who have yet to receive the credit they’re due, so I name some of them here: Darren Dochuk, Matthew Sutton, Anthea Butler, Timothy Gloege, Jesse Curtis, Lerone Martin, J. Russell Hawkins, Stephen Young, Daniel Hummel, Daniel Silliman, and—the only one in this cohort to gain wide media recognition—Kristin Kobes Du Mez, author of the justly famous and marvelously titled, Jesus and John Wayne. Sadly, whi…

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Well, the Harris-Trump Debate Happened — Now Enjoy Your Freedom and Choose Wisely

…t really care either way. Trump had more zingers than people will give him credit for, particularly the “I’m talking now, if you don’t mind, please” line that he weaponized against a Harris interruption—a callback to a line she used in a 2020 debate with Mike Pence. The classic 80s cartoon movie American Tale lied to me about there being “no cats in America,” since I now have confirmation that there are, thanks to Trump peddling a lie about migran…

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Cherry-Picking in the God Gap: A Post-Election Conversation on the Religious Vote and the Battle to Spin it

…the Republican party over Trump, and…it didn’t happen. We’ll see different numbers floating around (there are as many measures of evangelicals as there are demographers), but preliminary indications are that the white evangelical vote for the GOP dipped little, if at all. Chrissy: Well, Dan, I’m thankful to have had the opportunity to publish a fair bit of media criticism over the course…

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How a Stars and Stripes Hijab on ‘Rupaul’s Drag Race’ Reveals America’s Troubling Relationship to Gender, Ethnicity and ‘That’ Religion

…se you’re American, and America is that girl. We knew she was. Cox, to her credit, ignored the bigotry and argued for complexity: “I’m not [religious],” she told Goldblum. “I have my own misgivings about how LGBT people are treated in the Middle East, and at the same time, I am one. But…when the Muslim ban happened, it really destroyed a lot of my faith in this country, and it really hurt my family.” (Jeff Goldblum, open-mouthed, nodded along as C…

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How America Really Lost Its Mind: Hint, It Wasn’t Entirely the Fault of Hippie New Agers and Postmodern Academics

…Foucault, Baudrillard, or Feyerabend, except to condemn. To give Andersen credit, he recognizes the asymmetry of our post-truth world, and locates its probable cause in religion. He writes, But fantastical politics have become highly asymmetrical. Starting in the 1990s, America’s unhinged right became much larger and more influential than its unhinged left. There is no real left-wing equivalent of Sean Hannity, let alone Alex Jones. Moreover, the…

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Pence Campaigns to Southern Baptists, But He May Want to Cool His Trump Jets

…denominations, the SBC remains overwhelmingly white and Southern. To their credit, the Convention disfellowshiped (kicked out) a congregation that demonstrated overt racism. To their demerit, the Convention had to kick that congregation out for demonstrating overt racism. And, as many reports note, the SBC leadership is proudly committed to keeping women out of ordained leadership in its congregations and seminaries. They’ve got a long ways to go,…

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Advice from a Disaster Pastor: Open Your Wallet, Not Your Closet

…that’s needed. Money moves at the speed of electrons: far faster — and far cheaper — than anything that can be loaded onto a semi-trailer. Due to economies of scale — not to mention price breaks wholesalers extend to charities — there’s more bang to every buck contributed directly to a house of worship or relief agency than there is in using the same greenback to buy dog food or diapers. The cost of transportation must always be factored in. Besid…

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Lying Boldly: Louise Hay and the Problem of Religious Science

…y most certainly do claim that positive thinking can do wonders for broken credit. Slipping wishful thinking into Christian camouflage makes the medicine go down easier. I mean, when it’s 1920 and a dude named Paramahansa Yogananda shows up to something he’s calling the Self-Realization Fellowship, you know what you’re dealing with. Likewise, and thanks to hardcore racism, among white people a certain amount of sharp skepticism will likely greet t…

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Religious Conservatives Mobilize Internationally Against Spanish Nondiscrimination Bill; And More in Global LGBT Recap

…ersity’s School of Professional Studies is offering an open enrollment non-credit class on Global LGBT Rights Spain: Religious conservatives oppose proposed nondiscrimination bill The international arm of the U.S.-based conservative Christian legal group Alliance Defending Freedom has called on the Spanish parliament to reject a proposed nondiscrimination bill, claiming that the law would likely have “a significant and detrimental impact on citize…

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“You’re F*cked”: How Pouncing on Mistakes Helps the Right Escape Moral Accountability

…used of. This is hypocrisy of course, but maybe the right deserves partial credit for being hypocritical every single time. At least they’re consistent on that. Brailsford had etched the words “You’re Fucked” onto the AR-15 he used to kill Daniel Shaver, who made one mistake. This fact was not admitted as evidence in the trial. The judge decided it would be prejudicial. Those words are the right’s message for anyone who’s less than perfect, yet da…

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