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Orthodox TV Channel Offers Gays One-Way Ticket Out of Russia; And More in Global LGBT Recap

…s’s Jovana Gec: Serbia’s powerful President Aleksandar Vucic nominated the Western-educated Brnabic for the post two weeks ago amid opposition from hard-line nationalists. Gays have regularly faced harassment and attacks in Serbia. Vucic’s move was widely seen as an attempt to calm Western concerns that Serbia is getting too close to Russia, including having enhanced military cooperation and ties, despite its proclaimed goal of joining the Europea…

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Magic in the Air: How Intellectuals Invented the Myth of a Mythless Society

…spirits, and moreover I was doubly skeptical of the notion that the modern Western world had lost its magic. I found myself shifting gears and looking at America and Europe through the eyes of an outsider—with the same sort of gaze often leveled at non-Europeans. When I did so I discovered that the sociological data suggested that the majority of Americans believe in ghosts or demons. Indeed, a surprising 73% of Americans have at least one paranor…

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The Potentially Explosive Russian Church Intrigue Revealed by Mueller Investigation

…ry socio-political vision should not be underestimated. It’s a deeply anti-Western, anti-democratic, and anti-human rights worldview which has already had a significant effect on Russian domestic policy and has helped garner Russia’s recent prestige among radical conservatives around the world—particularly in the West. The “axis between Russian Orthodox and American Evangelicals,” as the Economist calls it, has been well documented, and, as Slate’…

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Among the Problems with Trump’s Proposed Ban: Who is a Muslim?

…tainted by some kind of Muslim heritage. This may sound strange to modern Western readers, in part because we live in a place and time of enormous personal choice, where religious affiliation feels like one flexible part of a curated identity, rather than a fixed inheritance. For a quick reality check: by today’s standards, Blumenbach was no great scientist. In his scholarship, major sources of evidence included the Book of Genesis and the aesthe…

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Struggling With the Legacy of Harold Bloom, Brilliant but Deeply Flawed Critic (1930-2019)

…like Shakespeare: The Invention of the Human, How to Read and Why, and The Western Canon, that’s precisely what he appeared as. A certain shame to that, because for a man clearly so brilliant, so capable of writing that intelligently, and who in his prime could produce readings of literature that the rest of us could only aspire to, there’s a shadow list of his publications that go far beyond the baseball card collecting of The Western Canon. Bloo…

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Bulgaria and Orthodox Church Cancellation of Louvre Exhibit is Classic Authoritarian Move

…rch Kyril of Moscow, that Orthodox Christianity has been reinvented in the Western mind as not only part and parcel of the Christian civilization of the West, but as its sole modern defender; the last holdout of Christendom in the face of an increasingly secularized and immoral Western world. Putin has even proposed that Orthodox Russia is a “bastion of traditional values” that can and must serve as a “moral counterweight” to the United States. Th…

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Can White Jews Still Be White if They’re Reviled By White Supremacists?

…re frequently blamed for economic and social problems. Kivel explains that Western racist science was “set up to demonstrate the physical and thus the moral superiority of white, Western Christian men as represented by their bodies, and inevitably did so, even if the scientists involved had to manipulate or even fabricate the data.” However, this turn towards racism “justified” by the science of the body did not mean an abandonment of condemnation…

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Decolonizing Jewish Studies Part II: A Response to the Backlash

…olars of a historically marginalized Jewish culture tried to claim space. “Western” is suspect and political. It falsely erases the non-“Westernness” of Jewish cultures produced outside of the boundaries conventionally tagged “Western.” Jewish Studies must confront the vestiges of its European founding and its concomitant privileging of the Ashkenazi, European, and white. These prejudices still impact research priorities, curricular expectations,…

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If Kirill’s Bizarre Sermon Blaming War on Pride Parades Comes as a Surprise, it’s Time to Learn the History

…the West. This is a worldview that obviously can seem shocking to those in Western Europe and North America who’ve been taught a very different version of history, one that sees the center of Western power and culture moving from Rome to Madrid to Paris to London to Washington. It is, however, a view of history, not shared by everyone. As we painfully found out in the early part of this century, different civilizations have different narratives of…

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The Russian Patriarch Just Gave His Most Dangerous Speech Yet — And Almost No One in the West Has Noticed

…he sermon online in English and it’s received little coverage by any major Western media outlet (this Reuters article might be the only exception). It’s understandable why. Patriarch Kirill isn’t deploying the familiar rhetoric of the Culture Wars, “gay pride parades,” and Western decadence. He’s speaking in terms of the obscure history of the Christian East, a history largely unknown in the West. But do not be fooled; what he’s saying is extremel…

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