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Debunking the Myth That Democracy Is “Incompatible” With Islam

…hem. Disenchantment with US policy in the Middle East and the campaign to “promote” democracy under Western military occupation in Iraq, for example, did not dampen the desire of these populations to elect their own representative governments through fair and transparent elections. At the same time, substantial Muslim majorities, male and female, want the Sharia to be at least a source of legislation in their countries, seeing no disjunction betwe…

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United Methodists Elect 1st Gay Bishop; Canadian Anglicans OK Same-Sex Marriage

…ait until it is too late to address the problem, kind of a mistake made by Western ‘democratic’ countries. This western philosophical standpoint serves political rather than social ends, egoistic rather than collective ends and hypocritical rather than reality ends that were meant by whoever created the earth. The overwhelming power of sexual attraction between male and female known to supersede all other forms of sexual attractions throughout the…

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The Ground Zero-Sum Game

…y economic and social problems and the increased numbers and visibility of Western Muslims. But the biggest boost to Islamophobia without question has been the appalling deadly attacks against the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, the lethal bombings in London and Madrid, and the nature of reaction by key Western leaders to these events. Given the deep suspicion of Islam so deeply imbedded in our culture and the horrendous nature of these attac…

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Egyptian President Al-Sisi is a Dictator, Not a Reformer of Islam

…ss death sentences, and political exclusionism have made the nation a popular recruiting ground for Al-Qaeda and ISIS. Rather than engage in fantastical discussions about Al-Sisi’s ability to lead an Islamic religious reformation, Western analysts might seek to promote true democratic reformation in Muslim nations and denounce the repression that creates the conditions under which extremists thrive—even if that democratic reformation comes with an…

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Russia Expels Gay American Pastor, An Epidemic of Anti-LGBT Violence in Brazil, And More in the Global LGBT Recap

…ment sanctioning of slavery. He maintained that the Christian influence in western culture was being eroded and suggested the moral consensus among civilized western societies had come from his religious perspective, a view supported by the local Anglican representative. “What we are seeing today in the West is a huge collapse of the Christian basis for society,” said Bishop Nicholas Sykes, rector of St Alban’s Church of England, adding that peopl…

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Clarion Fund Claims Times Square Bombing Attempt Proof of “Coordinated Jihad Against Western Values”

…ector, Wayne Kopping, a South African neocon – from going on television to promote their work. The film has been promoted by numerous neoconservative, Jewish, and Christian Zionist outlets and activists, and no doubt Iranium will receive the same treatment, particularly if it is released around election time and could be used to question whether the Obama administration is doing enough to combat Tehran’s nuclear ambitions. In the meantime, though,…

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Australia’s Harsh Refugee Policies Stirring Backlash; Malawi Court Sides With Pastors To Lift Moratorium on Sodomy Prosecutions; Uzbek President Says God Has Taken Gays’ Reason Away; Global LGBT Recap

…a televised meeting last week – claiming that homosexuality is a ‘vulgar’ Western invention,” reports Pink News, citing a video translated by Radio Free Europe. “We talk about so-called Western culture. We call it vulgar culture. You know what I mean… “When men live with men and women live with women, I think there must be something wrong up here [points at head]. “Something is broken here. There is a saying: When God wants to reveal someone’s vu…

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Is Islamic Homophobia a Western Import?

…ritual leanings of rural, lower-class Indian Muslims, had no exposure to a Westernized education system, and expressly justified his moral condemnation of same-sex relations according to his well-known Urdu-language interpretation of the Qur’an. On what basis can one claim that, despite all this, Riza Khan had still internalized a specifically Victorian homophobic outlook? Exactly how did it manage to poison the moral worldview of nearly all South…

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Zen and the Art of the Sex Scandal

…rence for life, respect for property, sobriety, etc. all seem identical to Western codes of conduct, they arise differently in Buddhism. The Decalogue was revealed by divine commandment. In Buddhism, there’s no creator deity. Nor is there any central Buddhist institution, such as a Vatican. Rather, in establishing one of humanity’s first monastic orders, the Buddha set forth a matrix and process of conscious behavior (vinaya) based on actual condu…

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Hungarian Mayor Wants to Import White Christians, Ban Muslims & LGBT People; Global LGBT Recap

…alls of the Vatican to legitimize extremist forces that want to bring down Western liberal democracy, Stephen K. Bannon-style. Simply put, the Vatican is facing a political war between the modernizing Pope Francis and a conservative wing that wants to reassert white Christian dominance… Noting that Burke had been demoted by Francis, Symons says, But the virulently anti-Islam (“capitulating to Islam would be the death of Christianity”), migrant-pho…

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